Backpack jammers help Ukraine’s innovative tactics against Russian drones

Since the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the frequency and threat level of FPV drones have continued to rise. These drones are capable of carrying out suicide attacks, posing a huge threat to Ukraine’s military and infrastructure. In response to this challenge, a Ukrainian company called “Kvertus” has developed a portable signal jammer that can be easily loaded into a backpack. It is not only small and flexible, but can also be used directly on the battlefield. This “backpack jammer” has become a powerful weapon for the Ukrainian army to defend against Russian drones.

signal jammer

Technical features of the “backpack jammer”

The “backpack jammer” system mainly works by emitting interference waves in the same frequency band as the drone control signal.cell phone jammer The device consists of two antennas and successfully cuts off the control link of the drone by interfering with the connection between the FPV drone and its control device, thereby deviating from the original target.GPS jammer In particular, the device can simultaneously block six main communication channels, including GPS, making it impossible for the drone to continue flying when it is 250 meters away from the target.Wifi jammer Due to its portability, the operator can carry it with him and quickly deploy it on the front line. This design not only enhances flexibility, but also makes it difficult for the enemy to identify and lock the interference source.drone jammer

Tactical innovation: battlefield application of portable jammers

The Ukrainian army is currently using this equipment on the actual battlefield.GSM jammer Although it is difficult for the outside world to confirm the specific combat effect, the introduction of this innovative jamming technology is undoubtedly an important progress for Ukraine in dealing with the threat of drones. Previously, the Russian army had also deployed similar jamming equipment on tanks to achieve electronic warfare attacks. With the continuous evolution of drones and anti-drone technology on the battlefield, intercepting and jamming drones has become one of the core tasks of combat.

6 Bands Cell Phone Signal

Both sides continue to use electronic warfare advantages to destroy the opponent’s air defense system and clear obstacles for the operation of drones and missiles. Ukraine’s “backpack jammer” fills some of its shortcomings in electronic warfare, especially in terms of mobility and flexibility. This device allows soldiers to easily approach the battlefield and implement precise jamming, avoiding the shortcomings of fixed-position equipment that is easy to be located and destroyed.

3 bands wifi bluetooth signal blocker


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