Kordia Solutions’ Cell Phone Jamming in Prisons: A Game of Technology and Law

In modern society, cell phones have become an integral part of people’s lives. However, the popularity of cell phones has brought new challenges to prison management. Prisoners’ illegal use of cell phones for criminal activities, planning jailbreaks, or other illegal communications poses a serious threat to prison security management. In response to this problem, the New South Wales (NSW) Justice Department in Australia worked with Kordia Solutions to use advanced cell phone jamming technology to effectively curb prisoners’ illegal use of cell phones. This article will explore the application of this technology and its legal and management significance.  cell phone jammer

1. Background and Problems
The illegal use of cell phones in prisons has become a global problem. For example, in California, it is a misdemeanor for prisoners to possess or attempt to smuggle a cell phone into prison, and offenders may be fined $5,000 per device. In Australia, the NSW Justice Department also faces this challenge. To combat this illegal activity, the NSW Justice Department decided to use wireless technology to block wireless technology, that is, to prevent prisoners from using cell phones by installing a cell phone jammer system.

portable jammer

2. Kordia Solutions’ Jamming Technology
Kordia Solutions is a leading network service provider specializing in the design and installation of various communication systems. Under a contract from the NSW Justice Department, Kordia Solutions designed and installed mobile phone jammer systems at two correctional institutions, including Lithgow and Goulburn Correctional Centres. The contract is worth $7.25 million and is intended to continue the jammer trial that began five years ago.

Technical implementation: Kordia Solutions installed a jammer system at Lithgow Correctional Centre, which uses a low-power antenna to emit a jammer signal to prevent mobile devices in the prison from successfully connecting to nearby telephone towers. This technology ensures that mobile phones in the prison cannot communicate normally.

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