“Blocking” mobile phones leads to controversy

The mobile phone is not broken but cannot be dialed, what’s going on? It turns out that there is a device called “mobile phone killer” that forces your mobile phone to block the signal; another bag called “mobile phone rest bag” allows you to actively choose to block the signal. The reporter learned that these two products of different natures are facing different fates: the former has been initially recognized by the market – Nanjing’s Panda Group even plans to sell 30 million yuan this year; the latter has been hiding in the market. “Mobile phone killer”: huge market, legality to be proven. cell phone jammer

“Mobile phone killer” is a nickname for mobile phone signal blockers, and its coverage radius is generally between 20-50 meters, that is, within this range, all mobile phones cannot make outgoing calls or incoming calls. It is understood that the average market price of this type of “mobile phone killer” is about 5,000 yuan. The largest user group is currently gas stations, theaters and libraries. Since these areas are not suitable for using mobile phones, and forced shutdown seems abrupt, they simply use this machine to destroy the signal and make the mobile phone “dumb”. According to preliminary statistics, there are more than 1 million places in China that need mobile phone communication blockers, so more than 10 manufacturers have already entered this attractive market. The emergence of “mobile phone killers” has been warmly welcomed by citizens who suffer from “mobile phone pollution” and managers of specific public places. But soon, legal professionals questioned its legality: whether such mobile phone signal blockers can be used in public places is not stipulated by laws and regulations; and if there is no authorization from laws and regulations, managers of specific public places will set up such equipment on their own, forcibly block personal communications, and deprive individuals of the right to obtain smooth communications, which may also be a problem of infringement. Others are worried that “mobile phone killers” are based on the premise of destroying telecommunications signals. To some extent, they have disrupted the wireless communication order in the region. If they are used by some lawless elements, it will obviously have a counterproductive effect. Therefore, it is called for a monopoly on this “double-edged sword” machine to ensure that it is used in legal ways.

“Mobile phone rest bag”: meets the needs, but vulgarization has hidden concerns

“Mobile phone rest bag” is just a small bag with some nano materials added, but don’t underestimate it. As long as your phone is in the bag, it will enter the “sleep” state. When others call your phone, they will all receive a prompt that “the user you are calling is temporarily out of service area”.
It is reported that the first group of exhausted white-collar workers were happy to accept the “mobile phone rest bag”. “I work in technical support for a foreign company. Although I dress brightly and look very proud all day long, God knows how much pressure I am under. The boss will call me at any time to arrange overtime, and the customer’s call will come in at any time within 24 hours. Sometimes I really hate such advanced technology and communication, because they force me to have no private time and private life except for work. But there is no legitimate reason to turn off the phone directly.” A white-collar worker confessed the original intention of buying it.

However, with the release of the movie “Cell Phone”, another round of “cell phone rest bags” has become extremely popular, which has made the inventor, Tang Tai, chief engineer of Tsinghua University, laugh and cry – because its use has been quickly limited to the vulgar level of private affairs between men and women. “The wife is always tracking, the boss is always asking for overtime. The lover is always asking for a date, the customer is always asking for the bill…” This limerick appeared in the reporter’s mailbox yesterday. It is the beginning of a promotional email. The promotion target is “cell phone rest bags”. Then the email also wrote seriously: the applicable people are those who are threatened by hacker phones, those who do not want to be disturbed by mobile phone ringtones, husbands, wives, lovers…

It is intriguing that the “cell phone rest bags” that are hot-selling online and cost less than 200 yuan are hard to find in real life. A staff member of a large communication market in Nanjing pointed out to reporters this morning that no matter what the purpose of causing oneself to be out of service area is, one thing is certain, those who want to buy “cell phone rest bags” do not want to be too ostentatious, so they would rather choose more secretive online shopping or mail order.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 19:58 | コメントをどうぞ


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