BC restricts the use of mobile phones in public schools: new policy to be implemented in September

BC Premier David Eby recently announced that BC will restrict the use of mobile phones in public schools starting in September this year and take a tougher stance on social media platforms that provide addictive content to children. The move has been supported by cybersecurity experts, who believe it will reduce digital distractions and cyberbullying. However, opposition critics believe that the measure should have been implemented long ago. cell phone jammer

Eby said in a statement released in Surrey that modern children are facing unprecedented challenges, and mobile phones, the Internet and social media, while helping people connect to a certain extent, also bring huge risks. Eby cited his conversations with his nine-year-old son Ezra about cybersecurity, emphasizing that children in school have access to unregulated Internet, which makes it difficult for parents to know what their children are doing online. signal jammer

Important research shows that frequent mobile phone distractions in the classroom, addictive social media platforms, and online predators all pose significant risks to young people. Therefore, BC will require school boards to develop policies to restrict the use of mobile phones before the start of the new school year in September. How to implement these restrictions specifically and how to provide convenience for students with special needs will be decided by individual schools.

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