New Russian Military Strategy in Ukraine Conflict: Drone Jammers on Vehicles

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, the Russian military has begun to adopt new strategies to counter the Ukrainian army’s electronic warfare capabilities.signal jammer In particular, during the fighting in Kherson Province, the Ukrainian army effectively blocked the use of Russian military drones by installing portable jammers. cell phone jammer This strategy had a significant impact on the Russian military, prompting it to take similar jamming measures to protect its drones and other critical equipment.GPS jammer

Ukraine’s Successful Strategy

Before Ukraine successfully crossed the Dnieper River and established a bridgehead on the Russian-controlled left bank, the Ukrainian military was well prepared.Wifi jammer In order to counter Russian drones, the Ukrainian army deployed portable jammers in strategic locations such as the village of Klinki. These jammers are able to prevent the normal flight of drones, giving the Ukrainian army an advantage in the air.

The success of this strategy lies not only in its jamming effect, but also in its operational flexibility. Portable jammers are small and light, and can be easily deployed in front-line combat areas. In this way, the Ukrainian military established partial air superiority and effectively curbed the activities of Russian military drones.

Russia’s response

Faced with Ukraine’s successful tactics, the Russian military has also begun to learn and apply similar jamming measures. Russian attack forces are now increasingly carrying handheld jammers. These jammers are often carried in backpacks for easy carrying. The implementation of this strategy shows Russia’s emphasis on Ukraine’s electronic warfare capabilities and its determination to take similar measures on the battlefield.

Open source intelligence analysts report that more and more Russian military units are using handheld jammers. These jammers can disrupt the signals of Ukrainian military drones, thereby reducing their threat to Russian forces. Although these jammers may have certain effectiveness limitations in actual applications, this response by the Russian military shows that it is constantly adapting and improving its electronic warfare capabilities.

Jammer effectiveness and limitations

Although Russia’s handheld jammers are able to disrupt Ukrainian drone activities to some extent, their effectiveness is not completely reliable. For example, in one attack, the jammers installed on Russia’s MT-LB armored tractor failed to effectively stop the attack of Ukrainian drones. This may be because the jammer’s battery was exhausted or the jammer lost its effectiveness when it was under intense attack.

portable jammer

Russian industry is stepping up production of vehicle-mounted jammers in an effort to improve their effectiveness against drones. These vehicle-mounted jammers, such as the Vonoles jammer, are able to intercept drone command signals at a longer range. However, jammers still face technical challenges, such as how to maintain stability in a strong jamming environment and how to protect the drone’s ability to fly autonomously under jamming conditions.

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