Offensive and defensive game of GPS jamming technology between the United States and Russia

In recent years, the United States and Russia have launched a fierce confrontation in the field of GPS technology, and both sides have continuously upgraded and improved their own technical means to ensure their advantages on the battlefield. As the most mature satellite positioning system in the world, the US GPS system has become an important part of modern military. However, Russia has tried to disrupt the operation of the US GPS system by developing a new electronic jamming system, thereby weakening the US military advantage.

Development of Russian jamming technology

Russia’s latest “Magnetic Field-21″ electronic jamming system is the latest achievement in its electronic countermeasures field. This system can effectively interfere with satellite positioning signals in a certain area and protect important military targets and strategic facilities. GPS jammerThe system is networked through R-340 RP radio jammers and transmitting antennas, with a wide coverage range, and can even affect navigation satellite signals in the entire region. Russian experts said that the “Magnetic Field-21″ system can interfere with the signals of all satellite navigation systems, especially GPS signals.

History of GPS jamming between the United States and Russia

The GPS jamming confrontation between the United States and Russia has a long history. As early as the 1990s, Russia launched early electronic jammers that could interfere with the GPS positioning devices on US early warning aircraft. During the Iraq War, Russian-developed jamming equipment successfully interfered with U.S. missile flights, especially preventing missiles from locking onto targets during their final stages of flight. This technology had a significant impact on U.S. combat operations.

cell phone jammer

U.S. countermeasures

Faced with Russia’s increasingly advanced jamming technology, the United States is also constantly upgrading its GPS system. The third-generation GPS satellites added M codes with stronger anti-jamming capabilities and achieved a complete separation of military and civilian signals. These improvements have greatly improved the security and reliability of the U.S. GPS system. In addition, the United States is also developing low-cost inertial navigation technology and other guidance methods to deal with potential GPS jamming threats.

signal jammer

In summary, the offensive and defensive game of GPS technology between the United States and Russia reflects the intensity of modern military technology competition. In the future, with the continuous development of technology, this game is bound to become more complex and fierce.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 23:45 | コメントをどうぞ

Mysterious GPS signal outages plague the world: frequent geopolitical conflict hotspots

The expanding interference has exposed the vulnerability of GPS and the ocean-going shipping that relies on it, an industry that carries more than 80% of global trade, according to the International Maritime Organization, a UN regulator. One night in September 2019, a cargo ship carrying 5,000 tons of ethanol sailing in the Cyprus Strait suddenly issued an emergency distress call, and the captain reported that the GPS signal suddenly disappeared and could not continue to sail in the dark.

Stelios Christoforou, the pilot on duty, immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. During the day, experienced captains can use paper maps, markers and coastlines as references to navigate. But at night, GPS becomes an important tool in unfamiliar waters, especially near Cyprus, where NATO and Russian warships roam. An accident would be catastrophic for the captain of this ship carrying 5,000 tons of dangerous goods.  cell phone jammer

In Cyprus, the abnormality of the global positioning system has become commonplace: GPS signals have been unreliable for most of the past two years. GPS jamming has turned this tiny Mediterranean country into a global celebrity.

Worse, GPS problems aren’t limited to the Cyprus Strait.

Over the past four years, GPS disruptions have become increasingly common around the world. In some hot spots:

February 2016: Black Sea ports
Hundreds of ships reported that their GPS positions suddenly drifted dozens of miles inland. A subsequent report by U.S. researchers linked many of the incidents to visits by Putin and other senior Russian officials to Russia’s Crimea

March-April 2016: South Korea
A six-day outage near the North Korean border affected more than 1,000 planes and 700 ships.

Late 2017-Present: Suez Canal
Permanent GPS disruptions plague Egypt’s shipping artery. Potential causes include an insurgency in the nearby Sinai Peninsula and illegal fishing.

Fall 2017 and 2018: Russia-Nordic border
Finnish and Norwegian authorities complained that GPS signals were jammed and spoofed during NATO military exercises in the region bordering Russia. Russian officials denied responsibility.

January 2018-September 2019: Cyprus and the “Eastern Mediterranean”
Sporadic blackouts in the eastern Mediterranean, concentrated around Cyprus and near Lebanon and Israel. Cypriot and U.S. investigators linked the disruptions to military activity in Syria.

June-July 2019: Israel
Pilots taking off and landing at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport reported jamming for weeks. Israeli officials publicly pointed the finger at Russia.

In recent years, GPS has become so reliable and ubiquitous that it has been overlooked. It has proven remarkably easy to disrupt the system. And the shipping industry seems ill-prepared and powerless to change. Rick Hamilton, head of the GPS Information Analysis Team at the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center, said the shipping industry and governments face a realistic question: “How much risk are you willing to take to avoid spending a lot of money?”

The Global Positioning System began as a military project of the Pentagon. In the 1990s, it was opened to civilian use, and in 2000, the U.S. government stopped degrading civilian signals, making GPS more powerful and reliable and accelerating its adoption around the world.

Russia, China and the European Union are all building their own similar systems. But GPS’s biggest advantage is its wide coverage: a network of at least 24 live satellites around the world means that at any given moment, there are at least four satellites anywhere, allowing receivers to triangulate a user’s exact location. Today, GPS is deeply embedded in daily life. In business: widely used in transportation, agriculture, mining and oil drilling, and every technological upgrade relies on GPS.

But as GPS becomes commonplace, the risks associated with losing it are also increasing. The United States loses $1 billion a day for every 30 days of GPS outages. The marine industry will be one of the hardest hit as the outage will create bottlenecks in ports and waterways. The losses in the United States account for only a small part of the global impact.

Like other signal jamming, GPS jamming is divided into two categories: jamming and spoofing. Jamming includes narrowband jamming (aiming) and wideband jamming (blocking), and there are continuous jamming and pulse jamming in terms of jamming time. The advantage of jamming is that the technical difficulty is relatively low, but the jamming power required is relatively high. Spoofing is to transmit jamming signals similar to GPS signals to mislead GPS receivers away from accurate navigation and positioning. The advantages of this type of jamming are obvious, the jamming power required is small, and the jamming effect is much better than jamming. Of course, the technical difficulty of spoofing is much greater than jamming.

Jamming (Jamming) is to transmit high-power radio signals (usually the transmitter is closer to the receiving source than the satellite) so that the jamming signal covers or destroys the GPS satellite signal. Spoofing (Spoofing) is to simulate the signals of several satellites by transmitting spoofing signals. If the signal is strong enough, the system can make calculation errors.

It may not take a special attack to completely offline GPS. In fact, all satellite navigation systems are vulnerable. As they travel from orbit to Earth, their signals weaken, often accidentally interrupted by atmospheric disturbances or malfunctioning equipment. So, disruptions can be caused by transmitting conflicting signals, a technique called “jamming.” Generally, the stronger the conflicting signal, the farther the disruption covers. More complex and malicious is “spoofing,” which generates false signals to deceive the receiver, such as telling the wrong location of an oil tanker and directing it off course.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 11:19 | コメントをどうぞ

Playing with mobile phones in traffic jams will constitute a violation in Washington

Talking on the phone or sending text messages while driving is already a violation under the current traffic laws of Washington State. In the new law that was officially implemented on the 23rd, the scope of the crackdown on things that may cause drivers to be distracted while driving has been expanded, including holding any electronic devices in their hands while driving, such as mobile phones, tablets or other electronic devices, which will be banned in the future.

cell phone jammer

According to the new law, if a driver holds a mobile phone in his hand while driving, it will constitute a violation, and he is not allowed to check text messages on his mobile phone while driving. Even if you encounter a red light or traffic jam, and the car is stationary, you are still not allowed to use your mobile phone to watch videos.

Darrin Grondel, chairman of the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, said the new law is aimed at drivers “not touching their phones when they are on the road.”

According to statistics from the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission, the proportion of fatal car accidents caused by distracted driving in Washington State increased by 32% from 2014 to 2015; about 71% of drivers’ inattention to driving are related to mobile phones.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 20:56 | コメントをどうぞ

Russia passes law: primary and secondary schools will completely ban mobile phones

Recently, the Russian State Duma passed a new law that clearly stipulates that from September 1, 2024, primary and secondary schools across the country will completely ban students from using all communication tools, including smartphones. The main purpose of this measure is to reduce the distraction of mobile phones on students and their potential impact on health.

In fact, as early as last year, Russia had banned primary and secondary school students from using mobile phones in class. In a speech to parents, Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov pointed out that “according to the new health regulations, starting from the new semester, students will not be allowed to use mobile phones in class to prevent them from distracting students.” He further explained that mobile phones not only affect students’ concentration in learning, but also have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of young people. He particularly emphasized that if parents need to contact their children in an emergency, they can choose to call the school or the students themselves during class breaks.

The passage of this law was not achieved overnight. According to reports, a previous opinion poll conducted in Russia showed that half of the teachers supported a complete ban on the use of mobile phones in schools, but only 30% of parents of students agreed with this idea. Despite the low support rate from parents, legislators decided to take stricter measures to maintain the teaching order in schools and the learning environment for students.  cell phone jammer

It is worth noting that the ban does not completely prohibit the existence of mobile phones. In some specific circumstances, such as teaching needs and emergencies, the use of mobile phones is still allowed. This flexible regulation aims to balance the relationship between students’ learning and emergency communication needs.

Russia is not the only country to implement a mobile phone ban in schools. Just a few days ago, New Zealand also announced a similar policy. In a statement on December 1, Christopher Laxon, the new Prime Minister of New Zealand, said that students will be banned from using mobile phones in primary and secondary schools across the country. He emphasized, “We want children to focus on learning and teachers to focus on teaching.” Educationists pointed out that the reading and writing skills of primary and secondary school students in New Zealand have declined significantly in recent years, even reaching a “crisis” level, and banning the use of mobile phones is seen as an important measure to improve this problem.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 15:11 | コメントをどうぞ

How should prisons manage mobile phones?

Wang Fu, a partner at Beijing Xinbang Law Firm, said that Article 18 of my country’s Prison Law stipulates that “when a criminal is taken into prison, his person and the items he carries shall be strictly checked. Non-essential items shall be kept by the prison or returned to his family with the consent of the criminal, and contraband items shall be confiscated.” Contraband items are items that are strictly prohibited for criminals serving sentences in prisons, such as cash, drugs, and mobile phones. If they are not prohibited, they will undoubtedly interfere with and hinder prison management and the order of criminal reform. According to the law, the external communication of serving criminals should be regulated, so mobile phones are naturally contraband items.

An insider said that it is difficult to manage high-IQ criminals serving sentences in prisons. Once a mobile phone is in hand, the risk of using it for illegal crimes increases sharply. In fact, from legislation to local judicial administrative departments, prison administration bureaus, and then to prisons, there are strict systems for prison order and contraband management. If a prisoner in prison secretly keeps or uses a mobile phone, it is a serious violation of discipline, which is higher than a general violation of discipline. Once caught, he will not only be put in solitary confinement, but also directly affect his sentence reduction. The punishment is very severe.  cell phone jammer

As early as 2006, the Ministry of Justice promulgated the “Several Provisions on Strengthening Prison Security and Stability Work”, which clearly stipulated that “those who secretly keep or use mobile phones, or secretly keep or take drugs, will be punished with solitary confinement. From the date of release from solitary confinement, they will not be allowed to apply for sentence reduction or parole within two years (except for those who have made major meritorious contributions).”

In November 2009, the Ministry of Justice issued the “Several Provisions on Strengthening Prison Security Management Work”, proposing that “prisons should install mobile phone signal shielding devices” and requiring strict implementation of the contraband inventory system to prevent criminals from possessing contraband such as mobile phones, drugs, and cash. In terms of strict police management, it is required that “a special counter for storing police mobile phones should be set up outside the prison gate, and the police officers who bring mobile phones into the prison should have their police ranks revoked.”

However, the 20 cases searched by The Paper show that most of the mobile phone disciplinary cases in prisons show the characteristics of “mobile phone rent-seeking”. Many prison guards concealed or downgraded the private possession and use of mobile phones by serving prisoners due to receiving benefits, and also provided assistance to the prisoners to apply for commutation of sentence as usual; some provided mobile phones for criminals to make calls, and some even recharged the mobile phones of criminals.

How did the mobile phone break through the layers of defense and be brought into the prison and into the hands of serving prisoners? Among the above 20 cases, except for two cases that clearly identified prison guards smuggling mobile phones into the prison for serving prisoners, in the remaining cases, there was no mention of how the mobile phone was brought into the prison and who brought it into the prison, and some showed that it was not clear.

On January 29, 2015, in response to the internal management problems exposed by the Nehe Prison case, the Ministry of Justice deployed a nationwide prison rectification campaign, and deployed special clearance of contraband and illegal items and special education activities such as “strict discipline and strict performance of duties” in prisons and drug rehabilitation centers across the country. The focus was on confiscating contraband such as mobile phones, cash, and drugs.

On March 30 of that year, the Ministry of Justice issued the “Several Provisions on Effectively Strengthening the Management of Contraband Items in Prisons and Compulsory Drug Rehabilitation Centers”, and imposed “increased penalties” on criminals who privately kept contraband. It clearly stipulates that “criminals who privately keep and use contraband items are in violation of the provisions of the Criminal Law and the Prison Law, and shall not apply for commutation of sentence or parole within three years.”

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 20:35 | コメントをどうぞ

Canadian schools trial banning cell phones in classrooms

Ontario is the only province in Canada that actively bans the use of cell phones in the classroom. Similar proposals have been defeated in Quebec, Nova Scotia and British Columbia.

But some Canadian schools and districts have taken it upon themselves to ban students from using cell phones in class.cell phone jammer

At St. Thomas High School in Montreal, Que., and Elk Island Public Schools in Alta., school administrators are enforcing cellphone bans, requiring students to lock their phones at the start of the day or turn them off during class. cell phone.

According to CBC, school counselor Tulani Pierce said that Chatelech High School, located on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia, banned the use of mobile phones six months ago, and the results have been very significant.

“We’re seeing improved mental health, reduced bullying, increased classroom engagement and increased social interaction,” Pierce said. “Kids are playing again instead of on their phones, and we’re seeing improvements in their academic performance.”
Expert: Mobile phones affect students’ mental health
Sachin Maharaj, assistant professor of educational leadership, policy and program evaluation at the University of Ottawa, said mobile phones have a big impact on students’ mental health.

Maharaj believes that schools not only teach content but also “habits of mind,” including the ability to think deeply, focus for long periods of time, and listen attentively and empathetically to others.

“When students are exposed to constant distractions from cell phones, their ability to do these things is reduced.” At the University of Ottawa, Maharaj said, the mere presence of cell phones in classrooms can be distracting for students.

Students worry about what they will miss if they don’t check their phones. Maharaj said cellphone bans for students would be particularly difficult to enforce, given that adults are equally dependent on their phones.

Maharaj believes that a successful mobile phone ban must be all-encompassing and should apply to the entire school and be an established set of rules that does not differentiate between classrooms.

“As a society, we need to carve out at least some spaces where teenagers can go away from all the distractions, and I think school should be one of those spaces,” Maharaj said.
Parents, students: pros and cons
Tony Djukic, a parent in Brampton, Ont., said his daughter Karen was often bullied at her previous school because the government did not do enough to curb bullying. Karen relied on her cell phone to talk to her parents to get help.

Zhukic believes that the mobile phone is her daughter’s lifeline and a tool that allows her to obtain personal safety and emotional support more quickly.

Karen got permission from her vice-principal to FaceTime her father when she was feeling down.

Ontario’s regulations banning mobile phones (except for learning purposes) in classrooms came into effect in November 2019, but Karen said that according to her observations, students who have mobile phones can use them at any time if they want to, including in class.

Zhukic questioned how teachers can prevent students from using mobile phones if they cannot stop students from bullying.
Katie Yu, a 17-year-old student in Iqaluit, Nunavut, said cellphones are important for safety reasons. She also uses her phone to search, take notes and plan extracurricular activities, but keeps it locked away during much of class. She said students should regulate their cell phone use.

Saskatoon student Connor Merson-Davies, 15, said he uses his phone a lot in class. Sometimes, I take out my phone without realizing it, and it slips away for a while. He favors cell phone bans.

He said the Grade 10 health sciences teacher made a wooden box for students to put their phones in during class. Throughout the class, he found that he and his classmates were more focused on studying.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 18:35 | コメントをどうぞ

Mobile phones are prohibited from being brought into campus, and children should be able to “pick up and put down” their mobile phones

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 1 (Reporter Hu Hao) Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the “Notice on Strengthening the Management of Mobile Phones for Primary and Secondary School Students”, requiring that primary and secondary school students should not bring personal mobile phones into campus in principle. If there is a real need, parents must agree and apply in writing. After entering the school, the mobile phone should be kept by the school and is prohibited from being brought into the classroom.

Should mobile phones be allowed into campus or banned? This topic has been discussed for a long time, and both sides have their reasons. Those who oppose mobile phones entering campus believe that teenagers’ self-control ability is still insufficient, and some students with poor self-control are prone to be addicted to mobile phones, which affects their studies, damages their eyesight, and even exposes them to bad information such as violence and pornography. Other parents who support mobile phones entering campus believe that without mobile phones, children are like kites with broken strings and cannot communicate with their parents. Others have suggested that some homework requires them to be completed and submitted online, so how can they do it without a mobile phone?

Regarding how to solve the communication needs after the ban on mobile phones, the Ministry of Education has made arrangements in the notice: schools should include mobile phone management in the daily management of schools, formulate specific measures, clarify the unified place, method, and person in charge of storage, and provide necessary storage devices. The need for students to communicate with their parents should be solved by setting up public telephones on campus, establishing a communication hotline for class teachers, exploring the use of electronic student cards with call functions, or providing other convenient ways for parents to contact students.

The Ministry of Education also made it clear that schools should strengthen classroom teaching and homework management, and should not assign homework with mobile phones or require students to complete homework with mobile phones. Has the problem been perfectly solved here? In fact, the dispute over mobile phones entering campus is only the surface of the problem. The real core is how to guide children to use mobile phones correctly and reasonably.  cell phone jammer

In fact, many adults have been “kidnapped” by mobile phones, let alone primary and secondary school students.

A university in the United States conducted a 24-hour “no media” experience experiment on 1,000 students from 10 countries in the world, asking them not to use any multimedia devices including mobile phones within a day. Most of the students who went through this project said that losing their mobile phones made them “uneasy”, showing negative emotions such as irritability, anxiety, tension, depression, and many people did not even complete the entire project.

Zhang Hengzhu, deputy director of the Education Bureau of Xuanwu District, Nanjing, introduced that it has become a global consensus to control the use of mobile phones by primary and secondary school students in school. Italy, France, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and other countries have expressly prohibited students from bringing mobile phones into campus or classrooms. Some regulations stipulate that students can use mobile phones only under the guidance of teachers and parents. Finland prohibits the sale of mobile phones to students below the third grade of junior high school.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 10:46 | コメントをどうぞ

Mobile phone signal blocker manufacturers: leading technology, ensuring information security

1. The basic principle of cell phone jammers

Mobile phone signal blockers, as the name suggests, are devices that can block mobile phone signals. Its working principle is mainly to transmit interference signals with the same frequency band as the mobile phone communication band, so that the mobile phone cannot establish a normal communication connection with the base station. In this way, the mobile phone cannot make calls, send text messages or use other communication functions. Mobile phone signal blockers are widely used in various occasions where silence is required or information leakage is prevented.

2. Technical advantages of mobile phone signal blockers
1. Efficient shielding: Modern mobile phone signal blockers use advanced interference technology, which can achieve efficient shielding of multiple mobile phone communication frequency bands, including but not limited to 2G, 3G, 4G and even 5G frequency bands;
2. Intelligent control: High-end mobile phone signal blockers are equipped with intelligent control systems, which can adjust the range and intensity of shielding according to actual needs, which not only ensures the shielding effect, but also avoids unnecessary interference to the surrounding environment;
3. Safe and reliable: The design of mobile phone signal blockers fully considers the impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health to ensure that no harm will be caused to the human body during use.

3. Application fields of mobile phone signal blockers
1. Educational examinations: In order to prevent candidates from cheating with mobile phones and ensure the fairness of the examinations, mobile phone signal blockers are generally installed in various examination rooms;
2. Government agencies and military facilities: In order to prevent information leakage and ensure the safety of important meetings and activities, mobile phone signal blockers are also installed in government agencies and military facilities;
3. Cinemas and theaters: In order to ensure the continuity of performances and the audience’s viewing experience, these places will also use mobile phone signal blockers to avoid interference from mobile phone ringtones.

4. How to choose a mobile phone signal jammer manufacturer?
1. Technical strength: give priority to manufacturers with independent research and development capabilities and strong technical strength;
2. Product quality: product quality is the key factor in selection. High-quality jammers can provide more stable and efficient shielding effects;
3. After-sales service: good after-sales service can ensure the long-term stable operation of the jammer and promptly solve the problems encountered by users during use.

5. Future development trend of mobile phone signal jammers
With the advancement of science and technology, mobile phone signal jammers are also constantly developing and innovating. The jammers of the future will be more intelligent and precise, and can better meet the needs of different users. At the same time, with the popularization of 5G technology, jammers also need to be constantly updated to adapt to new communication frequency bands and technical requirements.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 11:57 | コメントをどうぞ

Will the school block mobile phone signals?

Poor cell phone reception can happen almost anywhere, including public schools. However, whether there is a specific cause for these signal blind spots has led to much speculation. Some suspect these areas of poor signal may be due to the use of cell phone jammers.

A cell phone jammer is a device that blocks cell phone signal transmission or interferes with cell phone signal reception. It interferes with communications between cell phones and towers by creating interference within the frequency range used by cell phones. Although these devices are illegal to manufacture, import, sell, or use in the United States, some people use them in certain settings, especially schools.

The case of cell phone jammers in schools
In 2015, a school district in Pasco County, Florida, enacted a policy requiring students to turn off cell phones and other mobile devices during school hours. However, when this policy failed to significantly change student behavior, one teacher decided to take more drastic measures.

Science teacher Dean Liptak was unhappy with students being glued to their smartphones in class and not paying attention, so he used a cell phone jammer to solve the problem. According to the Tampa Bay Times, Liptak activated the jammer between March 31 and April 2. At first, the strategy seemed to work, with students using their phones less frequently. However, problems soon surfaced when Verizon technicians discovered that the network near Fivay High School was experiencing interference.

After an investigation, Verizon determined that the interference originated from Liptak’s jammer, which it said not only affected cell phone signals inside the school but also interfered with communications outside the school. Liptak explained that his original intention was simply to reduce student distractions, not to cause trouble or intentionally break the law. He believes that good-intentioned uses should be allowed.

School District’s Response and Legal Consequences
However, the school district disagrees with Liptak’s perspective. Superintendent Kurt Browning made clear in a letter to Liptak that his actions not only potentially violated federal law but also posed a serious threat to safe communications during emergencies. Jammers may prevent students and staff from making 911 calls, which poses a significant risk to school safety management.

Ultimately, Liptak was suspended for five days. Browning emphasized in the letter: “Regardless of your original intention, the use of jamming devices is illegal. Your actions not only interfere with legitimate communications, but may also pose a threat to security.”

Legal and Ethical Issues with Cell Phone Jammers
The use of cell phone jammers is legally and ethically problematic. According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), unauthorized signal jammers can interfere with legitimate uses of spectrum, disrupting wireless signals and emergency services that daily life relies on. FCC Chairman Jessica Rosenworcel has made it clear: “You cannot manufacture, import, sell, transport or operate them. Whether for use in businesses, classrooms, homes or vehicles, they are not allowed.”

Additionally, while signal jammers can be used by law enforcement officers in certain circumstances, their use for other uses, particularly in schools, has been controversial. For example, the use of jammers in prisons to prevent prisoners from illegally using mobile phones is still under discussion. In 2019, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton unsuccessfully attempted to pass legislation allowing the use of jamming devices in prisons.

CTIA, the major trade association for the U.S. wireless industry, said that solving the problem of banned mobile phones requires multi-party cooperation and recommended the use of solutions such as managed access systems to intercept illegal calls while protecting legitimate communications. The industry has committed significant resources to helping corrections officials respond to this problem and is working with all levels of government to implement effective solutions.

The worldwide phenomenon of signal jammers
The use of cell phone jammers is not limited to the United States, similar problems exist around the world. For example, ZDNet reported on a French father who used a signal jammer to prevent his children from using social media late at night, but inadvertently cut off internet access for an entire town. Incidents like these highlight the consequences of the inappropriate use of signal jammers, which, even with good intentions, can have an impact on the wider community.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 14:45 | コメントをどうぞ

Mobile phones in prison: Why are they so hard to eradicate?

Despite many measures, mobile phones in prisons are still rampant and can be used by prisoners to continue committing crimes. Thousands of mobile phones are confiscated in UK prisons every year, but a large number of them are still undetected and are smuggled in or thrown into prisons.  cell phone jammer

Mobile phones are a valuable resource for prisoners, and it costs between £400 and £1,000 to borrow one. According to the National Offender Management Service (NOMS), 7,451 mobile phones and Sim cards were seized outside prisons in England and Wales in 2013. Prisoners use these phones to plan murders, escapes, and import weapons and drugs. The problem is widespread.

For example, one prisoner used a mobile phone in his cell to organize crime and smuggle machine guns into the UK, while another prisoner ran a cocaine ring and planned murders and other crimes. The mother of a prisoner at Northumberland Prison said that mobile phones were everywhere in the prison, some of which were thrown over the fence, while others were brought in through specific routes.

Despite the prison’s various security measures, including signal detectors, metal detectors and specially trained police dogs, mobile phones continue to flow in. The management company of Northumberland County Prison said that staff are working hard to prevent illegal items from entering, but the effect is limited.

Challenges of mobile phone jamming technology
Mobile phone jamming technology is considered a potential solution. Common jamming methods include the following:

Interference/jamming: Blocking mobile phones from receiving base station signals by sending signals. This method is low-cost and effective, but it may interfere with signals outside the prison.

Grabbing: Mobile phones are attracted to false networks and specific mobile phones can be selectively blocked. This method is more expensive than full jamming.

Operator disconnection: The Serious Crime Act 2015 gives the government the power to force mobile phone operators to disconnect the network, but relevant regulations have not yet been promulgated.

Interception and search: Search visitors and staff for mobile phones, and use sniffer dogs and other means to find mobile phones.

NOMS believes that the cost of installing jamming equipment across the board is too high, up to £300 million, and the annual maintenance cost is £800,000. However, Howard Melamed, president of Cell Antenna USA, and Steve Rogers, general manager of Digital RF, believe that the cost of the technology is exaggerated, and the variety of prison types in the UK makes pricing difficult.

The gap between law and actual implementation
The Crime and Security Act 2010 stipulates that possession of mobile phones in prison can be sentenced to up to two years’ imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. But Glyn Travis of the Prison Officers Association (POA) said that prisoners are not worried about the punishment for crimes committed in prison.

Despite regulations and pilot programs, the problem of mobile phones in prisons remains serious. The government once awarded a contract worth £60,000 to study how to prevent mobile phones from entering prisons, but the results were not obvious.

The Serious Crime Act also introduced the possibility of forcing operators to disconnect the network, but the regulations have not yet been implemented. Steve Rogers pointed out that even if the network is disconnected, prisoners will quickly change Sim cards and mobile phones.

Implementation and difficulties of blocking technology
Although blocking technology can effectively disable mobile phones, the Prison Service is cautious about it. Prisons need to urgently reform, adopt new technologies to find and block mobile phones, and provide prison officers with the necessary tools.

Steve Rogers believes that prisons can measure the success of technology by monitoring the number of banned mobile phones. The prison administration listed detection equipment, routine searches, closed-circuit television, police dogs and penalties, but did not specify what technology is used to block mobile phone signals.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 11:29 | コメントをどうぞ