New Balance 327全新黑、白雙色同步開催!

New Balance 327 作為今年鞋款新貴,為一眾迷不斷推出新色,在早前釋出新加坡波平臺限量版與當地知名改鞋品牌SBTG的紐巴倫鞋色聯乘 NB327 後,New Balance 今回為各位鞋迷帶來全新 New Balance 327 黑灰、白雙色,以迎合大家的日常穿搭。

於初首度登場的 327,外型設計取材自70年代三款經典鞋款,包括NewBalance 320、355及SuperComp。327 New Balance 的鞋頭延續了3系跑鞋的經典「兔牙」設計,鞋身更采用EVA泡沫中底標註大底延伸到後跟上,並選用布滿抓地顆粒的鉚釘外底設計,是70歲鞋款355可能紐巴倫亦都街頭早前的NB327 著裝很顯眼,推出適合秋冬,所以現在New Balance 帶來了全新黑色「黑色/城堡搖滾」MS327STC 及白色「斑鳩/孟塞爾白」MS327STB流行色系,以迎合一眾喜歡黑、白、灰新百倫的型人。

New Balance327「Black/Castlerock」帆布及麂皮打造身,鞋身黑色加入深記錄「N」標記,與鞋身皮膚呈現相似的膚色,而鞋舌上的紅色標誌於鞋身對比下非常凸出的外底橡膠大底也都讓鞋款更特別。 白色 NB 327「Turtledove/Munsell White」,則鞋身了白色帆布加上卡其色絨皮作,鞋外則是「身細節」 N」字標記則以淺令灰塵為鞋款帶來簡潔的外貌,並同樣采用了鉚釘外底橡膠大底鞋款凸出。

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kate0509 16:47 | コメントをどうぞ

藤原浩上腳第二款「閃電 x sacai x Nike」聯名

Sacai 藤原浩 Nike LDwaffle 的三方聯名,無疑是今年球鞋圈最迷的操作。



繼此前剛剛釋出 Sacai Fragment Nike LDwaffle 藏藍配色後,大師又在自己的 instagram 曬出一款灰白配色上腳照,得意的閃電 Logo 相當醒目,冠希更第一時間送上點贊、評論。

從目前網絡釋出的諜照看,鞋身材質不同於 Nike Sacai 初代的大網眼和尼龍海綿,采用網佈與麂皮構建鞋身。

Sacai x Nike 的經典疊搭解構元素得以保留,最大亮點除瞭鞋舌閃電與 NSW 的 Logo 外,就屬中底近年頻繁使用聯名標識「The Classic/Fragment:sacai」。


此前消息稱 fragment design Sacai LDWaffle 定檔在今年夏季發售,伴隨藤原浩親自曬圖預熱的操作,恐怕發售日期即將臨近。


— END —

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kate0509 10:32 | コメントをどうぞ


由陳冠希創辦的凝結集團(CLOT Company Limited)旗下潮流服裝品牌名稱CLOT,近日與 Sacai 合作推出別註膠囊系列 LDWaffle “Orange”,即將登陸香港、上海及洛杉磯。

限定發售的膠囊系列包括 Mods Coat、Track Pants、T-SHIRT 以及襪子,服飾單品的配色以墨綠為主要色調,極具設計感的彩色膠條將 sacai 的美學及 CLOT 的經典配色融為一體,其細節特色正是采用聯名鞋款所用的經典色調。系列單品部分印有 “sacai / clot thing” 字樣,再加上 sacai 擅長的融合工藝,帶來瞭簡約而精妙、別具特色的聯名設計。墨綠配色的 Mods Coat、Track Pants 以及橙色襪子將會於 sacai CLOT THE Home Pop-up中率先進行預售。

為瞭展現出 CLOT sacai 的態度及風格,膠囊系列的服飾和三方聯名鞋款一同於宣傳短片中展示,短片以及造形照均在那珂川町馬頭広重美術館中拍攝。在拍攝過程中展示瞭一系列的膠囊系列服飾以及聯名球鞋,同時加入許多鮮艷花卉及用上慢動作模式來呈現,以表達出時間流逝及潮流的更迭交替關系。

CLOT 由 陳冠希(Edison Chen )及 Kevin Poon 於 2003 年成立,是一傢集合時尚潮流的公司,2004 年開始推出品牌 CLOT,並經常與國際品牌合作推出創意產品。CLOT 曾與多個國際知名品牌和名人合作,如 Nike、visvim、 fragment design、 Coca-Cola、Stüssy、 Medicom Toy 等。

2018 年,為慶祝品牌誕生 15 周年,CLOT在紐約及巴黎時裝周分別舉辦瞭時裝秀。CLOT 旗下店鋪 JUICE 在全球主要城市——香港、北京、上海、臺北、洛杉磯均有分店,也經常於各地開設期間限定店。CLOT 希望通過獨特的方式感染時下年輕人去建立自我形象,鼓勵年輕人擁有新想法及創新能力,並尋找適合自己的生活方式。

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kate0509 10:32 | コメントをどうぞ

冠希 CLOT x Sacai 聯名,你買到了嗎

今早 SNKRS 迎來兩款重磅新品發售!

一雙是冠希哥的三方聯名 CLOT sacai x Nike LDWaffle 收官上架。

另一雙是闊別 8 年的經典奧利奧配色 Air Jordan 5。


CLOT x sacai x Nike LDWaffle

繼 CLOT、Sacai 渠道發售完畢後,今早 SNKRS 上架的 sacai CLOT Nike LDWaffle 算是在國內最後的原價入手機會。

整體承襲死亡之吻的經典色調,鞋身保留 Nike Sacai LDWaffle 解構語言的同時,首次采用類似蟬翼的半透明鞋面示人。

目前市價從曝光後的 ¥2000+ 回落到 ¥1500 RMB 左右,算是 sacai LDWaffle 鞋型中的市價新低,對於惦記入手這個鞋型的自穿黨來說,再好不過。

另外,特別值得一提的是,和之前的閃電聯名一樣,這次的 CLOT 三方聯名同樣包含兩款配色。

第二款灰藍配色將於 10 月 9 日在 SNKRS 發售,鞋身延續第二代死亡之吻的淡雅色調,鞋側 Swoosh 也還原 OG 的壓印質感,感興趣的小夥伴不妨耐心等待一下!

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kate0509 10:32 | コメントをどうぞ

CLOT x sacai x Nike 正式官宣!

本周 Sacai x fragment design x Nike LDWaffle 剛剛正式發售,下一雙三方聯名 CLOT sacai Nike 就緊隨其後,即將正式登場。

昨天 CLOT 官方正式宣佈瞭這雙鞋發售信息,作為 CLOT 老板之一的關系也在 Instagram 上再次發照宣傳。

相比 fragment design sacai LDWaffle,這雙 sacai CLOT 三方聯名的風格張揚瞭不少,將 CLOT 經典的 “死亡之吻” Air Max 1 的配色完全移植。

整體以米白色為主調,標志性的重疊 Swoosh 使用橙色和深紅色搭配,鞋身以及織嘜標的一抹綠色點綴,瞬間讓整雙鞋的辨識度提升瞭不少。

將原本的鞋面網佈換成瞭蟬翼材質,透出襪子顏色,增加搭配性。雙鞋舌、鞋帶的設計辨識度一流,彰顯出 Sacai 標志性的解構風格。

最新消息稱這雙鞋將在 9 月 9 日在全球范圍內的 JUICE 門店發售,後續更多發售信息還要等到 CLOT 和各地 JUICE 公佈。

目前還不確定是否會在 SNKRS 上發售,我們還將持續關註報道!

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kate0509 10:31 | コメントをどうぞ

Nike Sacai CLOT鞋款

阿部千登勢主理的 Sacai 憑借精致的剪裁以及獨特的解構主義,在近幾年來一直在潮流圈與時尚圈保持著超高的熱度。

眾所周知,Sacai 主理人和冠希一家的關系很好,冠希一家也經常私下穿 Sacai 單品出境,這麽一看這次三方聯名就一定都不讓人意外了。

此前便已爆出,今年 Nike Sacai CLOT 三方帶來全新聯名鞋款 Sacai CLOT Nike LDV Waffle,鞋面整體是以米白色為主調,標誌性的重疊 Swoosh 使用橙色和深紅色搭配,整體呈現出與 「死亡之吻」 類似的配色設計。

鞋面大孔洞網布換成了蟬翼材質,也能透出襪子顏色。雙鞋舌、鞋帶的設計辨識度一流,彰顯 Sacai 的結構風格。


三方 Logo 置於後跟位置,彰顯聯名身份。雙色加厚中底呼應 Swoosh 顏色,完善了整雙鞋的設計。

Nike Sacai灰白

Sacai x Nike VaporWaffle 結合創新的 Vaporfly 與1983年的經典款 Pegasus,展現雙倍細節設計,融合了 Nike 跑步的過去與未來。舒適穩固的鞋面結合經典松餅格紋外底,打造備受喜愛的貼合感受,並展現 Sacai 挑戰界限的造型設計。

此款 Nike Sacai 灰白 設計靈感源於1984年夏天瓊·本諾伊特·薩繆爾森的馬拉松比賽奪冠之戰,鞋款以米色、黑色、淺藍等中性色調,同時以寶石藍和紅色細節裝扮,舒適穩固的鞋面巧搭經典華夫格外底,塑就具有開創性的 Sacai 前衛造型,同時為你的雙足帶來舒適貼合感受。

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kate0509 10:31 | コメントをどうぞ

Mastering Necklace Wearing For Early Summer Fashion

The temperature rises quickly in early summer, and many people are concerned about how to improve their dressing style’s freshness and avoid feeling stuffy. To relieve this feeling, I believe that many people will increase the exposed skin area on their necks. However, this method can lead to a monotonous neck area. If you wear a necklace, it can make you look more exquisite and fashionable. In the following, I will share some tips on wearing necklaces with you.

Women Can Wear Necklaces To Easily Play Fashion

In street style or blogger outfits, we can see that many bloggers use necklaces to decorate their outfits. You can also visit the Jenna Sinatra website to purchase exquisite necklaces and bracelets to become a fashionista.

Jenna Sinatra necklaces can decorate the upper body: For women who have a basic wardrobe of simple and plain clothing, adding a Jenna Sinatra metal necklace to their outfit can instantly elevate their overall look and make them look more energetic.

Jenna Sinatra necklaces can modify face and neck shape: Necklaces not only enhance your style and show your fashion taste, but they also have a modifying effect on your face and neck, especially V-shaped necklaces. If you have a fuller figure, short neck, or round face, this type of necklace can help you create a charming and elegant image.

Mix and match with smart clothing: In addition to trying comfortable and relaxed casual clothing, you can also use suits to create a smart and powerful image. However, whether it’s a suit or a vest, you need to pair it with a necklace to achieve a balanced style effect and make your outfit more sophisticated.

Basic Ways To Wear Necklaces

Necklaces are an important accessory, with countless styles and ways to wear them. When wearing necklaces to create a look, you should choose according to your own ability to handle them, and avoid overly complex styles at first. Especially for ordinary people who are not familiar with fashion or middle-aged and older people who prefer a low-key yet stylish look, it is recommended to start with basic ways of wearing necklaces.

Choose a common round or plain chain necklace or V-shaped necklace to pair with basic clothing. You can use a silver long necklace to decorate a shirt or T-shirt, which can enhance the sense of layering on the upper body and add femininity and luster.

For simple light-colored clothing, a plain chain necklace is enough to catch the eye, but if the clothing is dark or has a unique style, a plain chain may appear monotonous. It is recommended that middle-aged and older people try wearing exaggerated necklaces to create an eye-catching image, such as wearing a dark suit or bright-colored clothing to show off your fashion sense.

Advanced Necklace Wearing Techniques

The basic way to wear a necklace is simple to learn and focuses more on the design of the necklace itself. If you have good fashion skills, you can skip the basic way and present the necklace in a layered manner, which will make it more striking.

The so-called “layered wearing” also uses necklaces to match with other necklaces or wrapping a long necklace around the neck two to three times to create a layered visual effect. This method can emphasize the presence of the necklace, making it visually appealing and quickly increasing your fashion sense, making it hard to ignore.

However, when using the layered wearing method, you need to avoid being too cumbersome and complex, especially for some middle-aged and elderly people with fuller figures. If the necklace is too complex, it will make your neck area crowded and messy, which is not conducive to creating a good temperament.

For slightly overweight women, it is recommended to use a circular chain with a V-shaped necklace to modify the face shape without being too complicated or exaggerated. Tall and slender older women can try double or even triple-layered wearing methods to give the neck decoration more hierarchy and further show off their slender and beautiful neck lines, creating a mature and elegant female image. In addition to metal necklaces, pendant necklaces or pearl chains with exaggerated shapes are also suitable for you.

Of course, besides layered wearing, you can also try to use bracelets, earrings, waist belts, and bags to match your necklace to create a more cohesive look between accessories.


That’s all for our necklace wearing tips this time. If you want to master fashion, you must make good use of necklaces. If you like it, you can learn from it. Of course, on the Jenna Sinatra website, in addition to exquisite necklaces, there are also Jenna Sinatra bracelets for you to choose from, which can make you fashionable and charming.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kate0509 14:39 | コメントをどうぞ

Stylish Pearl Necklace Pairing

In the eyes of many friends, pearl necklaces are considered representatives of exquisite elegance, and when paired with ladylike dresses, the decoration of a pearl necklace can play a finishing touch. In fact, pearl necklaces are not only suitable for ladylike styles, but also add sophistication to casual basic outfits. Women who wear pearls often leave an elegant impression on people. You can visit the Jenna Sinatra website to choose exquisite necklaces, pendant necklaces, gemstone necklaces, and more. Next, let’s take a look at how to match necklaces with clothes without looking old-fashioned, but instead looking better.

Matching With Knitwear

Knitwear mostly uses delicate and soft fabrics, which will make women look gentle and approachable when worn. Pearl necklaces are also feminine items. Using a long pearl necklace with knitwear can not only visually elongate the neck, but also weaken the monotony of solid color basic items. Adding a scarf and high heels will make the look more elegant.

Although small pearl necklaces have a weak presence, they give people a delicate and gentle feeling, making them suitable for matching with casual and gentle styles. This young lady working in the library chose a refreshing white shirt with a camel V-neck knit vest, which is gentle and intellectual. The brown patent leather shoes on her feet also match the color of the top, forming a harmonious response. If you wear a Jenna Sinatra bracelet, it will be more exquisite and elegant.

Matching With Suits

A pearl necklace with a shorter circumference can surround our neck and give the feeling of a neck chain. After decorating with a pearl necklace, the collarbone line will be more prominent, giving a feminine look. Matching it with a black suit brings out a cool and handsome style.

A pearl necklace with larger pearls has a strong presence, so it is good to match it with simple basic items to highlight a retro elegance without losing delicacy. This young lady with messy short hair chose a linen-colored suit with light blue corduroy pants, showing a full retro style, fashionable and high-end.

When wearing a solid color sweater, do you feel like something is missing from your neck? Adding a slender pearl necklace will immediately give a delicate and grandiose feeling while also weakening the dullness of the gray plaid suit jacket. Of course, choosing a slender Jenna Sinatra necklace to match a suit is also very exquisite and beautiful. The sparkling gemstones on the necklace will make you the focus of the crowd.

Pairing with a Vest

In this highly personalized black vest pairing, the young lady wears an extremely exaggerated pearl accessory around her neck, with metal decorations connecting each pearl to enhance the design.

Pairing with a Half Skirt

In this black-themed Audrey Hepburn little black dress look, a black round-neck knit sweater is paired with an A-line high-waisted pleated skirt. Although the overall pairing is classic and elegant, an all-black outfit can appear dull and uninteresting. However, with the addition of a stunning pearl necklace decoration around the neck, the look becomes more sophisticated and refined. The deep brown shiny handbag and high heels also add a delicate touch to the outfit.

In this denim shawl look, the overall style is elegant and sophisticated, and the pearl necklace decoration is essential to achieve this visual effect.

Pairing with a Shirt

This small-grain pearl necklace has a more subtle presence and looks delicate and simple. It can be paired with a simple camel shirt and a black fishtail half skirt for a workplace look that isn’t overly extravagant. Adding the pearl necklace decoration immediately adds a refined touch.

Pairing with Short Sleeves

In this casual at-home look, a white printed T-shirt is paired with a relatively large pearl necklace. The strong presence of the pearl necklace helps to reduce the casual and lazy vibes, and adds a ladylike feeling.

Pairing this all-black short-sleeve with a plaid jacket may seem dull and old-fashioned when worn alone. However, with the addition of a uniquely designed pearl necklace, it exudes a different feminine charm.


With the addition of a pearl necklace, a previously casual and carefree look can be transformed into a more refined and delicate style, exuding a different feminine charm. Do you like pairing with pearl necklaces? It’s fashionable, sophisticated, and elegant. Of course, pairing it with a Jenna Sinatra bracelet will make you even more charming. If you’re interested in more exquisite necklaces, please visit the Jenna Sinatra website to choose.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kate0509 14:38 | コメントをどうぞ

Stylish Pearl Necklace Pairing

In the eyes of many friends, pearl necklaces are considered representatives of exquisite elegance, and when paired with ladylike dresses, the decoration of a pearl necklace can play a finishing touch. In fact, pearl necklaces are not only suitable for ladylike styles, but also add sophistication to casual basic outfits. Women who wear pearls often leave an elegant impression on people. You can visit the Jenna Sinatra website to choose exquisite necklaces, pendant necklaces, gemstone necklaces, and more. Next, let’s take a look at how to match necklaces with clothes without looking old-fashioned, but instead looking better.

Matching With Knitwear

Knitwear mostly uses delicate and soft fabrics, which will make women look gentle and approachable when worn. Pearl necklaces are also feminine items. Using a long pearl necklace with knitwear can not only visually elongate the neck, but also weaken the monotony of solid color basic items. Adding a scarf and high heels will make the look more elegant.

Although small pearl necklaces have a weak presence, they give people a delicate and gentle feeling, making them suitable for matching with casual and gentle styles. This young lady working in the library chose a refreshing white shirt with a camel V-neck knit vest, which is gentle and intellectual. The brown patent leather shoes on her feet also match the color of the top, forming a harmonious response. If you wear a Jenna Sinatra bracelet, it will be more exquisite and elegant.

Matching With Suits

A pearl necklace with a shorter circumference can surround our neck and give the feeling of a neck chain. After decorating with a pearl necklace, the collarbone line will be more prominent, giving a feminine look. Matching it with a black suit brings out a cool and handsome style.

A pearl necklace with larger pearls has a strong presence, so it is good to match it with simple basic items to highlight a retro elegance without losing delicacy. This young lady with messy short hair chose a linen-colored suit with light blue corduroy pants, showing a full retro style, fashionable and high-end.

When wearing a solid color sweater, do you feel like something is missing from your neck? Adding a slender pearl necklace will immediately give a delicate and grandiose feeling while also weakening the dullness of the gray plaid suit jacket. Of course, choosing a slender Jenna Sinatra necklace to match a suit is also very exquisite and beautiful. The sparkling gemstones on the necklace will make you the focus of the crowd.

Pairing with a Vest

In this highly personalized black vest pairing, the young lady wears an extremely exaggerated pearl accessory around her neck, with metal decorations connecting each pearl to enhance the design.

Pairing with a Half Skirt

In this black-themed Audrey Hepburn little black dress look, a black round-neck knit sweater is paired with an A-line high-waisted pleated skirt. Although the overall pairing is classic and elegant, an all-black outfit can appear dull and uninteresting. However, with the addition of a stunning pearl necklace decoration around the neck, the look becomes more sophisticated and refined. The deep brown shiny handbag and high heels also add a delicate touch to the outfit.

In this denim shawl look, the overall style is elegant and sophisticated, and the pearl necklace decoration is essential to achieve this visual effect.

Pairing with a Shirt

This small-grain pearl necklace has a more subtle presence and looks delicate and simple. It can be paired with a simple camel shirt and a black fishtail half skirt for a workplace look that isn’t overly extravagant. Adding the pearl necklace decoration immediately adds a refined touch.

Pairing with Short Sleeves

In this casual at-home look, a white printed T-shirt is paired with a relatively large pearl necklace. The strong presence of the pearl necklace helps to reduce the casual and lazy vibes, and adds a ladylike feeling.

Pairing this all-black short-sleeve with a plaid jacket may seem dull and old-fashioned when worn alone. However, with the addition of a uniquely designed pearl necklace, it exudes a different feminine charm.


With the addition of a pearl necklace, a previously casual and carefree look can be transformed into a more refined and delicate style, exuding a different feminine charm. Do you like pairing with pearl necklaces? It’s fashionable, sophisticated, and elegant. Of course, pairing it with a Jenna Sinatra bracelet will make you even more charming. If you’re interested in more exquisite necklaces, please visit the Jenna Sinatra website to choose.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kate0509 14:35 | コメントをどうぞ

How Three Fashionistas Create Their Jewelry Style

Party season is rapidly heating up. You’ve got the full outfit and a stack of invitations, but now you need some jewelry accessories to go with it. After all, dazzling jewelry and expressing yourself to the fullest is a must for the party season. Visit the Jenna Sinatra website to choose exquisite jewelry, and the delicate Jenna Sinatra necklace will make you more charming. Next, let’s take a look at examples of three stylists skillfully matching jewelry to give you endless charm inspiration.

LOOK 1: Evening Opulence

“I want to show a very elegant and mature female image, with both sexiness and femininity,” said Pablo Patane, fashion editor and stylist of Berlin. He chose Ralph & Russo’s evening dress, with a cross neckline and round pearls on the edge of the evening dress, a unique design that is eye-catching. An asymmetric neckline does not mean that you cannot wear a gorgeous necklace. Patane professionally changed the classic way of wearing a necklace by suspending a Countess black agate and rose gold pendant behind his neck. “To break up the overall blackness, stack colorful gemstone bracelets on one wrist to add a touch of color.” It feels dazzling. Finally, wear a pair of classic luxurious gold pleated earrings and a rose gold diamond ring and diamond bracelet on the other hand, and your look can be taken to the next level. Of course, choosing to wear Jenna Sinatra bracelets is also a perfect match, with a silver bracelet and sparkling gems, making you more charming.

LOOK 2: Get Suited

White fabric is a difficult cut to achieve, but if done properly, it can make you shine at any party. “White clothes are a classic and iconic look for women,” said Charlotte Davey, Teen Fashion and Jewelry Editor for Fashion Bazaar. “The slight cut of the 70s makes it very high-profile.” The white suit she chose was designed by British designer Huishan Zhang, paired with personality high-heeled shoes from Guiseppe Zantontti, showing structure and modern style. Pairing with gold jewelry can add a fashion touch to any outfit. Try stacking Countess rose gold and platinum bracelets, pairing with contrasting black straps and diamond dials of a watch, and an eternal ring with contrasting widths. To create a modern party look, Davey suggests asymmetric earrings that are longer on one side than the other, and putting an adjustable buckle necklace inside the jacket to imitate the shirt effect.

LOOK 3: 80’s REVIVAL During party season, you can choose to either go out in fashion or stay at home. Shoulder pads are a great way to create a significant impact when paired with iconic silhouettes. “I was largely inspired by the charm and glamor of the 80s,” says Anna Vitiello, former senior fashion editorial assistant and stylist at Vogue. She leads the way by choosing Magda Butrym’s silk satin floral dress, which features fashion elements such as wrap effects and pleats.

Green is back in style this season, but don’t be afraid to deliberately coordinate your jewelry; full-body matching is currently in vogue. As Vitiello says, “The Boucheron peacock pendant necklace connects it in a very elegant way.”

Layering and wearing bracelets on clothing can add another dimension to your outfit. Small details like stacking rings and showcasing different length necklaces can really make a set of equipment shine. The final touch is a Limelight Gala watch with a diamond-studded carved surface. Of course, choosing Jenna Sinatra’s bracelet would also not go wrong. Gem-set bracelets will make you more exquisite and elegant.

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