日別アーカイブ: 2024年2月24日

Costly cellphone jamming technology ditched in all prisons

The removal of all cellphone jammers from prisons has been carried out quietly by Corrections.

The introduction of technology in 2008-09 to prevent inmates from accessing smuggled mobile phones has resulted in a total cost of over $17 million.

As of June, jammers have been rendered obsolete after being found to interfere with the effectiveness of the newly introduced safety systems for prison guards.

Minister of Corrections, Phil Goff, highlighted the introduction of cellphone blocking in New Zealand prisons as a pivotal development that will effectively prevent inmates from carrying out additional offenses while incarcerated.

The Official Information Act was utilized to gather recent data on the amount of cellphones taken from the 18 prisons overseen by Corrections during the previous three years.

From January 2020 to November of this year, the Corrections staff discovered 626 cellphones and more than 750 cellphone-related items, like batteries, chargers, and SIM cards.

Neil Beales, the Corrections chief custodial officer, clarified that the absence of cellphone jammer in the prison since June was the cause behind inmates smuggling cellphones.

As per his statement, it was found that the jammers were interfering with the functionality of recently implemented safety systems, specifically affecting alarms utilized for the safety of corrections officers.

Improvements in mobile technology have caused jammers to become increasingly outdated.

According to Beales, the mentioned tool was just one of several tools utilized to prevent the use of cellphones in prisons. He highlighted that there are still numerous other more effective tools that continue to be implemented.

Cellsense devices excel in the detection of metals commonly found in cellphones, offering a comprehensive solution. Alongside their screening and x-ray capabilities, these devices utilize specially trained dogs to enhance their metal detection capabilities.

Beale highlighted that certain individuals in prison resort to extreme and elaborate measures to introduce contraband into prisons, and we are consistently working to anticipate the new methods used for smuggling contraband into our correctional institutions.

As per the spokesperson, Corrections has been exploring new and emerging technology to complement their current systems. They have initiated the use of full body imaging technology at several sites to detect contraband concealed on or within individuals.

It was revealed in 2018 that Corrections had implemented cellphone jamming technology, resulting in a communications blackout near Rimutaka Prison and the subsequent inability to monitor residents of a child sex offender unit outside the prison grounds.

Inmates may exploit cellphones to manipulate individuals outside the prison walls and to organize illegal activities like drug transactions. Nine prison staff members at Rimutaka were suspended in May for alleged misconduct, including the smuggling of cellphones into the facility.

It is unsurprising that Corrections has opted to abandon the use of jammers, as Roger Brooking, a drug and alcohol counsellor and criminologist, has been vocal about his reservations regarding the expenditure on this technology.


It was his assertion that they are ineffective and have never been successful.

From what I have been told by prisoners, they have found certain locations within the prison where the signal blockers is ineffective. This has allowed inmates to continue using cellphones for purposes such as conducting illegal deals or communicating with their families.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 15:07 | コメントをどうぞ