月別アーカイブ: 2024年6月

Thief’s Using Wifi Jammers Bought $40

So now that thief’s are using WiFi jammers that apparently can be bought for $40, what is everyone turning to to protect your property?

8 Bands Jammer Device

News of break-ins these days show quite a few security camera captures, but in many of them the perpetrator is covering their face. So ultimately I’m not so sure how much security cameras (even wired ones that capture clear images) can really protect a property.

It appears even traditional alarm systems would be disabled by a signal blockers since all the sensors’ signal would be blocked as well.

I have NEVER considered a WiFi connected device to be any sort of serious security device. For a serious security device, it needs to be wired (power and data), and the video recorded locally with serious backup power (no, a 15 minute UPS does not qualify). I do have what would likely be considered a Pro-sumer level video camera system, with hours of backup power.

With that said, I have over 40 Wyze cameras, and I do use them regularly as they are quite a bit less expensive than my wired system, and the software is more convenient for a quick look remotely.

Two of the most common attacks are a simple broadband signal generator and a specific WiFi De-Authentication. In the case of the first, the jammer simply broadcasts a strong enough signal that the intended signals are covered in noise. An audio example would be trying to talk back and forth with someone 100 feet away in an empty stadium. That would likely work fine, but now add 50,000 other people and there is so much noise that the person 100 feet away can not be heard. A broadband jammer is a quite simple device.

A De-Authentication attack is an smart device that to keep this simple, impersonates the WiFi client and sends a command to the WiFi access point telling it that the client is disconnecting. Note that WPA-3 prevents that by encrypting the management packets. However although the WPA-3 standard has been out for quite a few years, most IoT devices do not support it.

Both of these attacks happen between the WiFi client and access point, so a firewall or anti-virus never get involved.

カテゴリー: wifi | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:55 | コメントをどうぞ

Us Prisons Use New Tech to Dial down Illegal Cellphone

What’s the context?

US prison officials harness new technology to crack down on contraband cellphones but some still want powers to jam signals

  • South Carolina programme shuts off more than 800 phones
  • Federal action on broader signal jamming tech seen as unlikely
  • Activists raise privacy, rights concerns for prisoners

Digital privacy rights advocates and tech experts say even solutions less far-reaching than full-blown signal jamming – like the South Carolina pilot – threaten to trample on the rights of prisoners by, for example, sharing legally protected information with private phone companies or carriers.

Digital rights groups have long raised concerns over the push for cellphone jamming systems in prisons, describing them as overreach.

Under federal law, state and local facilities are not allowed to use jamming technology, which is opposed by the telecommunications industry amid concerns that it could knock out signals in areas surrounding prisons.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates communications technology in the U.S., has been wary of signing off on full-blown signal jamming but cleared the way within the last few years for states like South Carolina to implement so-called “contraband interdiction systems.”

Stirling is convinced signal jamming is a solid option but does not think it will be authorised in state prisons. It is already allowed in federal institutions.

“I would love to get jamming – I don’t see it happening, unfortunately,” he said.

Asked if the FCC was contemplating changes, a spokesperson pointed to the federal law banning jamming devices.

Albert Fox Cahn, founder of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), says both jamming and interdiction systems like the one used in South Carolina are “chilling options” that could have unintended consequences.


カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:57 | コメントをどうぞ

A warning was issued by the Glendale police

Glendale police issue warning about burglars using WiFi signal jammers to disable alarms, security cameras

GLENDALE, Calif. (KABC) — Glendale police have issued a warning about residential burglars who use WIFI jammers to disable security alarms and surveillance cameras.

As described by police Sgt. Victor Jackson, the devices used by thieves block the signal or scramble the WiFi. “So if you have a Ring camera, a Nest camera — any kind of alarm system that is WiFi-based or a camera that’s WiFi-based — it blocks the signal and knocks it out,” he said.

A disproportionate surge in residential burglaries plagued Glendale and Southern California in the fall, leading investigators to the crime trend.

“As our detectives started going into these cases, that’s when they realized what was happening,” Jackson said. “In some cases, because of the way the device works, it made it look like when you went back and rewound your tape and looked, it wasn’t a black screen — it was seamless. It didn’t exist there, so there was no evidence.”

Police recommend that residents increase security by:

  • hardwiring alarm systems and cameras,
  • using back-up batteries in those security devices,
  • installing sturdy locks on security gates,
  • enhancing exterior lighting,
  • securing windows and balconies,
  • and having a trusted neighbor or housesitter look after your home, when away.

The Glendale Police Department’s residential burglary task force has been working to lower the number of break-ins, officials said.

“Our patrol officers, our motor officers, our special enforcement detail, and detectives — we have them undercover in the area — and we saturated the area,” Jackson said.

Nora Alabi, a Glendale resident, told ABC7: “I feel like there’s no part of the city that you can be in and not run into a cop or not run into a police car.

“If I stand here for five minutes, I might see like three cop cars drive by,” she said. “So, because of that, I feel like it’s a safe city.”


カテゴリー: wifi | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:38 | コメントをどうぞ

How Thieves Are Using Wi-Fi Jammers to Break into Home

In a statement by the Los Angeles Police Department, officers warn that a group in Wilshire is using wifi jamming technology to disarm surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.

(TNS) — A group of thieves have been outsmarting smart devices across the Los Angeles area, authorities said.

8 Bands Jammer Device

In a March 4 statement by the Los Angeles Police Department, officers warn that a group in Wilshire is using Wi-Fi jamming technology to disarm surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.

This swarm of tech-savvy robberies in California is part of a larger “smart” crime wave happening nationwide. Last year, police in Minnesota and Connecticut issued similar warnings to residents when groups of Wi-Fi jamming thieves made their rounds. And those are just two examples of many.

While the Federal Communications Commission has banned Wi-Fi jamming devices, this doesn’t stop criminals from buying them cheaply, KARE11 reported. Wi-Fi jamming devices don’t necessarily deactivate devices, but work by overloading the network the devices are connected to.

“These (signal jamming) devices create traffic jams for the radio transmitter so that real traffic cannot get through,” cybersecurity expert Mark Lanterman told the outlet.

“If you are going to use a Wi-Fi camera for your front door, perhaps consider using a hardline camera inside your home,” he said. Wired cameras connected via Ethernet cables do not rely on Wi-Fi networks and would not be disrupted by a Wi-Fi jammer.

Los Angeles police also recommends hard wiring burglary alarm systems

While “smart” technology may be part of the problem, it may also have a hand in the solution, according to Tom’s Hardware. Officials recommend using timers or smart home devices to make it look like someone is home while you are away. Some smart home technology also comes with the ability to alert users if the signal or connection has been interrupted.

Tom’s Hardware also recommends connecting surveillance devices that store camera footage directly on your device, and not just to a cloud storage system. By having a camera that records to itself, you’ll have footage saved during a Wi-Fi disruption.

The LAPD also encourages people to stay vigilant by locking their doors, relying on neighbors to check on things when away and reporting any strange activity, including suspicious vehicles with temporary or dealer plates.

カテゴリー: jamming | 投稿者gpsblocker 11:40 | コメントをどうぞ