カテゴリー別アーカイブ: blocker

Doing nothing shouldn’t be an option

Teacher suspended for blocking students’ cellphones

LAND O’ LAKES, Fla. –The act of a science teacher in Florida using a signal jammers to prevent his students from using their cellphones during class has resulted in his suspension.

WTSP-TV, the CBS Tampa affiliate, highlighted Dean Liptak’s efforts to engage students in their lessons by diverting their attention away from their phones.

Liptak’s five-day, unpaid suspension was officially sanctioned by the school board members in Pasco County on Tuesday. Liptak did not raise any objections to the decision.

According to officials, Liptak utilized the phone jammer in his Fivay High School classroom, commencing on March 31 and concluding on April 2.

In his conversation with the school district investigator, he made it clear that he had no intention of causing any disruptions. He explained that he believed the jammers were permissible as long as they were not intended for any malicious purposes.

According to WTSP, the district has acknowledged that Verizon made the choice not to pursue charges against him.

Superintendent Kurt Browning conveyed his concerns in a reprimand letter, pointing out that Liptak’s actions of signal jamming had the potential to violate federal law and create interference for individuals attempting to contact 911 during emergencies.

“Verizon had come to the school saying someone had a jamming device, because the cell phone service was being interrupted in the area,” WTSP quotew Pasco County School District spokesperson Linda Cobbe as saying.

It has been stated by Cobbe that Liptak’s jamming device effectively hindered communication to the cell tower situated on the Fivay High campus.

It is high time that steering wheels were equipped with cellphone signal jammers.

In California and a minimum of twelve other states, it is considered unlawful to operate a vehicle while holding a cellphone. Despite the clear prohibition, many individuals still choose to disregard this law.

Without fail, we encounter thoughtless and self-entitled individuals on a daily basis, who pose a danger to themselves and others by engaging in conversations or texting while driving.

In motor vehicle accidents last year, a staggering 37,133 fatalities were recorded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, with distracted drivers accounting for more than 3,000 of these deaths. Moreover, each year, a significant number of individuals sustain injuries due to drivers being distracted and not paying attention to the road.

In order to gauge the perspective of car manufacturers, I reached out to the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, an industry association. According to Bryan Goodman, a representative of the organization, automakers approach this issue with great seriousness.

“We can all agree that hands on the wheel and eyes on the road continue to be critical to safe driving,” he said, adding that cellphones “were never designed to be used while driving.”

The statistics speak for themselves: distracted driving fatalities exceed the number of lives lost in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, underscoring the urgent need to address this grave public-safety concern.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 11:58 | コメントをどうぞ

Signal jammers do no harm

Why use cell phone jammers?

You know why a lot of people use cell phone blockers? In fact, there are many situations that may require a cell phone blocker.

When you hear about cell phone jammers with spy GPS trackers, it’s clear that you have some negative impressions about using such devices.

After all, you want to know if cutting off communication with a cell phone user is malicious.

However, the use of cell phone signal blockers is important for a variety of reasons. This depends on a variety of parameters.


Schools and universities are particularly useful places to use phone jammer. This is because blocking mobile phone signals can prevent students from being distracted by mobile phones.

In addition, students cannot cheat by sending cheating text messages to each other during the exam.

When it comes to facilities and surveillance systems, check out our range of top surveillance cameras. We have all types and models of surveillance cameras, whether for personal homes, schools or even shopping malls.

You can also choose between a hidden spy camera or a standard surveillance camera. Therefore, please make your choice according to your needs, as our primary goal is your safety.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

High security site

This is the case in certain specific places such as prisons and detention centres. The use of telephone jammers in these places can prevent illegal communications between prisoners and visitors.

Of course, it’s also useful to use cell phone jammers in places like movie theaters or libraries.

In these venues, customers want to enjoy their activities in peace. These are the only places where using a phone jammer would be useful.

Is it legal to use phone jammers?

In fact, the signal jammers is not meant to cause harm. In fact, even if the mobile phone signal is blocked, the frequency of GSM alarm emergency services will not be interfered with.

So feel free to use this device to give yourself and your customers the peace and quiet they deserve. Interference also allows the people inside your building or site to enjoy peace and security.

What should I consider when choosing the right model?

Admit that sitting on the bus listening to someone talking loudly about a problem on the phone is pretty boring.

It’s even worse if it happens in the middle of an important meeting, or even during a fancy dinner at a restaurant. These are the most common reasons people buy different phone jammers.

There’s only one thing you need to be aware of! If you’re not sure how to choose the right type of signal blocker, then you’d better read the following information.

Your budget

The first thing you need to do is determine your budget. It’s important to set the number and start searching for the devices in it.

Once you find a wifi blocker that suits your needs, you should start looking at reviews about it. Since the Internet is a great place, you can be sure that there are many people who have the same equipment and can share their experiences with you.

On our website, you will be dazzled by the choice between different quality models and the number of antennas (from 1 to 12).

Broadcast frequency

Keep in mind that different devices (such as GSM wireless alarms) operate on different frequencies. This is why one of the most important things is to understand the broadcast frequencies of mobile operators.

Support frequency

Once you have found the broadcast frequency, you can go to the next step to see what frequencies your device supports. If the product you search for is supported, then you can buy it.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 15:17 | コメントをどうぞ

Jammers are approved by authorities in some European countries

Cell Phones: Buying a Jammer – You Have to Consider This

Jammers interrupt mobile device wireless connections such as WiFi and GPS. You can read what it’s for and what to consider when buying one here.

What can cell phone jammers be used for?

cell phone jammer, also known as cell phone blockers or jammers, are devices that disrupt radio connections such as cell phone networks, WLAN or GPS by emitting radio waves. The range is between 10 and 40 meters.

The military and government even have models that can jam radio signals for miles.

Retailers can use gps blocker to prevent you from comparing prices in-store. Thus, retailers can increase sales.

Jammers are also useful in certain rooms where silence or distraction is desired. This prevents the phone from ringing while watching a movie or while young people are chatting at school.

But criminals can also use gsm jammer to disrupt wireless alarm systems and other radio communications, and prevent emergency calls from being made over cellphone networks.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Are cell phone jammers allowed?

The use and trade of such mobile phone blockers is prohibited within the European Union. Use may be fined up to 1000 EUR. Penalties could be higher if emergency calls are blocked buy jammers. In some European countries, jammers are approved by the authorities. Such equipment is occasionally used in French cinemas and theaters. But in Germany, this is strictly regulated: whoever wants to use radio frequencies needs to be assigned according to the Telecommunications Act. Even the import of such equipment is prohibited and strictly controlled. The devices are then confiscated and hefty fines imposed.

Use of mobile phone jammers

School cell phone jammer

The questions on the exam are well known. Use of unauthorized assistive devices such as cell phones, smartphones, tablets, wearables, or similar devices during an exam will be considered attempted cheating.

For some time now, auditors have increasingly observed remediation through the use of so-called cell phone jammers.

Products now available range from pure “cell phone indicators” to active jammers to smart IMSI catchers that force replacement of new GSM cells and log personal data in wireless network areas.

The Ministry of Education of Baden-Württemberg has issued a statement in this regard, clearly regulating the use of such devices:

From the Ministry of Culture’s point of view, the use of devices that completely block reception by mobile phones by emitting their own radio waves (“blockers”) is legally unacceptable, regardless of data protection checks. Because in the GSM frequency range only mobile network operators have the right to use the frequencies they auction and therefore also have the right to operate cell phone blockers.

The operation of mobile phone interceptors by third parties is an unallocated frequency use, which is prohibited according to Art. 149 (1) Art. 10 TKG. The use of mobile phone interceptors does not require a frequency assignment only if “the authorities exercise their legal authority in accordance with the conditions of use of the frequencies laid down by the Federal Network Agency”. There is not sufficient legal basis for use in a school setting.

It is also illegal to use equipment that listens to or records messages and is punishable by breach of telecommunications secrecy.

From the perspective of the Ministry of Education, the use of a device that scans a specific frequency range and only shows that there are switched on phones in the room without identifying the exact location is permitted under data protection law, as no personal data has been processed.

The question, however, is whether it is wise or useful to use such a device, and therefore necessary. Carrying a mobile phone is already considered cheating in public school exams in Baden-Württemberg due to the special regulations that apply. Since the effects of such devices are easily circumvented, for example by placing a mobile phone in airplane mode, scanners are of no use in exam situations. In this case, the device would not be detected by the frequency meter; but would still be carried illegally, thus constituting a fraudulent act.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:15 | コメントをどうぞ

Radio jammers can also disrupt incoming calls and put the phone into standby mode

Mobile signal jammer and Mobile Network Interceptor

The Invention of Mobile Phones

Mobile phones have become the most famous invention of the 20th century after penicillin, evolving into cameras, mini computers, etc., making them irreplaceable for every modern person. However, mobile devices have a drawback – they emit sounds and ringtones, so negotiations may not be successful – both parties cannot focus on the topic – they are always distracted.

The solution to this problem is to use mobile signal jammer. For a long time, they have been actively used by special forces, large theaters, concert halls, and multiple companies. Now, these signal scramblers are also sold globally. Our company provides customers with devices that can “protect” their phones: compact phone silencers and fixed jammers with a range of 8-15 meters. With the help of electronic device jammers, you can truly speak calmly without worrying, without being distracted by inappropriate calls, or worrying about being eavesdropped, because even if the phone owner is unaware, the phone can become an excellent listening device. From the perspective of tactical capabilities, mobile phones have acquired the attributes of covert information retrieval tools – namely “legitimate eavesdroppers”. It is worth noting that mobile phones have the most unique tactical capabilities.


Many European countries prohibit sales within the EU. Before continuing with the information request, please check the current regulations in your region. For law enforcement use only – as needed.

If you want to purchase a jammer, then you have come to the right place. On our portal, you can purchase various interceptor samples for mobile phones, Wi Fi, and GPS/GLONASS. We will supply goods to other countries around the world. Purchasing a signal silencer from the perfectjammer store is both simple and suitable.

Perfectjammer offers a wide range of product combinations, including various models of signal jammers and electronic devices with specific interference functions: preventing mobile phones, radio receivers, eavesdroppers, or other similar devices from receiving or sending signals in specific areas.

According to its performance and the signal specifications to be interfered with, different jammers can be used: eavesdroppers and mobile phone jammers, GPS device jammers, camera jammers, radio and wifi blocker, microphones and small recorder jammers. Going further down, you will find the types of interference devices and the main intervention areas to be checked.

Jammer Device

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The working principle of a telephone jammer

There are various ways in which telephone jammers work. The simplest is the Faraday cage, which does not require special costs for production. A unique panel is installed on the wall to passively block signals. There is another device – a mobile phone jammer, which can detect the presence of available phones within a certain radius. Once a call attempt is detected, the phone signal will be blocked. Therefore, radio jammers can also interfere with incoming calls. In this case, the phone will enter standby mode.

You can purchase portable phones and effective fixed silencers from our online store. The frequency jammer operates using radio signals; If the detector records a signal

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:31 | コメントをどうぞ

Jammers can attack anywhere, not just public parking lots

Service station thieves use car key jammer

Police have warned that thieves are using radio signal jammers to steal from cars parked at motorway service stations.

Thames Valley Police said the transmitters could be used to “interrupt” the signal for the remote key, thereby preventing the vehicle from being locked properly.

Police said 14 truck, van and car thefts had been reported recently, but there were “no obvious signs of burglary.”

It advised motorists to check their vehicles before leaving them unattended.

Burglaries were reported in the Chieveley, Reading and Membury service areas on the M4 in Berkshire in the last two weeks of November.


How does a radio jammer work?

The remote key has a unique signal that is transmitted from the remote key to the car via radio waves. Portable jammer suppress the signal from the owner’s key and interfere with this communication.

These devices can be used on a large scale, theoretically allowing thieves to cover an entire parking lot.

Potential thieves rely on drivers to press the lock button on the keychain but forget to double-check that the vehicle is secure, thereby leaving it open for easy access.

More modern vehicles that use keyless entry may also be vulnerable.

Car key Jammer: What you need to know

With tech-savvy thieves reportedly using electronic devices (” key jammers “) to prevent car locks, what do you need to know about this growing crime?

The transmitters, which are easy to buy online, can be used to interrupt the keychain’s signal, meaning careless motorists will think their car is safe when in fact it is not.

This gives thieves an easy way to steal your belongings or even the car itself.

A relatively low-power gps blocker has a range of about 75m, which means that a considerable area (such as an entire parking lot) could be affected at the same time.

But wifi blocker wielding scammers can strike anywhere, not just public parking lots.

Deputy Chief Constable Matt Jukes, of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, said although he believed the problem was minor at the moment, it was “a growing feature of vehicle crime”.

“The Vehicle Crime Intelligence Unit is working closely and extensively with a number of partners, including the Home Office and car manufacturers, to develop solutions to prevent this crime now and in the future.”

Loran Dover contacted the BBC to say the incident had happened to her on a residential street in Leeds.

“When I got up to get ready for work, I went outside and found all the car doors closed.

“When I knew I’d locked the car, I was mortified to think I’d just left it behind – I was staying at my boyfriend’s house and had to leave Christmas presents in the car. But when we actually looked inside, the whole car was ransacked and everything of value had been taken.

“The police initially said they would not take any action. No one was even sent to check for fingerprints, because there were no obvious signs of a break-in. But when I called the bank to cancel my card, the thieves kept using it.” Non-contact type. That’s when the police really got involved and took the matter more seriously.

“They are currently watching CCTV and hopefully they will catch them.”


カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:53 | コメントをどうぞ

Jammer structure and durability, power consumption

Jammers work by emitting radio waves

Jammers: Hell objects block 4G networks and trigger alarms

  • The difference between cheap gps jammer and a specialist tool is the coverage, the strength of the noise signal and the number of antennas available. When activated, the tool will fill the desired frequency of the interference signal in a 180-degree range.
  • The power (in watts) of the interference signal may be expressed in decibels, while the number and type of antenna affects the coverage and frequency range that may be interfered with. However, this is precisely because jammers are spreading across the Internet at prices that anyone can buy. People try to prevent this phenomenon by means of countermeasures. In fact, it can detect frequency interference instruments. They are called “anti-jamming devices” and send an alert input when they detect interfering electromagnetic radiation in the surrounding environment.
  • With GPS jammers, even if the burglar alarm system or the GSM device connected to it has been disabled or interfered with, the alarm signal will still reach the relevant person.
  1. In response to this phenomenon, many manufacturers have implemented so-called “anti-jamming” features in GSM dialers. The anti-jamming mode involves the use of two units: one unit connected to its own alarm system and configured as a combination, and the other unit installed in a different location and configured as a combination satellite.
  2. Once they become truly clandestine agents or tools only available to the armed forces, but for those who are not familiar with phone jammer, they know that they are special electronic devices that allow you to jam the frequencies of your smartphone.
  3. When sold on the Internet or in specialised shops, the jammer will prohibit the use of the GSM, wifi, 3g, 4G and GPS frequencies that we normally use with different TIM, Wind Tre and Vodafone. They work by emitting radio waves much higher than other waves and interfering with signals used for phone calls or satellite tracking.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

It is now known that with the help of simple devices, it is possible to block the operation of a GSM telephone dialer. WiFi jammers are one of the most commonly used technologies, that is, the use of devices that can interfere with radio communications in the GSM communication spectrum. A jammer is a device capable of degrading the quality of radio communications by tens of meters, effectively preventing telephone dialers from sending communications within the radius of their respective associated numbers.

There are many factors that affect buy jammers

Law enforcement and military personnel use cell phone jammers in a variety of situations to restrict and interrupt communications. Some organizations use cell phone jammers to block communications in sensitive areas to prevent companies from spying. Some people use cell phone jammers to prevent others from using their phones nearby.

In addition to price, other factors to consider may include the construction and durability of the housing, depending on the type of conditions the jammer must meet. Whether you need to put a small unit in your pocket or create a larger one for a building, environmental factors can help you make your decision. Like cell phones, the power consumption of these devices varies. Operating time and standby time will affect the entire battery life.

The directionality of the antenna will vary. Some may be better suited to covering large areas, such as buildings, while others may be better suited to covering more specific points. Antennas can radiate many different field orientations, some of which have more zero area than others. The working radius or range should meet your needs and not encroach on other nearby areas. Also consider whether you need compatible accessories, such as adapters, chargers, and power supplies.

Although you may be tempted in church, the classroom, or on public transportation, illegal use of wifi blocker can result in hefty fines and even jail time. Consider whether using special building materials designed to block microwave radiation will best meet your needs. Another solution could be to use a cell phone alert, which activates when a cell phone signal is present. They can power lights or trigger alarms.

The shape of the device may vary. They don’t look much like phones compared to keyboards. Some look like wireless home network transceivers or small boxes with multiple rubber antennas. Others may travel incognito and be merged into folders. Device specifications may vary depending on power output, compatibility with telecommunications system standards, and portability.

Most phones will not display a network signal once the phone blocker is activated, and the phone will be activated when the GSM phone blocker is turned off. The telephone uses its own frequency to talk and listen. Most cell phone jammers have the function of indirectly blocking one of the two frequencies by blocking them. Cell phone jammers work in the same way as jammers used to block wireless communications. They work by interfering with the cell phone to base station frequency or the base station to the cell phone frequency.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:23 | コメントをどうぞ

odd Humpreys and his research team tricked drone with jammer

Spoofing signals from jammers are difficult to detect

A year after Todd Humpreys and his research team tricked a drone with a jammer, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin led another team to remove the yacht from the canal. The $80 million private yacht uses the world’s first recognized GPS spoofing device, a briefcase-sized piece of hardware built by Hamprice and his team.

“Before we conducted this experiment, I had no idea how possible it was to deceive a warship and how difficult it would be to detect such an attack,” Humphreys said in a press release.

The experiment was carried out during a 213-foot yacht crossing the Mediterranean from Monaco to Greece. Two graduate students, Jahshan Bhatti and Ken Pesyna, used GPS jammers to broadcast bad GPS signals from the ship’s deck to the antenna. Once the researchers secretly established a connection with the ship’s GPS receiver, they were able to turn it off slightly. GPS tracking in the control room showed that despite the manoeuvre, the yacht was still travelling in a straight line.

A University of Texas yacht experiment has uncovered cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the maritime industry. These shortcomings are particularly important given the high cost of sea-going vessels and their outsized role in international trade.

“The ease with which Todd and his team can indeed take control of a million-dollar yacht is proof that we need to increase investment to ensure that our transportation system is protected from possible deception,” Chandra said. Bart, director of the National Center for Transportation Research. University of Texas at Austin.

During an Autopilot(NOA) test drive, Regulus Cyber tricked a Tesla Model 3. NOA is a GNSS dependent feature that allows the high-tech Tesla Model 3 to make turns and lane changes without driver confirmation.

To fool the Model 3′s automatic navigation system, the Regulus research team sent false satellite coordinates of the gsm jammer to an antenna mounted on the roof of the car. The fake coordinates correspond to a location 150 meters before the freeway exit. After receiving the spoofing signal, the Model 3 reacted almost immediately. It is believed the car was just 500 feet from the highway exit when it suddenly slowed down, turned on its right turn signal and turned toward the emergency exit. The driver was taken aback – by the time he grabbed the steering wheel, it was too late to correct the car’s position and smoothly put it back on the highway.

The impact of drone jammers on the drone industry

Since safety is a top priority for civil aviation authorities worldwide, we must meet these safety requirements to integrate into national airspace. Therefore, ensuring aircraft safety is one of the main drivers of the drone industry. Safety involves parachutes, detection and evasion, and new remote identification rules. Increasingly troublesome, however, is how easy it is for consumers and bad actors to use relatively cheap and readily available drone jammers to interfere with navigation systems.

The so-called “clumsy, reckless, criminal” will cause a lot of man-made GPS interference.

GPS WiFi Cell Phone Jammer

For a few hundred dollars online, anyone can buy a GPS jammer that disables anything in its range of service, including your drone. Not all of these purchases are malicious, and some of them are simply the result of distrust or ignorance of the technology, but the result of individuals choosing to use the technology without realizing the consequences. Whether intentional or not, the loss of GPS reduces the time it takes to complete important missions and threatens the safety of people and property on the ground.

Ivan Stamatovski, Commercial Director at Easy Aviation, explains: “To give you an idea of how important GPS is for most drones. In fact, it is the only way for them to understand their location and environment. Drone news. “There is no such thing. They are practically blind.”

While some drones can operate in environments where GPS can’t pick them up, most rely on GPS to maintain operational control. In addition to the obvious safety risks posed by out-of-control drones, which can lead to accidents, important tactical missions can also be derailed at critical moments, resulting in loss of situational awareness, loss of valuable data, and even loss of life. This is a particularly pressing issue for companies like Easy Aero, which specializes in security and surveillance for military and commercial applications. Telephone jammers are their enemy.

“Human intervention is still very difficult in the United States, but the threat is growing,” Stamatowski said. “If you look into the future, even five years from now, you’ll see all kinds of robots. That’s going to be key for us. In the infrastructure part, everyone’s goods and services will depend on it. It is critical that we address the problem escalation method first, as this can be a real difficulty in any operation. We regularly attack offices in Israel – GPS is lost all over the country. This is a real test for our drones and shows that the industry has to be ready.”

As the drone industry has grown, these tools have become more sophisticated, especially as people have begun to understand the value of the data collected by drones. It was with this in mind that Easy Aviation partnered with InfiniDome, which specializes in anti-jamming technology. They have jointly developed a small drone platform that integrates InfiniDome’s GPSdome wifi blocker with Easy Aero’s Intelligent Aerial Surveillance System (SAMS), the first of their kind.

Install jammers to reduce the risk of cheating

Mobile phone signal blockers are mainly used in various places where the use of mobile phones is prohibited, such as various examination rooms, schools, gas stations, churches, courts, libraries, conference centers, theaters, hospitals, government, finance, prisons, public places, etc. Security and military strength.

It is understood that the WiFi mobile phone signal blocker on the market can limit the mobile phone signal within 500 meters from the transmitting station and the radius is >20 meters. The shielding radius is adjustable, only shielding mobile phone signals, does not affect other electronic devices. Energy saving, power 20W-480W.

Cell phones operate within a certain frequency range. Mobile phones and base stations are connected by radio waves, and data and sound are transmitted through a certain baud rate and modulation. Taking into account this communication principle, the mobile phone signal jammer will sweep the frequency from the bottom of the front channel to the top at a certain speed during the operation. Mobile phone search network, no signal, no service system and other phenomena.

The Indian government has used telephone jammers in test centres.

Instead of giving the authorities a chance this time, the authorities arranged for the All India Pre-Medical Examination (AIPMT), which was overturned by the Supreme Court on Saturday at the Simrakandria Vidyalaya Supreme Court on the grounds of allegations of mass irregularities.

Metal detectors, network jammers and vulnerability detectors were installed for the first time at the test center, which will be conducted in 16 classrooms at Jaku School. The school requires at least 480 students to take the AIPMT retest. The school district has installed closed-circuit television cameras.

The school administration is responsible for the examination on behalf of 32 teachers. In addition to six supervisors, each class has two teachers. At least 15 police officers will secure the school.

3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer

On Thursday, a team from the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) visited the centre to assess all arrangements.

Students must strictly adhere to the dress code set by the Board, or they will be allowed into the hall. – Light-colored half-sleeved shirt with no badges or fancy buttons, slippers (excluding shoes) and accessories.

Watches or other timekeeping gadgets are not allowed, it is not recommended to bring anything other than properly pasted photos and additional photos, and do not enter the examination room.

The AIPMT test was held earlier on May 3 and was taken by 630,000 students across 3,800 medical seats in 1,050 centres across India.

During the exam on May 3, the paper was leaked and answer sheets were distributed via electronic devices. The Supreme Court quashed its review in May.

Investigators said answers to 123 questions were sent via 75 mobile phones in Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Haryana and several other states, so the test was cancelled.

This time, installing wifi jammers will greatly reduce the possibility of cheating.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:38 | コメントをどうぞ

Telephone jammer are widely used in laboratories

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Principles to follow when using jammers

  1. In the process of using the jammer, you can really understand the principle of the cell phone jammer. These are all very critical things. Many people don’t understand why they need to understand the main principles at the beginning of the process. What does it take? You have to do all aspects of the work well, and can constantly recognize the relevant content, which is good for the whole process, so I hope you can actively pay attention to the process of doing. These practical things.
  2. When you understand the principle of cell phone signal blockers, you can know what it does. Different devices have different main principles and functions, and there are certain differences. Therefore, everyone must actively recognize these major aspects of the mindfulness process. Cell phone jammers have different inherent principles and technologies. The whole process, the technology is naturally different. Therefore, we need to have a deep understanding of the equipment status in order to better operate.
  3. Some people are in special situations and don’t expect their signals to be protected. Only by understanding the principle of mobile phone jammers can you know how to solve these problems. Do a good job of focusing on all aspects and finding a reasonable way to understand the main solution situation, then you can offer more. We hope that you can actively consider relevant aspects in the process of facing these problems. Then the overall problem is easier to solve, and the phone’s protection device can be better used.
  4. The state of each device is different, and the operation method is different. When you can understand the principle of mobile phone GPS jammers, it is also the principle that everyone should use. Some people want to better operate the equipment, but do not have a full understanding of the various areas, so it directly causes various problems. Focusing on these practical aspects in a targeted way, so that we continue to know more content, can make us more secure in the future application process.

8 Bands Jammer

Signal Jammers are often used in laboratories

Some people use their phones in the car or in the lobby. I want to stay out of trouble as much as possible. You can use WiFi Shield in this case. You can block radio waves from your phone. There are many types of this equipment. There are different sizes, shapes, working principles and blocking ranges. You can effectively delete sending and receiving. A hidden tracking device can suppress the camera. There are many advantages. Directional antennas are easy to install, use and maintain. Effective blocking of multiple frequencies.

To keep your business growing, you need to install high-performance mobile jammers. Therefore, you cannot access secret information, and the mobile communication module enables you to introduce the device. Not only can you be safe, but you can also enjoy a quiet moment. It has the ability to block data transmission via high-speed Internet or GPS. The benefits are many. A license is required to use this communication suppression device. Exercise to avoid inconvenience.

You can install this shutdown device in the lab. People talk too much about fairness during exams. Exam results are very important to students. You can effectively avoid fraud. I know human intervention is necessary. Believe in yourself and don’t worry about others cheating. Telephone jammers are widely used in laboratories. You can get good results. It is used in various models.

Certain devices block and disable radio waves, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS. The problem of using mobile phones cannot be completely eliminated. Mobile jammers work in these places. Each digital band cutting antenna is connected. When I turned it on, I couldn’t use my smartphone. There are also GPS loggers that perform tracking and monitoring of the situation. The radio jammer also supports GPS jamming.

Can be said to be a wide range of applications of the product. Today’s online shopping makes it easy to buy high quality radio jammers. No service is available on the phone screen. You can choose each frequency band. This feature allows you to use one device for different frequency bands. Some devices are equipped with large antennas. You can extend the operating range of the selected frequency.

Sends a signal of a specific frequency and power. Before using such devices, it is worth carefully considering the possible consequences. It is important to enter exactly what frequency to delete. GPS jammers are very powerful. You can do block work to control specific areas. You can restrict communication in a variety of situations. You can use wifi interference in public places such as hospitals. Different countries have different laws regarding the use of cell phone jammers.

Jammers must be used correctly

Some smart phones offer great convenience. Popular with many young people. Maybe that’s not good. Your vision may be impaired. To avoid this, maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some people use radio jammers. Some devices use different frequencies. Learn the advantages and disadvantages of this feature. Keep the phone jammer on. You can get away from phone noise. You can adjust the frequency of interference waves. Check the effectiveness of blocking cell phone signals. This is important when installing deterrence devices. An antenna needs to be installed. You can’t forget the power supply. Properly install the antenna that supports the signal. The cutting distance of the mobile phone wifi blocker is related to the electromagnetic field and the distance of the communication base station.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:58 | コメントをどうぞ

US Independence Day Signal Jammers discount 10%

Great Independence Day Sale! ! !

10% discount on our website right now.

Stack discount codes to get at least 20% off!

Maybe after two days the activity will disappear.

If you need, you can contact us to place an order.

Date: July 1st to July 7th

independence day Jammer

Nissan is building signal jammers in its cars to eliminate cell phone interference

  1. A car manufacturer has developed a compartment that blocks cell phone signals.
  2. Nissan says the Signal Shield prototype, built into the armrest of the Juke crossover, will eliminate distractions from incoming calls, messages and social media notifications.
  3. The box works on the principle of a Faraday cage (invented in the 1830s), which uses materials such as wire mesh to shield its contents from electromagnetic fields.
  4. Once the lid is closed, all mobile, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi signals cannot reach the inside of the compartment.
  5. The RAC survey of more than 1,700 UK motorists found that the proportion admitting to using a mobile phone while driving rose from 8% in 2014 to 31% last year.
  6. In October, lorry driver Tomasz Kroker was jailed for 10 years after crashing a stationary car with his car while playing with his mobile phone on the A34 near Newbury, Berkshire, killing a woman and three children.
  7. According to the UK’s Department for Transport, 22 people were killed and 99 seriously injured in crashes on UK roads in 2015, in which drivers using mobile phones played a role.
  8. RAC road safety spokesman Pete Williams said: “Our research shows that mobile phone use by drivers has reached epidemic proportions.
  9. “With mobile phone technology advancing by leaps and bounds, many people have become addicted to it. However, using a mobile phone while driving is a physical and mental distraction and has been illegal since 2003.
  10. cell phone jammer is a great example of technology that can help drivers make smart phone calls.
  11. “For those who can’t avoid the temptation, this simple but smart enough technology offers them a valuable no-movement zone.”

WiFi Cancellation Verification VS WiFi Jammer: What’s the difference?

Terminology can sometimes confuse all of us. [Seytonic] does a good job of explaining the difference between a WiFi jammer and a cancellation validator in the video embedded below. Many of you already know the difference, but it’s worth pointing it out because many refer to de-authenticating devices as “wifi blocker.”

In their YouTube video, they explain that jammers emit a noise load on all WiFi channels, resulting in unusable frequencies within a given distance from the jammer. Jammers are also usually quite expensive and mostly illegal, making them hard to find unless you make your own.

WiFi de-validation, on the other hand, works in a very different way. WiFi sends unencrypted packets, called management frames. Because these are not encrypted, even if the network uses WPA2, a malicious party can send a de-authentication command to direct the user out of the access point. However, there is hope for 802.11w with encrypted management frames. It’s been around for a while, but manufacturers don’t seem willing to implement it, even though it could make WiFi devices more secure against such attacks.


Disassemble what you shouldn’t have – GPS jammers

GPS jammers are easily available on the Internet. No, we won’t link to them. However, truck drivers and others who own company cars often use GPS jammers, and they don’t want their employers tracking their every move. Are these devices useful? Is it worth paying $25 for one?

These tiny individual boxes emit radio frequency of about 1575.42 MHz, the same frequency used by GPS satellites in high Earth orbit. These signals from GPS satellites are very, very weak and are relatively easily drowned out by noise. This is pretty much the block diagram for those cheap GPS jammers: Put the noise at the right frequency, and your phone or your boss’s GPS tracker won’t work. Note that this is a very low-tech attack; In theory, more sophisticated GPS jamming and spoofing techniques could allow drones to land safely.

The dismantling of the GPS jammer shows that the device is very simple. There are some 555s making low frequency noise. This provides the VCO with a signal in the 1466 to 1590 MHz range. The output of the VCO is then sent to a large RF transistor for amplification and output via a quarter-wave antenna. It may be RF magic, but it’s a very simple circuit.

The output of this circuit was measured and, to the surprise of many, there were no stray emissions or harmonics – the jammer would not disable your phone or WiFi, only your GPS. The range of the device in the open air is estimated at 15-30 meters, which is more than enough if you’re a truck driver. In a canyon of skyscrapers, this range can extend to hundreds of meters.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:30 | コメントをどうぞ

Mobile phone jammer provides security and stability for prisons and other places

What functions can the mobile phone signal blocker achieve after networking?

In some classified places, if you carry mobile communication equipment, there is the possibility of leakage, causing harm to units or individuals. What is more serious is that some criminals use mobile communication equipment to remote control bombs, causing casualties and property losses. To solve these problems, the mobile phone signal blocker came into being. It can interfere with the signal of mobile communication devices, and then cannot use mobile phones to communicate normally. Provide security and stability for meeting rooms, prisons and other places!

With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, the requirements for mobile phone signal blockers are also constantly improving, and more and more intelligent. Now the mobile phone signal blocker has a networking setting, then relative to the ordinary mobile phone signal blocker, what are the functions of the intelligent network control mobile phone signal blocker?

  • ① After networking, the mobile phone signal blocker can log in to the shield management system webpage to remotely turn on or off the mobile phone signal blocker with one click.
  • ② The transmitting power of each channel can be adjusted remotely
  • ③ The working status of the mobile phone signal blocker can be observed in real time, so that the user can see the working status of the current mobile phone signal blocker at a glance.
  • ④ Later maintenance and repair is very convenient. Through the mask management system, you can judge the working status of the mobile phone signal blocker according to the color of the icon.

Utilizes of Signal Jammers

Why are cell phone jammer increasingly used in school testing rooms?

Cell phone blockers are used in many places. Mobile phone signal blockers can now be seen in exam rooms of major schools. So why are more and more schools looking to install them? This is because cheating has become more rampant in recent years. In order to effectively curb the occurrence of this kind of cheating, the mobile phone signal blocker came into being. The appearance of mobile phone signal blockers is a great help to the examination room. More and more people choose it to prevent mobile phone communication cheating.

Wireless blockers: Block cell phone signals in certain areas

Common wireless blockers block cell phone signals by transmitting interference signals. By transmitting a signal of a specific frequency, the surrounding electromagnetic environment is subject to the same frequency interference, and the mobile phone cannot correctly analyze the signal from the base station, so as to achieve the purpose of shielding the mobile phone signal.

Under normal circumstances, when the mobile phone first enters a cell, the local cell signal base station will update the location of the mobile phone and assign it new temporary user information. After receiving the base station information, the mobile phone can determine the location of the cell. When the wireless wifi jammers is working, it sends a interference signal and interferes with the effective signal on the base station broadcast channel frequency band. Interference signals increase the bit error rate of the communication channel and reduce the signal-to-noise ratio of the channel, which affects the effective reception of the broadcast information of the base station by the mobile phone. When the signal-to-noise ratio drops to a certain extent, the mobile phone cannot decode the broadcast information of the base station normally, thus losing contact with the base station. After many attempts, the mobile phone cannot determine the service area it is in, so there is no signal in the interfered mobile phone area. Not in the service area.

How to ensure the signal interference to achieve the desired effect

Wireless shielding is usually used in examination rooms, regulatory places, confidential meeting rooms, etc. When using wireless shielding in these places, it is necessary to ensure that the shielding effect of wireless shielding achieves the desired effect. In fact, there are many factors that affect the shielding effect of wireless jammers, such as the distance between the installation site of the wireless jammer and the nearby signal base station, the transmission power of the jammer, and the use of the wall. In order to ensure that wireless blockers can effectively block mobile phone signals, it is very important to test when buying a GPS jammers.

First, test the shielding distance of the wireless blocker, not just one or two network types of the phone. The mobile phone network used by cheating candidates during the exam is different, especially the 5G mobile phone network which is very popular in the past two years. Therefore, it is necessary to test mobile phones on all networks of current carriers. Make sure that the wireless blocker can block all cell phone networks in the exam room area to qualify!

Then test the stability of the shielding effect of the wireless shield. Test the shielding effect after turning on the phone to ensure that the phone has no signal, and the mobile phone signal cannot appear from time to time, otherwise it will lead to someone using this interval to send test information. This is enough time for the examinee to cheat through the answers. Therefore, when purchasing a wireless jammer, we must pay attention to the field test of the shielding effect of different mobile phones to ensure that the jammer really achieves an effective shielding effect.

Why is the wireless signal blocker used in the exam room with a built-in antenna?

In recent years, as long as there are large exams, in order to completely eliminate cheating in the exam room, it is not surprising to install wireless signal blockers. However, many people have only heard of such things, and know that it is used to block signals, and have not carefully observed its appearance. So, what does a wifi jammer look like? The difference between wireless signal blockers first lies in the appearance of the housing. There are currently two types on the market. One uses an external antenna, the other an internal antenna. The internal structure of these two wireless signal blockers is still a little different.

Wireless signal blockers with built-in antennas usually have the antenna installed inside, and the antenna is composed of various electronic components. With a built-in antenna like this one, the main reason is aesthetics. The external antenna shielding device is provided with a plurality of interfaces on the housing for mounting the external antenna. These interfaces represent signal shielding for different channels. Generally speaking, the number of external antennas also determines the advantages and disadvantages of wireless signal blockers. More antenna shielding will also have a wider range. It’s got all kinds of electronics in it. Through these electronic components, the purpose of interfering with mobile phone signals can be achieved.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:46 | コメントをどうぞ