カテゴリー別アーカイブ: car

National Summit Addresses Signal Jamming in Auto Theft Prevention

Canada held a National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft on February 8, 2024 in Ottawa. The Summit sought to bring together stakeholders to solve this very serious problem.

A major outcome of the Summit is that the government will disrupt the supply chain that makes available devices that are often used in vehicle theft by criminals in the process of stealing vehicles.

Vehicle theft has grown to be a very critical issue in Canada: The country is seeking to mitigate this situation. News reports reveal that car thieves have developed systematic techniques where it is easy to obtain stolen vehicles for sale in other markets. The federal government with the support of advocates is implementing plans to reduce this problem.


Should vehicle manufacturers do more to stop vehicle theft?

This very question of more remedies needed to stop vehicle theft has stimulated the growth of Aftermarket solutions. Antitheft systems and devices are growing in popularity becuase some people feel insecure about simply replying on the vehicle manufactures built-in security systems. The Forbes article below highlights this concern:

“Manufacturers are always working to improve the anti-theft measures in vehicles, but thieves work just as hard to defeat them. According to FBI statistics, in 2020 the U.S. saw an 11.8% increase in car thefts over the prior year, and the trend has continued. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reported that over 1 million vehicles were stolen in 2022. That’s a 7% increase over 2021, and the first time there were over 1 million vehicles stolen since 2008.”

When the pickup truck was stolen, the thieves allegedly removed a factory-installed GPS tracker but the owner had his own backup plan: a second GPS tracker which was installed by a trained mechanic. This second telematics device enabled him to locate the Toyota Tundra at a parking lot in Toronto before he called the police.

The strategy of using a second backup tracker is a common strategy used all over the world: The typical weakness of this approach is Management and Maintenance. Management speaks to checking on the proper functioning of the Tracker at regular intervals. Maintenance requires prompt attention at the earliest signs of malfunction.

Information Risk

I believe that Information RISK is the typical reason why some persons chose backup security devices. Vehicle manufacturers adopt strategies to secure information on primary built-in tracking systems and devices so that vehicle security is not compromised. As the age old adage goes “a chain is as strong as its weakness link”.

The vehicle service and maintenance information systems has to be distributed downstream involving more human players which inherently increases the risk that ethical issues may compromise security. How to prevent Information from being leaked to bad actors is always a systemic concern.

Information Risk Mitigation

The Information Risk Management (IRM) plan addresses the risk mitigation strategy using policies, technology and procedures to minimize the probability of information security leaks.

Once it becomes apparent that vehicles are being stolen despite the IRM being in place, data should be collected and analyzed to assess how the IRM can be strengthened. The spectrum of compromises varies from sharing of Master Access Codes, Encryption Algorithms or an individual in the Supply Chain informing criminal elements how to defeat the built-in security.

The tools devices generally used to steal vehicles include GPS and GSM Jammers.

GSM & GPS Jammers

Information on how to temporarily block GSM and GPS Signal jammers are readily available online.

Tech-Savvy criminals can learn and become proficient

The GPS Tracker which is an Internet of Things (IoT) device, detects the attempts to jam GSM and GPS transmissions: This electronic attack interferes with the operation of the tracker in it’s function to protect the vehicle from being stolen. The small electronic circuit board within the device gathers GPS, GSM, Bluetooth data and other information that keeps the vehicle secure. Satellite data determines vehicle location and elevation.

Is the vehicle on a mountain road or driving through a tunnel under a river. The GSM module assists the GPS module by also providing tracking data based on Mobile Cellsite Towers: This information assists the GPS functionality of the tracker. The Mobile (GSM) data connectivity from the wireless telephone operators such as T-Mobile or Bell Mobility (Bell Canada) allows for the sending of Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring data from the Tracker to GPS Tracking platforms (Software) such as Navixy.com.

カテゴリー: car | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:48 | コメントをどうぞ

The Laser Interceptor Laser Jammer is equipped with two sensors

Laser Interceptor, an Anti Laser type active Laser signal jammers, emits beams to obstruct police lasers, distinguishing itself from radar detectors that only indicate speed measurement. This LIDAR-triggered Laser Jammer transmits a Jamming Beam upon detecting a LIDAR signal, deactivating when the signal stops, and reactivating upon detection of another LIDAR Signal(s). The Laser Interceptor laser jammer is comprised of two sensors.

Each sensor is made up of a laser detector and a laser transmitter. These sensors are fixed on the front of the vehicle, and additional sensors can be obtained to defend the rear of the vehicle as well.

Every time the device is activated, it runs a self-test and then plays a welcoming sound. The transceiver unit is equipped with two internal sensors that can detect laser beams. Once a laser beam is detected, the sensor sends a signal to a high-speed microprocessor for analysis, which in turn sends corresponding signals to the LASER transmitter.

Through synchronization, both sensors work in unison, intensifying the jamming effect. When a LIDAR device receives signals from a vehicle equipped with a Laser Interceptor, it becomes incapable of accurately gauging the speed. This is due to the device receiving inaccurate information about the current distance from the vehicle. As a result, the speed is not displayed, and the device promptly alerts the user with an audio warning sound and a Voice Alert, specifying the type of LIDAR being utilized, whenever a speed measurement is attempted.

The device is specifically designed to perform at its best even in the most extreme temperature conditions, thanks to its built-in thermo regulation system. Its housing is made from black plasticized aluminium and features a front optical lens. Additionally, the device is both waterproof and highly resistant to mechanical damage.


A radar detector is a device that is installed in a vehicle to identify radar signals over an extensive range. Its primary purpose is to promptly alert the driver/user about potential radar-based threats, such as speed measuring devices like multanova or radar speed guns.

The main function of radar detectors is to detect and protect against RADAR threats, ensuring efficient security measures. However, they may not be adequate in providing timely warnings against LIDAR, a laser-based speed measuring device. LIDAR is gaining popularity due to its superior performance, stability, and advanced technology, surpassing outdated RADAR products like RADAR multanova.

To obtain adequate protection against LIDAR, laser jamming systems are the optimal choice. These systems possess the ability to both detect and block laser speed guns, allowing you to drive peacefully without any concerns about laser-based speed measurement.

カテゴリー: car | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:58 | コメントをどうぞ

Common Questions About Police Laser Jammers

Radar detectors typically do not detect laser signals. Radar detectors are designed to pick up radio waves emitted by radar guns used by law enforcement to measure vehicle speed. On the other hand, laser jammer are devices designed to detect and disrupt the laser signals emitted by police lidar (light detection and ranging) guns. They work by emitting infrared light pulses that confuse or jam the laser gun’s ability to accurately measure a vehicle’s speed. However, it’s important to note that the legality of using laser signal jammer varies by jurisdiction.


They emit pulses of infrared light to disrupt or confuse the laser gun’s ability to accurately measure the speed of a vehicle. This interference makes it difficult for the laser gun to obtain a speed reading, potentially alerting the driver and allowing them to adjust their speed accordingly.

Do Police Laser Jammers Work? – Yes they do.

Would I still need to purchase a radar detector if I buy a laser jammer? – Yes, a laser jammer will not detect police radar. Because of this if you want 100% protection you will need both a radar detector and a laser jammer.

Do you sell radar blockers or radar jammers? – No, jamming radar is illegal and can land you a $50,000 fine and 5-years in jail.

Can I Get Parts for My Blinder M47, M27, HP-905? – Sorry but no, Blinder has discontinued manufacturing this laser jammer as they are exclusively manufacturing for the Escort brand.

Are Laser Jammers Legal? – The states of California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and the District of Columbia do have laws that do prohibit the use of laser jammers.

カテゴリー: car | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:38 | コメントをどうぞ