カテゴリー別アーカイブ: cellphone

Riders Jamming Cell Phones on Septa Buses

NBC10 Investigators tracked down a cell phone sniffer who specifically targeted people using their cell phones on SEPTA bus routes. Not only did he admit to doing it, he thought it was a good thing.

The man, who calls himself Jonathan, told NBC10 Investigators, “I guess I’m taking the law personally, and frankly, I’m proud of it.”

Jonathan said he doesn’t want to hear people talking on their phones in public.


“It’s still pretty annoying, and frankly, it’s pretty rude,” Jonathan said. Jonathan

said he was activating a cell phone jammer he bought online to block out conversations he doesn’t want to hear.

“A lot of people are very loud and have no sense of privacy at all. When they feel like they’re bothering me, I just screw in the antenna and turn the switch on,” Jonathan said.

An NBC10 employee, whom NBC10 Investigators calls “Brooklyn,” said she was horrified when she saw the man jamming passengers’ cell phones while she was riding a SEPTA bus to work.

“He was clearly holding this device that looked like a walkie-talkie, with four thick antennas on it. I started watching him, and whenever someone started calling, he would press a button on the side of the device,” Brooklyn said.

Brooklyn tipped off NBC10 Investigators, who went undercover and caught the phone thief with hidden cameras.

Minutes after boarding the No. 44 bus, NBC10 Investigators spotted Eric jamming a cell phone. Weeks later, they caught Eric as he got off the bus and told him cell phone jamming devices were illegal.

“From what I understand, it’s more of a gray area. From what I understand, it’s illegal to stop TV signals, radio signals. From what I understand, it’s not illegal to jam cell phone signals under the FCC,” Jonathan said.

But under federal law, it’s illegal to use, possess, buy or sell a cell phone jammer. The federal government says violating the law could result in jail time and a fine of up to $16,000. Cell phone jammers are illegal for public safety reasons.

Dr. Rob D’Ovidio of Drexel University studies cell phone forensics and e-crime. D’Ovidio said some cell phone jammers can block GPS, two-way radios and even police radios if they are close enough.

“With a cell phone jammer, you can limit all types of communication tools that use radio frequencies. That has the potential to be a public safety disaster. It’s a dangerous thing to cut off not only our government officials from communicating with the dispatch center, but also the public from communicating with 911,” Dr. D’Ovidio said.

NBC10 Investigators asked Jonathan if he was worried about disturbing someone who was seeking emergency help.

“Certainly, if that happened on a bus, I think I would have been in that situation. Of course, I think that would have been a very different situation; I think I would have called 911 myself,” Jonathan said.

SEPTA officials said they have received many complaints from 44 bus route passengers about lost phones. But SEPTA insisted that passengers are safe, adding that they have tested their system and handheld signal jammer alone are not enough.

SEPTA said all buses are equipped with panic buttons. Drivers can also alert police via digital destination signs on the front of buses. The transit authority said it has tested two-way radio communications and insisted cellphone jammers wouldn’t affect it. But that didn’t make Brooklyn feel any better.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:20 | コメントをどうぞ

Nbc Has Come Across Illegal Online Dealings of Rf Jammers

NBC News reports that online retailers and drone technology companies are marketing RF jammers as drone deterrents or privacy tools, thereby circumventing laws that prohibit the sale of such devices in the United States.

The warning issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) states that signal jamming devices can block emergency calls and pose a serious risk to public safety communications, while also interfering with other forms of everyday communications and air navigation systems.

The FCC said: “It is a violation of federal law to use phone blocker, GPS blockers, or other signal jamming devices designed to intentionally block, disrupt, or interfere with authorized radio communications. Use in businesses, classrooms, residences, or vehicles is not exempt. Local law enforcement agencies do not have independent authority to use jamming devices; federal law enforcement agencies may use them under applicable regulations under certain limited exceptions.”


The FCC warning also states that “it is illegal to advertise, sell, distribute, import, or otherwise market jamming devices to consumers in the United States”

But NBC reports that Amazon third-party sellers, independent online stores based in China, and small domestic companies that specialize in drone-related equipment are all ignoring the law. The FCC told NBC that it is investigating the sale of jammers, including on Amazon.

As part of its investigation, NBC spoke with the CEO of a U.S. company that offers portable anti-drone radio frequency jamming devices online. The CEO told NBC that the devices are easily available if consumers have the money, but they mainly see interest from large companies and government agencies as they prepare for domestic drone terrorism.

There are more people selling “jammers.” The devices can block cell phone calls, text messages, Wi-Fi networks and GPS systems and can be used to cause chaos in public places.

The small, battery-powered devices can be used to create “blind spots” in a small area (usually around 30 feet) and have been used by movie theaters, restaurants and schools to prevent people from using their phones. But they can also cut off 911 calls, interfere with navigation near airports, and have been used to disrupt radio communications near police stations. FCC officials said they have noticed an increase in the flow of jammers, which are banned by federal law, into the United States. Many of the cheaper versions, which sell for as little as $25, are imported from Asia, according to the agency.

It is illegal to sell, advertise, use or import jammers under the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits blocking radio communications in public

The FCC said cities including Orlando, Philadelphia, Austin, Mississippi, Charlotte, North Carolina, Washington, D.C., Cincinnati and Corpus Christi, Texas, advertised jammers on the site. Officials said they do not believe the cases are related.

“Simply posting an ad for a signal jammer on a site like Craigslist.org is a violation of federal law. Signal jammers are contraband for a reason,” Michele Ellison, director of the FCC’s enforcement bureau, said in a statement. “One person’s moment of peace or privacy could very well jeopardize the safety and well-being of others.”

Most sellers advertised jammers as a way to take an “undisturbed nap” on a bus, quiet a classroom or keep your area “free of interference,” without mentioning the more nefarious uses the device could be used for, according to the citations.

“We are increasingly concerned that individual consumers operating jammers do not appear to understand the serious consequences of using jammers,” one citation reads. “Instead, these operators mistakenly believe that their illegal operations are personal convenience or should be excused.”

Keith Grabowski allegedly advertised on Philadelphia Craigslist for a “cell phone jammer, WiFi signal jammer” for $300. He stated in the ad that “due to the nature of this item, we are disclosing very few details,” that the jammer was “not a toy,” and that “I just want to get rid of it as quickly as possible.”

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:53 | コメントをどうぞ

Us Prisons Use New Tech to Dial down Illegal Cellphone

What’s the context?

US prison officials harness new technology to crack down on contraband cellphones but some still want powers to jam signals

  • South Carolina programme shuts off more than 800 phones
  • Federal action on broader signal jamming tech seen as unlikely
  • Activists raise privacy, rights concerns for prisoners

Digital privacy rights advocates and tech experts say even solutions less far-reaching than full-blown signal jamming – like the South Carolina pilot – threaten to trample on the rights of prisoners by, for example, sharing legally protected information with private phone companies or carriers.

Digital rights groups have long raised concerns over the push for cellphone jamming systems in prisons, describing them as overreach.

Under federal law, state and local facilities are not allowed to use jamming technology, which is opposed by the telecommunications industry amid concerns that it could knock out signals in areas surrounding prisons.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates communications technology in the U.S., has been wary of signing off on full-blown signal jamming but cleared the way within the last few years for states like South Carolina to implement so-called “contraband interdiction systems.”

Stirling is convinced signal jamming is a solid option but does not think it will be authorised in state prisons. It is already allowed in federal institutions.

“I would love to get jamming – I don’t see it happening, unfortunately,” he said.

Asked if the FCC was contemplating changes, a spokesperson pointed to the federal law banning jamming devices.

Albert Fox Cahn, founder of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), says both jamming and interdiction systems like the one used in South Carolina are “chilling options” that could have unintended consequences.


カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:57 | コメントをどうぞ

Why are people interested in illegal cell phone jammers?

Bearing a resemblance to a walkie-talkie, the phone blocker is a device of significant power. Once turned on, this small contraption can effectively block all cell phone signals in the nearby area. The use of such a device is not only a federal offense, but can also result in a substantial $16,000 fine and potential jail time.

Eric, a Philadelphia native, refused to be discouraged by the situation. He became increasingly fed up with the incessant cell phone conversations on SEPTA 44 buses. To avoid being subjected to these discussions, Eric resorted to activating a jamming device.

Eric noted that a large portion of the population is loud and shows no regard for privacy. To deal with the annoyance, he adjusts the antenna and turns on the device.

The use of jammers, like the ones utilized in this particular case, is against the law as they have the ability to block emergency cell phone communications and interfere with essential signals, such as police radios and other two-way radios.

Eric announced that since discovering its illegality, he is preparing to discard the jammer he bought, an item estimated to be worth $300 by ABC News.

jamming wifi bluetooth

Buying a jammer is easy, but where can you use it?

The deliberate interference with electromagnetic frequencies, also known as jamming, has been integrated into a range of devices and is increasingly being offered to individuals and organizations. Despite being illegal in most parts of the world, jammers are becoming smaller, more portable, easier to use, and cheaper. While some jammers block communications indiscriminately, there are specialized devices designed to block specific signals. The most popular among these are mobile phone jammers, wifi jammers, drone blocker, and gps jammers.

The reason why most national authorities disapprove of the use of these devices is that they tend to have a greater impact than expected. Even when used with good intentions, such as blocking mobile phone usage in schools, theaters, and hospitals, or preventing drones from flying over private property, the interference can extend far beyond the intended range. Unintended consequences like dropped 911 calls, drones falling from the sky, and impaired air traffic control have led countries like South Africa and Israel to make them completely illegal.

Jammers are commonly deployed around prisons and detention centers to hinder unauthorized and unmonitored communications between prisoners and detainees and the outside world. Some countries, such as Brazil, India, New Zealand, and Sweden, have granted exemptions or are contemplating exemptions for the use of mobile phones and wifijammer around prisons, while in the UK, this practice has been legal since 2012.

A number of countries have sanctioned or recommended the expansion of jammer deployment. In India, for instance, jammers can be utilized in educational institutions, places of worship, and entertainment venues as long as the signal disruption is contained within the boundaries of the respective locations. Although jammers were previously approved for use in settings such as theaters and concert halls, this authorization was terminated in 2012.

In the scenario where you find yourself in possession of a legally owned cell phone jammer, what options are available to you? It may be worth considering booking your next flight to Ukraine, as this country has implemented measures to prevent students from using mobile phones to cheat in exams. Consequently, Ukraine has become one of the few nations where the use of jammers is authorized.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 15:58 | コメントをどうぞ

How common signal interceptors on the market work

A multitude of 5G signal jammer are currently available in the market. Certain devices are engineered to solely interfere with a single frequency, whereas others have the capability to block multiple network types concurrently. The latter mode seamlessly transitions between different networks, continuously searching for open signals. Premium devices can effectively block all frequencies simultaneously, while other devices can be fine-tuned to target specific frequencies.

Put simply, these devices emit random static or noise across a wide range of frequencies, leading to a failure in establishing proper connections. It’s like sitting next to the engine of a sports car, opening the hood, and trying to have a phone conversation. The localized noise becomes so intense that the device fails to connect effectively. Rapidly covering a certain frequency range can effectively prevent the device from functioning correctly.

The carrier frequency of the EMI signal aligns with that of the receiver, facilitating the concurrent demodulation of the interference signal. This analogy likens the process to transporting a model vehicle (carrier frequency) alongside counterfeit goods (interference signals). The determination of authenticity and falseness can only occur once the vehicle receives the goods. The shielding effect can be accomplished due to the substantial electronic interference power, which is limited by the interference signal.

The operational concept of a 5G cell phone jammer involves transmitting signals from a device that operates on the same frequency as the mobile signal source. Upon installation, the jammer can be activated to interfere with mobile signals in areas where their usage needs to be disabled. It is crucial to ensure that there are no obstructions present at the designated site for the interference to be effective. Considering the increasing number of mobile phone users, there is a growing demand to selectively disable mobile phone signals in specific locations through civilian-oriented means, as opposed to relying solely on electronic devices.

To safeguard mobile phone reception signals, a 5G wifi jammer is employed as an instrument that blocks them. The signal rates of cell phone signal blocking device modems are comparable to those of cell phone towers. When a mobile phone jammer is activated, the blocking of mobile phone signals is considered successful, resulting in their disablement.


Full-duplex mobile phones have the capability to use two frequencies simultaneously for transmitting and receiving signals. This synchronous signal processing ensures efficient communication. However, some 5G signal jammers are limited to blocking only one frequency at a time, resulting in both frequencies being blocked simultaneously. As a consequence, the phone may mistakenly detect a service outage in the area due to receiving only one frequency.

Emitting signals at a common radio frequency, 5G signal jammers can create interference. Devices designed for shielding purposes can disrupt the communication between cell phones and base stations. The act of blocking signals is also known as a denial of service attack, as it prevents users within the blocking device’s range from receiving radio signals.

Disabling mobile phones has the same impact on blocking 4G/5G signals as it does on other types of radio communications. To operate a cell phone, a signal must be sent from the phone to the nearest cell tower. In urban areas, there are multiple towers that facilitate signal transmission as users navigate through the city.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:36 | コメントをどうぞ

Are you a parent struggling to manage your kids’screen time?

We are dedicated to supporting parents and guardians who aim to enhance online safety for children utilizing internet-enabled devices. Our service effectively filters out inappropriate digital content and enables tracking of the child’s online activities.

Dad Uses Signal Jammer to Stop His Kids from Going Online

Due to his unawareness, a resident living in the southwestern French town of Messanges might face a prison term of six months for inadvertently disabling telephony and mobile internet services in his local area using a signal jammers.

Surprisingly enough, his actions were not fueled by malice. His only intention was to restrict his teenage kids from using their mobile devices to go online once it was time to sleep.

According to the French planning and radio frequency management agency (ANFR), a complaint of an unusual nature was filed by a local mobile phone operator. The complaint highlighted the inconvenience faced by the residents of Messanges, who were unable to utilize their cellular and mobile internet services from before midnight until 3 AM every week.

The French planning and radio frequency management agency (ANFR) has reported an atypical complaint lodged by a local mobile phone operator. The complaint stated that the residents of Messanges faced an inconvenience as their cellular and mobile internet services were unavailable from just before midnight until 3 AM every day of the week.

In light of their investigation, the ANFR has established that a mobile phone jammer, a device prohibited in many European countries, including France, was responsible for interfering with radio frequencies in the area.

Around 1:30 am, a technician skillfully traced the source of the signal to a residence nestled in the coastal town. The following day, investigators, accompanied by police officers, proceeded to knock on the man’s door. Without any delay, the individual immediately admitted to utilizing a multi-band jammer.

The ANFR clarified that the father of the family had taken the step of installing a jammer to discourage his teenagers from using their smartphones to access the internet late at night. This decision was prompted by the children’s addiction to social networks and various applications. After consulting online forums, the father concluded that a jammer would be the optimal solution to address his kids’ excessive screen time.

Version 4: Besides demanding the owner to switch off the jamming wifi and refrain from using it, the ANFR agent emphasized the need to comply with the regulatory framework, as stated by the agency.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:49 | コメントをどうぞ

Concerns about children and teenagers buying mobile phones

The inclination of parents to buy cell phones for their children and teenagers is understandable. The underlying reason is to ensure that their children remain connected to them. By having a phone, children have the convenience of contacting their parents at any given time, whether it is to arrange for a pick-up from school or to seek immediate assistance in case of an emergency where their parents’ presence is needed.

Nonetheless, it is important to be aware of certain matters that come with buying a cell phone for your child. These matters hold significant importance and should be recognized by numerous parents, as they involve not only the potential risks associated with cell phone use but also behavioral issues. Prior to giving your child a mobile phone, it is crucial to observe their behavior diligently.

Addiction is problematic

The captivating technological features of cell phones easily entice children and teenagers, leading them towards addiction. Whether it’s the constant texting, browsing social media, or engaging in non-stop conversations with friends, these activities consume their time and attention. Disturbingly, the prevalence of cell phone addiction is on the rise, exacerbating the situation.

The detrimental effects of excessive cell phone usage can lead individuals to disregard their educational obligations and other crucial aspects of life. This is evident as students persistently utilize their phones to access social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, engaging in conversations rather than prioritizing their studies and other course-related activities.


The worst part about cell phones for kids is that many of them can engage in extremely inappropriate and potentially dangerous behaviors. Questions about bullying and how easily it spreads online have persisted for years. With mobile devices, people can easily be bullied. Children and teenagers can send each other angry messages non-stop. They may even make it harder for other children to enjoy their lives, or they may even ruin their own lives.

Additionally, children may send inappropriate images and text to others. They may send or receive dirty and possibly sexually explicit messages. They may not know how inappropriate these things are.

The pictures children take of themselves can also be quite disturbing. Children may take photos of themselves without clothes and send them to others. This can be harmful because children expose their bodies to others who want to see them. This is a serious threat and not many children realize what they may sometimes encounter.

handheld wifi signal Jammers

How teens and parents can deal with screen time and device distractions

54% of U.S. teens say they spend too much time on their phones, and two-thirds of parents are concerned about their children’s screen time.

Parents are also concerned about the impact of screen time on their children, a separate survey showed. About two-thirds of parents said they were concerned about their children spending too much time in front of screens, and 57% reported setting screen time limits for their children in some way.

Meanwhile, some parents of teens admit they too struggle with the lure of screens: 36% say they themselves spend too much time on their phones. 51% of teens said they often or sometimes find their phones distracting them when trying to talk to their parents or caregivers.

With the rapid development of mobile communication technology and the popularization of smart devices such as smartphones and tablets, students’ use of smartphones has reached the level of one for every student. In the past two years, due to the epidemic, students’ use of smartphones has also increased. Come more and more. It is impossible to learn school class knowledge through online classes on mobile phones. Although the school has repeatedly banned students from bringing mobile phones to campus, some students still bring mobile phones to campus. Schools face many challenges in managing smartphones:

  • Students use mobile phones to play games and chat online, and even adolescent children browse unhealthy content online, which seriously affects physical and mental health;
  • Students do not sleep at night after school, cannot concentrate in class the next day, and easily fall asleep in class, etc., resulting in serious deterioration in academic performance;
  • Use mobile phones and other devices to cheat in exams, etc.

Based on the current situation, what we can do is:

Parents should increase the time for interaction and communication with their children, pay more attention to their children’s life and study, and take their children for outdoor sports. This will reduce the time children spend playing at home when they have nothing to do, and will also help cultivate parent-child relationships.

  1. Guide children to play some educational games or learning software to make education interesting and emphasize that the Internet is a learning tool, not a toy.
  2. Control the time children play games: Use a cell phone jammer to properly control the Wi-Fi network signal of the mobile phone so that students’ mobile phones cannot play online games within a certain period of time. Reduce conflicts between children and parents during the communication process.
  3. Jamming mobile phones can be installed in school classrooms. Mobile phone wifi jammer can be turned on during class to block mobile phone signals in the classroom, and mobile phone signals can be restored during breaks.
  4. The dormitory can be equipped with a mobile phone signal jammer. After turning off the lights at night, turn on the mobile phone signal jammer to restore the mobile phone signal late at night. Use cell phone signal jammer wisely.
カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:29 | コメントをどうぞ

Classroom Cell Phone Blocker Guide

Cell phone jammers find great relevance in classrooms, making them highly recommended. The pervasive use of cell phones in educational settings has become a matter of utmost concern, with teachers and administrators expressing worry about the detrimental impact on students’ focus and the disruption it causes to the overall learning environment.The presence of cell phones in the classroom allows students to cheat by utilizing them to look up information or communicate answers with their peers through text messaging.

signal blocker device

Why do classrooms need cell phone jammer?

The use of mobile phones by students in the classroom often leads to their inadvertent neglect of crucial information being imparted by their teachers.

To maintain the integrity of significant examinations, it is imperative to adopt measures that prevent students from exchanging answers or, more seriously, from procuring exam solutions. By doing so, we can ensure the avoidance of incorrect and unjust test outcomes.

In select classes of utmost importance, teachers take precautions to prevent students from sharing the knowledge they acquire with third parties, thus effectively averting any possibility of information leakage.

What kind of disruptors are needed in the classroom?

The antenna is seamlessly integrated into the device, eliminating the need for any installation or removal procedures. Its user-friendly functionality and exceptional concealment make it incredibly easy to use.

Equipped with a remote control, you possess the capability to manage the jammer’s operation at your discretion. For instance, you can activate the blocking feature towards the end of an exam, when certain students may engage in dishonest behavior. Subsequently, you can immediately deactivate the wifi jammer using the remote control after the test concludes.

How to use jammers safely in the classroom?

In order to use it legally within the designated area and during the specified time, it is necessary to apply to the school safety director in advance and report to the FCC government. Once authorization is obtained, you may proceed with its usage.

Employ low-power jammers to counter the negative impact of excessive power on signals outside the classroom premises. Although it may only partially block the mobile phone signal, prioritizing safety is crucial, as no solution can guarantee absolute accuracy.

By utilizing a jammer that possesses a relatively inconspicuous design rather than an external antenna, it becomes effortless to capture the attention of students. In numerous movies and TV series, the signal jammer showcased often feature multiple external antennas, thereby effortlessly arousing the interest of students.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 13:01 | コメントをどうぞ

How to block your child’s cell phone signal

What measures can be taken to block the signal of children’s mobile phones and supervise their internet usage time?

It is crucial to shield children from mobile phone signals. Since birth, children are increasingly exposed to various electronic products, which can have adverse effects on their growth and development. Therefore, it is essential for us to promptly take steps to keep children away from mobile phones.

Due to the profound impact of the new coronavirus outbreak, many children have become accustomed to using mobile phones and playing online games on computers while staying at home. The utilization of a signal jammer can assist children in gradually breaking their internet addiction and gaining better control over their online activities. Simultaneously, adults can reduce their own mobile phone usage, allowing for increased interaction with their children and fostering a more contented family atmosphere. This, in turn, contributes to an improved family happiness index.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Method/Step 1: Restrict children’s mobile phone access to the Internet in the router

Through the utilization of security settings, all current routers offer the functionality to filter the MAC address of mobile phones, enabling the prohibition of Internet access for children’s devices.The router can be employed to limit children’s internet access in terms of time duration and internet speed, among other features, if you are more flexible. This feature is commonly found in most up-to-date routers. By restricting the internet speed, children will only be able to browse information using their mobile phones, while being unable to play games.

Method/Step 2: Use a signal jammer

Wireless networks have undoubtedly made Internet access more convenient for individuals, but the challenges they pose should not be underestimated. It is not just a matter of network accessibility; network security is equally important.In an effort to maintain a high-quality network environment, cell phone jammer are strategically placed in various locations to prevent excessive network usage. This equipment has gained significant traction in countries and regions across the globe. Schools, prisons, libraries, reading rooms, and gas stations are prominent instances where it is commonly employed.

Under what circumstances does a mobile phone signal jammer have poor shielding effect?

What circumstances lead to a mobile phone signal jammer’s ineffective shielding? In what specific environment can a mobile phone signal jammer be successfully implemented to achieve optimal signal disruption?The impact or lack thereof of mobile phone wifi jammer
in certain areas can be attributed to factors such as the surrounding environment, installation position, distance, and the quantity of jammers employed.

1. Due to the lack of data analysis, plane survey, shielding coverage plan, and other necessary work during the early stage, the blind installation resulted in no impact and a poor shielding effect. To avoid such issues, it is highly recommended to contact professional shielding customer service before installing the shielding device. They can provide valuable assistance and guidance. Moreover, it is advisable to seek professional installation advice before purchasing a shield suitable for use in locations that require shielding.

WiFi is transmitted in many segments. Without testing or checking the professional frequency band technical parameters given by the manufacturer, it cannot be completely shielded. WiFi is divided into three segments (2.4G+5.2G+5.8G) with a bandwidth of several hundred megabits. This is why many customers say There is a WiFi signal shield, but when used on-site, you can still connect to WiFi and watch videos online normally.

2. The requirements for installation height are not fulfilled, and the installation position is deemed improper due to obstructions. Moreover, the signal is blocked as a result of using partition walls.

3. The installation of mobile phone signal jammers can be affected by environmental factors, leading to shielding failure. This is particularly evident when intelligent base stations, operating at power levels above 200 watts, are located within a distance of 200-500 meters from the jammer’s location.In case of interference at the base station, it will automatically raise the transmission power, switch to a channel with a weaker interference signal, and have the freedom to switch between channels. Mobile phone signal amplifiers are commonly placed on the ceiling of locations where customers install mobile phone signal jammers.Concurrent usage of the jammer and amplifier leads to a deterioration in the jammer’s ability to cancel out signals.

4. Choosing the wrong jammers can lead to their malfunction. The selection of jammers should be based on the specific locations where they will be used. For instance, prisons and detention centers need to assess the completeness of channel shielding and the ability to operate continuously throughout the year. Medium-power mobile phone signal jammers are commonly employed in prison buildings.In order to provide additional protection in playgrounds, jammers are used for supplementary shielding, while high-power directional shielding is employed in the release square to completely block the prison signal. However, the widespread use of mobile phone signal jammers in prisons can result in management difficulties and higher maintenance expenses. To address this issue, the possibility of utilizing remote control software for batch management is being considered.School examination rooms and conference rooms are generally open for a short period of several hours. They do not have high requirements on machine performance, but high requirements on shielding effect. For large areas, low power is recommended, or the power is insufficient and shielding cannot be performed. Directional shielding is required and external shielding is used. Problems such as insufficient full coverage lead to poor shielding effect and intermittent shielding effect when installing a mobile phone signal jammer. Choosing a low-power jammer in a large area or too high a power in a small area will result in improper purchase and poor shielding effect.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:58 | コメントをどうぞ

Authorities have apprehended an individual who was found to be utilizing a highly sophisticated jamming device to interfere with police communication signals

By Brendan KirbyPublished: Jun. 13, 2023 at 7:01 AM GMT+8|Updated: Jun. 16, 2023 at 8:08 AM GMT+8

A plea of not guilty was entered by Trenton Lisak, a Mobile resident, on June 15, 2023, after being charged with interfering with emergency communications and possessing drugs.

He is accused by the prosecution of utilizing costly and highly sophisticated equipment from an apartment at the Tower on Ryan Park. Mobile County 911 officials report that this action effectively crippled communications in downtown Mobile on June 6 and led to disturbances throughout the rest of the week.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

July 19th has been designated by the judge as the date for Lisak’s preliminary hearing.


According to law enforcement authorities, costly and highly sophisticated black market jamming device caused interference in police and emergency services transmissions for a significant period of time last week.

The police arrested Trenton Edward Lisak on Saturday for interfering with public safety communication, a Class C felony that can lead to imprisonment for a period of one to ten years. He has also been charged with drug possession. According to prosecutors, the FBI is conducting an investigation into the matter.

Monday witnessed Mobile County District Attorney Keith Blackwood describing the charge as peculiar. He underlined its significant nature, emphasizing the indispensable requirement for law enforcement and first responders to possess the means to communicate effectively, not only within downtown areas but also in any given place.

How peculiar!

Blackwood acknowledged that this was a first-time occurrence for him. He couldn’t recall any other case where such an event had taken place, particularly not on this scale. The considerable amount of equipment involved made it a highly significant incident.

Lisak’s arrest record comprises charges related to theft, breaking into cars, possession of a forged instrument, and acts of criminal mischief.

Mobile County District Judge Jennifer Wright has established a bail amount of $15,000, which aligns with the highest recommended bail for this particular offense. Furthermore, she has mandated that 10 percent of the bail be paid in cash. Additionally, Judge Wright has imposed an extra $5,000 bail specifically for the drug charge.

Additionally, the judge implemented a curfew that would be in effect from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. and issued a directive for Lisak, aged 31, to maintain a distance from the Tower at Ryan Park located downtown. This residential complex is where the equipment, which disrupted the communication systems of all 57 law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical agencies within the Mobile County Communications District, was discovered.

According to Lisak’s booking information, the address mentioned is his registered home address. However, the prosecutor informed the judge that investigators have expressed skepticism regarding his actual residency at that particular location.

Robert Jackson, a district administrator, characterized it as “an exceptionally advanced apparatus arranged within the apartment, specifically engineered to disrupt our signal.”

Jackson added, “In order to locate it, we had to make adjustments to our instruments.”

In a statement to FOX10 News, Charlie McNichol, the director of the 911 system, revealed that the interference resulted in a complete cessation of communications for a day during the previous week.

During the Tuesday of the previous week, it gave rise to significant issues in the downtown area,” he mentioned. “To be more precise, the alarms were emanating from our tower site situated at Government Plaza. Consequently, the initial responders faced serious difficulties in their communication efforts.”

It remains unclear what the motive may have been, officials said. Blackwood said he does not know what the defendant was planning, or where he got the equipment.

McNichol said he does not know if Lisak just enjoys watching chaos or if he had something more sinister planned and attempted to jam communications as part of that.

“This individual had some cell phone jamming equipment that you buy on the black market,” he said. “It’s illegal to even possess it. And that’s what was causing the problems.”

Copyright 2023 WALA. All rights reserved.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:56 | コメントをどうぞ