Us Prisons Use New Tech to Dial down Illegal Cellphone

What’s the context?

US prison officials harness new technology to crack down on contraband cellphones but some still want powers to jam signals

  • South Carolina programme shuts off more than 800 phones
  • Federal action on broader signal jamming tech seen as unlikely
  • Activists raise privacy, rights concerns for prisoners

Digital privacy rights advocates and tech experts say even solutions less far-reaching than full-blown signal jamming – like the South Carolina pilot – threaten to trample on the rights of prisoners by, for example, sharing legally protected information with private phone companies or carriers.

Digital rights groups have long raised concerns over the push for cellphone jamming systems in prisons, describing them as overreach.

Under federal law, state and local facilities are not allowed to use jamming technology, which is opposed by the telecommunications industry amid concerns that it could knock out signals in areas surrounding prisons.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates communications technology in the U.S., has been wary of signing off on full-blown signal jamming but cleared the way within the last few years for states like South Carolina to implement so-called “contraband interdiction systems.”

Stirling is convinced signal jamming is a solid option but does not think it will be authorised in state prisons. It is already allowed in federal institutions.

“I would love to get jamming – I don’t see it happening, unfortunately,” he said.

Asked if the FCC was contemplating changes, a spokesperson pointed to the federal law banning jamming devices.

Albert Fox Cahn, founder of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), says both jamming and interdiction systems like the one used in South Carolina are “chilling options” that could have unintended consequences.


カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:57 | コメントをどうぞ

A warning was issued by the Glendale police

Glendale police issue warning about burglars using WiFi signal jammers to disable alarms, security cameras

GLENDALE, Calif. (KABC) — Glendale police have issued a warning about residential burglars who use WIFI jammers to disable security alarms and surveillance cameras.

As described by police Sgt. Victor Jackson, the devices used by thieves block the signal or scramble the WiFi. “So if you have a Ring camera, a Nest camera — any kind of alarm system that is WiFi-based or a camera that’s WiFi-based — it blocks the signal and knocks it out,” he said.

A disproportionate surge in residential burglaries plagued Glendale and Southern California in the fall, leading investigators to the crime trend.

“As our detectives started going into these cases, that’s when they realized what was happening,” Jackson said. “In some cases, because of the way the device works, it made it look like when you went back and rewound your tape and looked, it wasn’t a black screen — it was seamless. It didn’t exist there, so there was no evidence.”

Police recommend that residents increase security by:

  • hardwiring alarm systems and cameras,
  • using back-up batteries in those security devices,
  • installing sturdy locks on security gates,
  • enhancing exterior lighting,
  • securing windows and balconies,
  • and having a trusted neighbor or housesitter look after your home, when away.

The Glendale Police Department’s residential burglary task force has been working to lower the number of break-ins, officials said.

“Our patrol officers, our motor officers, our special enforcement detail, and detectives — we have them undercover in the area — and we saturated the area,” Jackson said.

Nora Alabi, a Glendale resident, told ABC7: “I feel like there’s no part of the city that you can be in and not run into a cop or not run into a police car.

“If I stand here for five minutes, I might see like three cop cars drive by,” she said. “So, because of that, I feel like it’s a safe city.”


カテゴリー: wifi | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:38 | コメントをどうぞ

How Thieves Are Using Wi-Fi Jammers to Break into Home

In a statement by the Los Angeles Police Department, officers warn that a group in Wilshire is using wifi jamming technology to disarm surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.

(TNS) — A group of thieves have been outsmarting smart devices across the Los Angeles area, authorities said.

8 Bands Jammer Device

In a March 4 statement by the Los Angeles Police Department, officers warn that a group in Wilshire is using Wi-Fi jamming technology to disarm surveillance cameras and alarm systems that rely on Wi-Fi.

This swarm of tech-savvy robberies in California is part of a larger “smart” crime wave happening nationwide. Last year, police in Minnesota and Connecticut issued similar warnings to residents when groups of Wi-Fi jamming thieves made their rounds. And those are just two examples of many.

While the Federal Communications Commission has banned Wi-Fi jamming devices, this doesn’t stop criminals from buying them cheaply, KARE11 reported. Wi-Fi jamming devices don’t necessarily deactivate devices, but work by overloading the network the devices are connected to.

“These (signal jamming) devices create traffic jams for the radio transmitter so that real traffic cannot get through,” cybersecurity expert Mark Lanterman told the outlet.

“If you are going to use a Wi-Fi camera for your front door, perhaps consider using a hardline camera inside your home,” he said. Wired cameras connected via Ethernet cables do not rely on Wi-Fi networks and would not be disrupted by a Wi-Fi jammer.

Los Angeles police also recommends hard wiring burglary alarm systems

While “smart” technology may be part of the problem, it may also have a hand in the solution, according to Tom’s Hardware. Officials recommend using timers or smart home devices to make it look like someone is home while you are away. Some smart home technology also comes with the ability to alert users if the signal or connection has been interrupted.

Tom’s Hardware also recommends connecting surveillance devices that store camera footage directly on your device, and not just to a cloud storage system. By having a camera that records to itself, you’ll have footage saved during a Wi-Fi disruption.

The LAPD also encourages people to stay vigilant by locking their doors, relying on neighbors to check on things when away and reporting any strange activity, including suspicious vehicles with temporary or dealer plates.

カテゴリー: jamming | 投稿者gpsblocker 11:40 | コメントをどうぞ

Can Police Detect Laser Jammers?

By producing a “no response” or cosine error, a laser jammer effectively obstructs the accuracy of a laser radar gun aimed at a vehicle by a police officer. As a result, the police officer is left uncertain about whether the vehicle is equipped with a laser jammer or if their aim is flawed.

A laser jammer is a gadget that produces a “no response” or cosine error when a police officer directs a laser radar gun at a vehicle. This error prevents the police officer from knowing whether the vehicle is equipped with a laser jammer or if they are not aiming correctly at the vehicle.

police laser gun

How to jam police lasers?

The effective defense against a laser requires the front laser jammers to provide protection for the headlights, license plate, and the reflective surfaces in their vicinity. Conversely, at the rear, the primary targets are the license plate and tail lights. Moreover, the center high-mounted stop light, backup lights, and vertical reflective surfaces are also vulnerable. It is noteworthy that even a tailgate-mounted spare tire/wheel assembly can be targeted, as evidenced by our successful attempt at hitting a Jeep Wrangler’s aluminum spare wheel from a distance of 2,500 feet.

Can you install a laser signal jammers on your car?

California Vehicle Code Section 28150 (Division 12: Equipment of Vehicles, Chapter 5: Other Equipment, Article 17: Jamming Devices) states the following:

(a) No vehicle shall be equipped with any device that is designed for, or is capable of, jamming, scrambling, neutralizing, disabling, or otherwise interfering with radar, laser, or any other electronic device used by a law enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.

(b) No person shall use, buy, possess, manufacture, sell, or otherwise distribute any device that is designed for jamming, scrambling, neutralizing, disabling, or otherwise interfering with radar, laser, or any other electronic device used by a law enforcement agency to measure the speed of moving objects.

(c) Except as provided in subdivision (d), a violation of subdivision (a) or (b) is an infraction.

(d) When a person possesses four or more devices in violation of subdivision (b), the person is guilty of a misdemeanor.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person who has a valid federal license for operating the devices described in this section may transport one or more of those devices if the license is carried in the vehicle transporting the device at all times when the device is being transported.

Can police radar measure speeds or more than one vehicle?

The speed of multiple vehicles can be captured at once by dash-mounted police radars, usually up to two.

Today, radar systems have the ability to target multiple vehicles simultaneously, identifying the fastest vehicle in a group and the vehicle with the emest radar signal reflection at the same time. Nonetheless, visual confirmation by the officer is necessary to determine the fastest vehicle among those targeted.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:24 | コメントをどうぞ

National Summit Addresses Signal Jamming in Auto Theft Prevention

Canada held a National Summit on Combatting Auto Theft on February 8, 2024 in Ottawa. The Summit sought to bring together stakeholders to solve this very serious problem.

A major outcome of the Summit is that the government will disrupt the supply chain that makes available devices that are often used in vehicle theft by criminals in the process of stealing vehicles.

Vehicle theft has grown to be a very critical issue in Canada: The country is seeking to mitigate this situation. News reports reveal that car thieves have developed systematic techniques where it is easy to obtain stolen vehicles for sale in other markets. The federal government with the support of advocates is implementing plans to reduce this problem.


Should vehicle manufacturers do more to stop vehicle theft?

This very question of more remedies needed to stop vehicle theft has stimulated the growth of Aftermarket solutions. Antitheft systems and devices are growing in popularity becuase some people feel insecure about simply replying on the vehicle manufactures built-in security systems. The Forbes article below highlights this concern:

“Manufacturers are always working to improve the anti-theft measures in vehicles, but thieves work just as hard to defeat them. According to FBI statistics, in 2020 the U.S. saw an 11.8% increase in car thefts over the prior year, and the trend has continued. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) reported that over 1 million vehicles were stolen in 2022. That’s a 7% increase over 2021, and the first time there were over 1 million vehicles stolen since 2008.”

When the pickup truck was stolen, the thieves allegedly removed a factory-installed GPS tracker but the owner had his own backup plan: a second GPS tracker which was installed by a trained mechanic. This second telematics device enabled him to locate the Toyota Tundra at a parking lot in Toronto before he called the police.

The strategy of using a second backup tracker is a common strategy used all over the world: The typical weakness of this approach is Management and Maintenance. Management speaks to checking on the proper functioning of the Tracker at regular intervals. Maintenance requires prompt attention at the earliest signs of malfunction.

Information Risk

I believe that Information RISK is the typical reason why some persons chose backup security devices. Vehicle manufacturers adopt strategies to secure information on primary built-in tracking systems and devices so that vehicle security is not compromised. As the age old adage goes “a chain is as strong as its weakness link”.

The vehicle service and maintenance information systems has to be distributed downstream involving more human players which inherently increases the risk that ethical issues may compromise security. How to prevent Information from being leaked to bad actors is always a systemic concern.

Information Risk Mitigation

The Information Risk Management (IRM) plan addresses the risk mitigation strategy using policies, technology and procedures to minimize the probability of information security leaks.

Once it becomes apparent that vehicles are being stolen despite the IRM being in place, data should be collected and analyzed to assess how the IRM can be strengthened. The spectrum of compromises varies from sharing of Master Access Codes, Encryption Algorithms or an individual in the Supply Chain informing criminal elements how to defeat the built-in security.

The tools devices generally used to steal vehicles include GPS and GSM Jammers.

GSM & GPS Jammers

Information on how to temporarily block GSM and GPS Signal jammers are readily available online.

Tech-Savvy criminals can learn and become proficient

The GPS Tracker which is an Internet of Things (IoT) device, detects the attempts to jam GSM and GPS transmissions: This electronic attack interferes with the operation of the tracker in it’s function to protect the vehicle from being stolen. The small electronic circuit board within the device gathers GPS, GSM, Bluetooth data and other information that keeps the vehicle secure. Satellite data determines vehicle location and elevation.

Is the vehicle on a mountain road or driving through a tunnel under a river. The GSM module assists the GPS module by also providing tracking data based on Mobile Cellsite Towers: This information assists the GPS functionality of the tracker. The Mobile (GSM) data connectivity from the wireless telephone operators such as T-Mobile or Bell Mobility (Bell Canada) allows for the sending of Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring data from the Tracker to GPS Tracking platforms (Software) such as

カテゴリー: car | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:48 | コメントをどうぞ

Why are people interested in illegal cell phone jammers?

Bearing a resemblance to a walkie-talkie, the phone blocker is a device of significant power. Once turned on, this small contraption can effectively block all cell phone signals in the nearby area. The use of such a device is not only a federal offense, but can also result in a substantial $16,000 fine and potential jail time.

Eric, a Philadelphia native, refused to be discouraged by the situation. He became increasingly fed up with the incessant cell phone conversations on SEPTA 44 buses. To avoid being subjected to these discussions, Eric resorted to activating a jamming device.

Eric noted that a large portion of the population is loud and shows no regard for privacy. To deal with the annoyance, he adjusts the antenna and turns on the device.

The use of jammers, like the ones utilized in this particular case, is against the law as they have the ability to block emergency cell phone communications and interfere with essential signals, such as police radios and other two-way radios.

Eric announced that since discovering its illegality, he is preparing to discard the jammer he bought, an item estimated to be worth $300 by ABC News.

jamming wifi bluetooth

Buying a jammer is easy, but where can you use it?

The deliberate interference with electromagnetic frequencies, also known as jamming, has been integrated into a range of devices and is increasingly being offered to individuals and organizations. Despite being illegal in most parts of the world, jammers are becoming smaller, more portable, easier to use, and cheaper. While some jammers block communications indiscriminately, there are specialized devices designed to block specific signals. The most popular among these are mobile phone jammers, wifi jammers, drone blocker, and gps jammers.

The reason why most national authorities disapprove of the use of these devices is that they tend to have a greater impact than expected. Even when used with good intentions, such as blocking mobile phone usage in schools, theaters, and hospitals, or preventing drones from flying over private property, the interference can extend far beyond the intended range. Unintended consequences like dropped 911 calls, drones falling from the sky, and impaired air traffic control have led countries like South Africa and Israel to make them completely illegal.

Jammers are commonly deployed around prisons and detention centers to hinder unauthorized and unmonitored communications between prisoners and detainees and the outside world. Some countries, such as Brazil, India, New Zealand, and Sweden, have granted exemptions or are contemplating exemptions for the use of mobile phones and wifijammer around prisons, while in the UK, this practice has been legal since 2012.

A number of countries have sanctioned or recommended the expansion of jammer deployment. In India, for instance, jammers can be utilized in educational institutions, places of worship, and entertainment venues as long as the signal disruption is contained within the boundaries of the respective locations. Although jammers were previously approved for use in settings such as theaters and concert halls, this authorization was terminated in 2012.

In the scenario where you find yourself in possession of a legally owned cell phone jammer, what options are available to you? It may be worth considering booking your next flight to Ukraine, as this country has implemented measures to prevent students from using mobile phones to cheat in exams. Consequently, Ukraine has become one of the few nations where the use of jammers is authorized.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 15:58 | コメントをどうぞ

How common signal interceptors on the market work

A multitude of 5G signal jammer are currently available in the market. Certain devices are engineered to solely interfere with a single frequency, whereas others have the capability to block multiple network types concurrently. The latter mode seamlessly transitions between different networks, continuously searching for open signals. Premium devices can effectively block all frequencies simultaneously, while other devices can be fine-tuned to target specific frequencies.

Put simply, these devices emit random static or noise across a wide range of frequencies, leading to a failure in establishing proper connections. It’s like sitting next to the engine of a sports car, opening the hood, and trying to have a phone conversation. The localized noise becomes so intense that the device fails to connect effectively. Rapidly covering a certain frequency range can effectively prevent the device from functioning correctly.

The carrier frequency of the EMI signal aligns with that of the receiver, facilitating the concurrent demodulation of the interference signal. This analogy likens the process to transporting a model vehicle (carrier frequency) alongside counterfeit goods (interference signals). The determination of authenticity and falseness can only occur once the vehicle receives the goods. The shielding effect can be accomplished due to the substantial electronic interference power, which is limited by the interference signal.

The operational concept of a 5G cell phone jammer involves transmitting signals from a device that operates on the same frequency as the mobile signal source. Upon installation, the jammer can be activated to interfere with mobile signals in areas where their usage needs to be disabled. It is crucial to ensure that there are no obstructions present at the designated site for the interference to be effective. Considering the increasing number of mobile phone users, there is a growing demand to selectively disable mobile phone signals in specific locations through civilian-oriented means, as opposed to relying solely on electronic devices.

To safeguard mobile phone reception signals, a 5G wifi jammer is employed as an instrument that blocks them. The signal rates of cell phone signal blocking device modems are comparable to those of cell phone towers. When a mobile phone jammer is activated, the blocking of mobile phone signals is considered successful, resulting in their disablement.


Full-duplex mobile phones have the capability to use two frequencies simultaneously for transmitting and receiving signals. This synchronous signal processing ensures efficient communication. However, some 5G signal jammers are limited to blocking only one frequency at a time, resulting in both frequencies being blocked simultaneously. As a consequence, the phone may mistakenly detect a service outage in the area due to receiving only one frequency.

Emitting signals at a common radio frequency, 5G signal jammers can create interference. Devices designed for shielding purposes can disrupt the communication between cell phones and base stations. The act of blocking signals is also known as a denial of service attack, as it prevents users within the blocking device’s range from receiving radio signals.

Disabling mobile phones has the same impact on blocking 4G/5G signals as it does on other types of radio communications. To operate a cell phone, a signal must be sent from the phone to the nearest cell tower. In urban areas, there are multiple towers that facilitate signal transmission as users navigate through the city.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:36 | コメントをどうぞ

The Laser Interceptor Laser Jammer is equipped with two sensors

Laser Interceptor, an Anti Laser type active Laser signal jammers, emits beams to obstruct police lasers, distinguishing itself from radar detectors that only indicate speed measurement. This LIDAR-triggered Laser Jammer transmits a Jamming Beam upon detecting a LIDAR signal, deactivating when the signal stops, and reactivating upon detection of another LIDAR Signal(s). The Laser Interceptor laser jammer is comprised of two sensors.

Each sensor is made up of a laser detector and a laser transmitter. These sensors are fixed on the front of the vehicle, and additional sensors can be obtained to defend the rear of the vehicle as well.

Every time the device is activated, it runs a self-test and then plays a welcoming sound. The transceiver unit is equipped with two internal sensors that can detect laser beams. Once a laser beam is detected, the sensor sends a signal to a high-speed microprocessor for analysis, which in turn sends corresponding signals to the LASER transmitter.

Through synchronization, both sensors work in unison, intensifying the jamming effect. When a LIDAR device receives signals from a vehicle equipped with a Laser Interceptor, it becomes incapable of accurately gauging the speed. This is due to the device receiving inaccurate information about the current distance from the vehicle. As a result, the speed is not displayed, and the device promptly alerts the user with an audio warning sound and a Voice Alert, specifying the type of LIDAR being utilized, whenever a speed measurement is attempted.

The device is specifically designed to perform at its best even in the most extreme temperature conditions, thanks to its built-in thermo regulation system. Its housing is made from black plasticized aluminium and features a front optical lens. Additionally, the device is both waterproof and highly resistant to mechanical damage.


A radar detector is a device that is installed in a vehicle to identify radar signals over an extensive range. Its primary purpose is to promptly alert the driver/user about potential radar-based threats, such as speed measuring devices like multanova or radar speed guns.

The main function of radar detectors is to detect and protect against RADAR threats, ensuring efficient security measures. However, they may not be adequate in providing timely warnings against LIDAR, a laser-based speed measuring device. LIDAR is gaining popularity due to its superior performance, stability, and advanced technology, surpassing outdated RADAR products like RADAR multanova.

To obtain adequate protection against LIDAR, laser jamming systems are the optimal choice. These systems possess the ability to both detect and block laser speed guns, allowing you to drive peacefully without any concerns about laser-based speed measurement.

カテゴリー: car | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:58 | コメントをどうぞ

Common Questions About Police Laser Jammers

Radar detectors typically do not detect laser signals. Radar detectors are designed to pick up radio waves emitted by radar guns used by law enforcement to measure vehicle speed. On the other hand, laser jammer are devices designed to detect and disrupt the laser signals emitted by police lidar (light detection and ranging) guns. They work by emitting infrared light pulses that confuse or jam the laser gun’s ability to accurately measure a vehicle’s speed. However, it’s important to note that the legality of using laser signal jammer varies by jurisdiction.


They emit pulses of infrared light to disrupt or confuse the laser gun’s ability to accurately measure the speed of a vehicle. This interference makes it difficult for the laser gun to obtain a speed reading, potentially alerting the driver and allowing them to adjust their speed accordingly.

Do Police Laser Jammers Work? – Yes they do.

Would I still need to purchase a radar detector if I buy a laser jammer? – Yes, a laser jammer will not detect police radar. Because of this if you want 100% protection you will need both a radar detector and a laser jammer.

Do you sell radar blockers or radar jammers? – No, jamming radar is illegal and can land you a $50,000 fine and 5-years in jail.

Can I Get Parts for My Blinder M47, M27, HP-905? – Sorry but no, Blinder has discontinued manufacturing this laser jammer as they are exclusively manufacturing for the Escort brand.

Are Laser Jammers Legal? – The states of California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and the District of Columbia do have laws that do prohibit the use of laser jammers.

カテゴリー: car | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:38 | コメントをどうぞ

How Can Laser Jammers Help You

Have you ever been the victim of a police laser gun and been ticketed for speeding? If your answer is yes, then you may want to take countermeasures to help you prevent such encounters. Well, your problem can be solved. Check out the tools that help prevent speeding tickets – defensive laser jammer!

By emitting a signal that interferes with the laser gun’s speed detection capabilities, a laser signal jammer is able to confuse the gun.

police laser gun

To comprehend this, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of how a laser gun operates. This device is utilized to aim a laser beam directly at your license plate or any reflective surface.

The development of laser jammers aimed to assist in the notification of laser speed traps.

Through the analysis of received traffic laser signals, laser jammers can effectively disrupt the source of the signal. Consequently, the source device fails to detect any activity and presents the operator with an unread or misdirected message.

The presence of an automatic shut-off feature is a fundamental characteristic of high-grade jammers, ensuring their immediate deactivation upon the detection and confirmation of a laser threat.

Uninterrupted laser interference can potentially lead to a confrontation with a law enforcement officer who is aiming at you but has not acquired the speed reading of your vehicle.

What are the advantages of using laser jammers?

Diminish the likelihood of accruing more speeding violations: Too many speeding tickets can result in the deduction of numerous points, putting your driver’s license at risk and causing you to waste your hard-earned money. For professional drivers, losing their license means losing their livelihood. Investing in a laser jammer is akin to taking preventive action.

Your radar detector let you down in this instance. A radar detector can warn you of a police laser gun aiming at your car. However, radar detectors are passive, and laser guns can measure your speed in less than half a second. This means that by the time you receive a warning, the officer may have already determined your speed. On the other hand, a laser jammer is active and prevents the laser gun from calculating your speed for a set period.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 18:58 | コメントをどうぞ