タグ別アーカイブ: Jammer Gets Approval

Jammers are approved by authorities in some European countries

Cell Phones: Buying a Jammer – You Have to Consider This

Jammers interrupt mobile device wireless connections such as WiFi and GPS. You can read what it’s for and what to consider when buying one here.

What can cell phone jammers be used for?

cell phone jammer, also known as cell phone blockers or jammers, are devices that disrupt radio connections such as cell phone networks, WLAN or GPS by emitting radio waves. The range is between 10 and 40 meters.

The military and government even have models that can jam radio signals for miles.

Retailers can use gps blocker to prevent you from comparing prices in-store. Thus, retailers can increase sales.

Jammers are also useful in certain rooms where silence or distraction is desired. This prevents the phone from ringing while watching a movie or while young people are chatting at school.

But criminals can also use gsm jammer to disrupt wireless alarm systems and other radio communications, and prevent emergency calls from being made over cellphone networks.

8 Bands Jammer Device

Are cell phone jammers allowed?

The use and trade of such mobile phone blockers is prohibited within the European Union. Use may be fined up to 1000 EUR. Penalties could be higher if emergency calls are blocked buy jammers. In some European countries, jammers are approved by the authorities. Such equipment is occasionally used in French cinemas and theaters. But in Germany, this is strictly regulated: whoever wants to use radio frequencies needs to be assigned according to the Telecommunications Act. Even the import of such equipment is prohibited and strictly controlled. The devices are then confiscated and hefty fines imposed.

Use of mobile phone jammers

School cell phone jammer

The questions on the exam are well known. Use of unauthorized assistive devices such as cell phones, smartphones, tablets, wearables, or similar devices during an exam will be considered attempted cheating.

For some time now, auditors have increasingly observed remediation through the use of so-called cell phone jammers.

Products now available range from pure “cell phone indicators” to active jammers to smart IMSI catchers that force replacement of new GSM cells and log personal data in wireless network areas.

The Ministry of Education of Baden-Württemberg has issued a statement in this regard, clearly regulating the use of such devices:

From the Ministry of Culture’s point of view, the use of devices that completely block reception by mobile phones by emitting their own radio waves (“blockers”) is legally unacceptable, regardless of data protection checks. Because in the GSM frequency range only mobile network operators have the right to use the frequencies they auction and therefore also have the right to operate cell phone blockers.

The operation of mobile phone interceptors by third parties is an unallocated frequency use, which is prohibited according to Art. 149 (1) Art. 10 TKG. The use of mobile phone interceptors does not require a frequency assignment only if “the authorities exercise their legal authority in accordance with the conditions of use of the frequencies laid down by the Federal Network Agency”. There is not sufficient legal basis for use in a school setting.

It is also illegal to use equipment that listens to or records messages and is punishable by breach of telecommunications secrecy.

From the perspective of the Ministry of Education, the use of a device that scans a specific frequency range and only shows that there are switched on phones in the room without identifying the exact location is permitted under data protection law, as no personal data has been processed.

The question, however, is whether it is wise or useful to use such a device, and therefore necessary. Carrying a mobile phone is already considered cheating in public school exams in Baden-Württemberg due to the special regulations that apply. Since the effects of such devices are easily circumvented, for example by placing a mobile phone in airplane mode, scanners are of no use in exam situations. In this case, the device would not be detected by the frequency meter; but would still be carried illegally, thus constituting a fraudulent act.

カテゴリー: blocker | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:15 | コメントをどうぞ