Creating Balance in Your Strokes
One major problem that players of all abilities tend to experience is hitting shots off-balance.

An imbalance can be caused by many elements of a stroke: using poor footwork, reaching
for the ball with the racquet (instead of moving the feet to the ball), or simply not having full control of one’s body while in the complex movements of moving to and interacting with a moving tennis ball.
3、自分の体をコントロール出来ていない時(打点が遠過ぎ・近過ぎ) などが、挙げられます。
Can a player gain better control of this elusive thing called balance?
Are there ways to practice that can help a player improve balance?
Can improvements in balance make for a better tennis player?
Yes, yes, and yes!

But before we talk about the way a player can improve balance, it is important to understand the things that cause imbalances in the first place.
Problem 1: Reaching With the Hands Instead of the Feet
Reaching with the hands instead of moving the feet to the ball is one of the biggest
impediments to good balance and a habit that often prevents players from making a move to the next level.
I’ve seen hundreds of players with adequate strokes and adequate physical means allow
themselves to move only the minimal amount necessary to make contact with the ball.
テニスコートで回りを見てみると、足をちょっとしか使わなくても、いいストロークを持っ ている選手はいっぱいいます。

I call this action “lazy feet” and it’s really part of our human nature.
でも、こういう選手達は"レイジーフィート"(怠け者)です。そして、それは人間のくせ のようなものでもあります。
Next time you’re at a pro match, watch closely and count the number of steps the pros take
between hits.
Often it is as many as 12 or more!
This is one of the biggest differences between high level and recreational players.
Pros are in continuous movement throughout the point.
Understand, most shots can be “hit” with minimal footwork.
And, those who are more proficient at executing shots seem to become even lazier.
This is because players who have hit successful shots from unbalanced, less-than-perfect
positions on the court, tend to believe they can do it over and over again.
これは、バランスを取れていない時にでもいいショット打てたことがあるため、毎回打てる と思ってしまっているからです。
Even after missing a number of poorly-positioned shots, such players can make just one
shot again at some point and reinforce this poor habit.
何回もミスをしていても、1回成功をしただけで、それが正しいと思いこんでしまっている のです。
Problem 2: Poor Strokes
Poor stroke technique is another element that usually leads to hitting shots off-balance.
While a lot of stroke failure can be directly attributed to the stroke technique itself (everything from using wrist, over swinging, poor racquet preparation, etc.), many times poor swing patterns create situations where it becomes necessary to be in a relatively poor position just to hit the ball.
ストロークの失敗はフォームのミス(手首を使い過ぎ・ふり過ぎ・ラケットの準備が足りな い事など)から出ていますし、悪いスイングパターンからも出ています。
For example, a player who opens his body up too early ends up having to hit the ball using a pushing motion with a swing that moves more away from instead of around the body. This movement forces the player to have more weight out in front of the body which then results in an off-balance finish.
例えば、肩を開き過ぎて打つ選手は体から遠くラケットを押してしまい、バランスを結局取 れないポジションになってしまいます。
Problem 3: Poor Timing
The human body is a very astute machine.
When a player swings early or late, the body will recognize this even before
player-recognition occurs. The body then tries to compensate by slowing down or speeding
up the stroke, regardless of the balance of the player.
選手がスイングを早くしすぎても、遅くしすぎても、選手のバランスやパワーに関係無く、 体は脳が気づく前に直そうとします。
In many cases, this mistiming of the stroke changes the contact zone, moving it either more in front or behind the optimal zone. To adjust for this, the body will tend to lean back when late or lean forward when swinging early. In both instances, the player is going to swing off-balance.
このミスタイミングで打点が前過ぎ、又は、後ろ過ぎになってしまう事が多くなります。そ うなると、どうしても、バランスを取っていない状態でストロークを打つ事になってしまい ます。
Solution 1: One-footed Drills
There are many training exercises a player can employ to improve balance on the court.
Some of the best drills I’ve found to train this aspect of the game are one foot drills.
These drills can greatly improve balance whether working with relative beginners or even
world-class players.
In fact, nearly all shots in tennis can be hit while standing on one foot and with great results.
For right-handed players, stand on the left foot for forehand volleys, groundstrokes and
serves, and the right foot for backhand volleys and backhand groundstrokes.
実は、片足でバランスを取った状態でも、テニスのすべてのショットは打てるはずです。右 利きの選手は左足(片足)でバランスを取って、フォアボレー・フォアストローク・サーブ を打ってみてください。右足(片足)でバランスを取って、バックボレー・バックストロー クで打ってみてください。左利きの選手は逆です。
What is interesting is how players learn to generate more and better control while standing on one foot.

The reason is that it is far more difficult to over-hit while standing on one foot (most players who try that will likely fall down!)
When players learn to swing with balance, they increase the efficiency of their strokes, and
learn to hit with less effort yet achieve better results.
バランスを取って、スイングが出来るようになると、ストロークも効率的に打てるようにな ります。そして、結果も良くなります。
These one-footed drills can really improve a player’s balance and perception of balance. Try these drills and exercises and see a difference in your game.