How to block your child’s cell phone signal

What measures can be taken to block the signal of children’s mobile phones and supervise their internet usage time?

It is crucial to shield children from mobile phone signals. Since birth, children are increasingly exposed to various electronic products, which can have adverse effects on their growth and development. Therefore, it is essential for us to promptly take steps to keep children away from mobile phones.

Due to the profound impact of the new coronavirus outbreak, many children have become accustomed to using mobile phones and playing online games on computers while staying at home. The utilization of a signal jammer can assist children in gradually breaking their internet addiction and gaining better control over their online activities. Simultaneously, adults can reduce their own mobile phone usage, allowing for increased interaction with their children and fostering a more contented family atmosphere. This, in turn, contributes to an improved family happiness index.

The most popular 8 band jammers

Method/Step 1: Restrict children’s mobile phone access to the Internet in the router

Through the utilization of security settings, all current routers offer the functionality to filter the MAC address of mobile phones, enabling the prohibition of Internet access for children’s devices.The router can be employed to limit children’s internet access in terms of time duration and internet speed, among other features, if you are more flexible. This feature is commonly found in most up-to-date routers. By restricting the internet speed, children will only be able to browse information using their mobile phones, while being unable to play games.

Method/Step 2: Use a signal jammer

Wireless networks have undoubtedly made Internet access more convenient for individuals, but the challenges they pose should not be underestimated. It is not just a matter of network accessibility; network security is equally important.In an effort to maintain a high-quality network environment, cell phone jammer are strategically placed in various locations to prevent excessive network usage. This equipment has gained significant traction in countries and regions across the globe. Schools, prisons, libraries, reading rooms, and gas stations are prominent instances where it is commonly employed.

Under what circumstances does a mobile phone signal jammer have poor shielding effect?

What circumstances lead to a mobile phone signal jammer’s ineffective shielding? In what specific environment can a mobile phone signal jammer be successfully implemented to achieve optimal signal disruption?The impact or lack thereof of mobile phone wifi jammer
in certain areas can be attributed to factors such as the surrounding environment, installation position, distance, and the quantity of jammers employed.

1. Due to the lack of data analysis, plane survey, shielding coverage plan, and other necessary work during the early stage, the blind installation resulted in no impact and a poor shielding effect. To avoid such issues, it is highly recommended to contact professional shielding customer service before installing the shielding device. They can provide valuable assistance and guidance. Moreover, it is advisable to seek professional installation advice before purchasing a shield suitable for use in locations that require shielding.

WiFi is transmitted in many segments. Without testing or checking the professional frequency band technical parameters given by the manufacturer, it cannot be completely shielded. WiFi is divided into three segments (2.4G+5.2G+5.8G) with a bandwidth of several hundred megabits. This is why many customers say There is a WiFi signal shield, but when used on-site, you can still connect to WiFi and watch videos online normally.

2. The requirements for installation height are not fulfilled, and the installation position is deemed improper due to obstructions. Moreover, the signal is blocked as a result of using partition walls.

3. The installation of mobile phone signal jammers can be affected by environmental factors, leading to shielding failure. This is particularly evident when intelligent base stations, operating at power levels above 200 watts, are located within a distance of 200-500 meters from the jammer’s location.In case of interference at the base station, it will automatically raise the transmission power, switch to a channel with a weaker interference signal, and have the freedom to switch between channels. Mobile phone signal amplifiers are commonly placed on the ceiling of locations where customers install mobile phone signal jammers.Concurrent usage of the jammer and amplifier leads to a deterioration in the jammer’s ability to cancel out signals.

4. Choosing the wrong jammers can lead to their malfunction. The selection of jammers should be based on the specific locations where they will be used. For instance, prisons and detention centers need to assess the completeness of channel shielding and the ability to operate continuously throughout the year. Medium-power mobile phone signal jammers are commonly employed in prison buildings.In order to provide additional protection in playgrounds, jammers are used for supplementary shielding, while high-power directional shielding is employed in the release square to completely block the prison signal. However, the widespread use of mobile phone signal jammers in prisons can result in management difficulties and higher maintenance expenses. To address this issue, the possibility of utilizing remote control software for batch management is being considered.School examination rooms and conference rooms are generally open for a short period of several hours. They do not have high requirements on machine performance, but high requirements on shielding effect. For large areas, low power is recommended, or the power is insufficient and shielding cannot be performed. Directional shielding is required and external shielding is used. Problems such as insufficient full coverage lead to poor shielding effect and intermittent shielding effect when installing a mobile phone signal jammer. Choosing a low-power jammer in a large area or too high a power in a small area will result in improper purchase and poor shielding effect.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:58 | コメントをどうぞ

the mobile phone signal jammer to interfere with the base station signal?

Individuals who have undergone extensive examinations are well-acquainted with this phenomenon, as it is frequently mentioned prior to the exam that mobile phone signal jammers might be deployed within the examination venue. In certain instances, the examination rooms themselves explicitly notify candidates through the integrated speakers, ensuring that they are aware of the presence of mobile phone signal jammers within the examination premises.

The primary purpose of a mobile phone signal jammer is to disrupt or block the transmission of signals between mobile devices and cellular towers.

Mobile phone signal jammers are employed to disrupt mobile phone calls and network transmission within a specific vicinity. Typically, these devices find application at college entrance examination venues to deter certain students from surreptitiously carrying advanced electronic gadgets into the examination room for cheating purposes. However, it should be noted that the primary objective of a cell phone signal jammer extends beyond this particular scenario.

To guarantee the security of crucial locations and positions, numerous confidential establishments will deploy mobile phone signal jammers in select sensitive areas, adhering to pertinent management regulations and requirements. These jammers effectively disrupt the transmission and reception of mobile phone signals, including 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth, and other signals, within a specific range. Consequently, communication connections and data transmission become unattainable, effectively enforcing a mandatory ban.

Mobile phone signal jammers possess the capability to obstruct mobile phone signals. These devices are commonly employed in examination rooms to deter candidates from engaging in cheating activities. Due to their remarkable shielding effectiveness, mobile phone signal jammers have raised concerns among individuals regarding their potential impact on base station signals within the vicinity or surrounding communities.

A mobile phone signal blocker operates by emitting targeted signals to disrupt, obstruct, or impede the connection between a mobile phone and the base station. As a result, the mobile phone is unable to receive any signal or access network services. Additionally, the text messages transmitted and received by the mobile phone will be distorted, rendering the original content unrecognizable.

An installation plan for the outdoor signal jammer is being devised.

In order to install the signal jammer outdoors, it is crucial to implement waterproofing and lightning protection measures. It is generally advised to opt for a dedicated installation box designed specifically for signal jammers. This installation box is constructed using flame-retardant plastic and can be extended with additional meters on both sides. It features a window-type ventilation position to enhance heat dissipation. The antenna of the mobile phone jammer protrudes from the top of the box through a sealed hole using hot melt glue. At the bottom of the box, there are power input holes and diversion holes to prevent water accumulation.

8 Bands Jammer

The signal jammer’s host is positioned at the top of the box, while the antenna protrudes from it. It is crucial for the antenna to extend out of the box to maintain the optimal shielding effect. As for the power adapter, it should be placed in the lower and middle section of the box.

It is imperative to implement lightning protection measures when installing the signal jammer (along with the installation box) outdoors, for instance, on the exterior wall of a building. This precaution becomes even more crucial in areas prone to thunderstorms. Extra attention should be given to ensure safety in such circumstances.

The installation of a lightning rod on the shield is the actual measure taken for lightning protection. In case a ready-made lightning rod is not available for purchase, one can create their own lightning rod using the following method.

You have the option to select 3-4 steel bars ranging from 5-10mm in diameter and 50cm in length. One end of each bar is sharpened to resemble a needle, while the other end is welded together to create a “Y” shape. The welded end is then connected to a steel bar with a diameter of 2-3mm. The ground, where the iron wire is protected by PVC pipes, is connected to one end of the iron wire. This iron wire is further connected to an iron strip. Typically, the iron strip measures around 50-100cm in length and 2-5cm in width, and is driven deep into the ground. In case iron strips are not readily available, you can substitute them with 10mm steel bars.

It is imperative to install the lightning rod at a height of 30-50cm above the antenna of the mobile phone signal jammer. To avoid any interference, it is crucial that the lightning rod, including the grounded steel wire, does not come into contact with either the mobile phone jammer or the installation box. The appropriate distance between them should be maintained.

カテゴリー: jamming | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:20 | コメントをどうぞ

Russia appears to be putting jamming tech on its tanks as exploding drones chase down its vehicles

As a result of the lethal consequences inflicted by explosive drones relentlessly pursuing their vehicles, Russia seems to be adopting jamming technology on its tanks as a countermeasure.

On August 2, 2022, DJI Matrice 300 reconnaissance drones were observed conducting test flights in the vicinity of Kyiv. These drones were being prepared for deployment to the front line. The test flights were captured in a photograph taken by SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP and depict the advanced capabilities of these drones.

DJI Matrice 300 reconnaissance drones were tested near Kyiv on August 2, 2022, before being sent to the front line. A photo of the test flights was taken by SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP via Getty Images.

Based on the visual evidence, it appears that Russia is deploying jammers on its tanks and vehicles, specifically intended to interfere with the drones utilized by Ukraine.

handheld wifi signal Jammers

An advertisement video highlights the jammers, while Russian Telegram channels collaborate in crowdfunding efforts to secure additional units for the Russian troops.

In the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, both warring factions are striving to find effective measures to combat the menace of drones.

To address the ongoing threat of drones exploding, it appears that Russia is outfitting its tanks and vehicles with signal jammers.

The recent development exemplifies the ongoing electronic warfare dynamics witnessed on the battlefield. In response to the escalating threat posed by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), both factions are intensifying their defensive efforts to safeguard their troops. These UAVs have emerged as a major peril, relentlessly targeting and eliminating main battle tanks, armored vehicles, supply trucks, infantry squads, and even individual soldiers.

A Russian Telegram channel recently posted a photo of a tank that was camouflaged and had a cell phone jammeron its roof screen. The tank was also fitted with a cage to safeguard against first-person view (FPV) drone attacks.

The Volnorez C-UAS EW jammer has been identified by observers as the cone-shaped system in question. Prior to this, the same channel had shared multiple photographs featuring the unboxing and attachment of this jammer system onto various vehicles, including tanks and pickup trucks.

Furthermore, a video was circulated to advertise the system, providing insights into its manufacturing process and showcasing its successful interference with Ukrainian drones. Reports indicate that Russian Telegram channels have launched crowdfunding campaigns to secure additional GPS jammers for deployment within Russian units.

The installation of jammers on vehicles by Russia indicates their increasing concern about the danger of FPV drone attacks. Nonetheless, it is unclear how many drone jammer are currently being used or how effective they are. In the past, tank and armored crews have resorted to welding cages onto their vehicles as a makeshift defense.

Nonetheless, even with the deployment of electronic warfare defenses by military forces, both sides involved in the war have been engaged in a relentless pursuit to fabricate drones that possess immunity against jamming. These sophisticated systems could potentially compel anxious vehicle crews to seek alternative remedies.

カテゴリー: jamming | 投稿者gpsblocker 15:17 | コメントをどうぞ

According to US law enforcement officials burglars are utilizing WiFi jammers to deactivate residential security systems

According to arrest warrants obtained on Friday, a group of tech-savvy burglars who have been targeting homes in Connecticut and Massachusetts broke into a local residence. The burglars were able to gain access to the residence by obtaining detailed information on the security system from the homeowner’s co-worker.

Arrested on allegations of conspiracy to commit first-degree burglary and conspiracy to commit second-degree larceny is Matthew Colon, aged 31, residing in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Similarly, Enrique Santiago, a 37-year-old individual from Springfield, Massachusetts, is confronted with charges that include first-degree burglary, possession of burglary tools, theft of a firearm, and conspiracy.

Desktop  Jammers

The warrant for Colon reveals that the police are likely to detain a third man involved in the case. This investigation is intertwined with a series of other burglaries, which were executed using advanced surveillance techniques and insider knowledge about homeowners’ absence.

On May 20, 2022, a Long Island resident of Green Manor Terrace contacted the police, reporting that two men were seen walking through his backyard on a security camera. The officers who intervened in the burglary discovered a broken rear sliding glass door and a series of abandoned evidence near the property, such as a WiFi jammer, a two-way portable radio, a glass punch tool, a pry bar, and bolt cutters, as stated in the warrant.

As mentioned in the arrest warrant affidavit penned by Windsor Locks Detective Sgt. Jeff Lampson, the thieves were able to breach a chain link fence and disable surveillance cameras through both manual means and the use of a WiFi jammer. However, one camera located near the pool was not affected by the jammer device and remained operational, recording the incident. The homeowner reported the disappearance of US$4,200 in cash, along with men’s watches, jewelry, and his wife’s 9 mm pistol, according to the warrant.

The police have reported that on May 26, a pillowcase was uncovered by a resident living two houses away. Upon inspection, the pillowcase was found to contain watches, a handgun, and other items that were confirmed by the victims as their own. Following the break-in, the burglars fled in separate directions, as evidenced by the locations of the stolen bag of items and the backpack containing a wifi jammer.

According to Lampson’s statement on Friday, the use or operation of gsm jammer devices is not allowed by federal law and federal investigators are looking into the matter. Furthermore, he pointed out that the local police have witnessed a surge in the use of these devices in residential burglaries.

However, in this case, the police were able to conclusively prove the undoing of the thieves through DNA evidence. While conducting a thorough search of the Green Manor Terrace area during daylight hours on May 23, a homeowner came across a pair of gloves that she had not previously seen and immediately turned them over to the investigators. The police then submitted swabs taken from the gloves, along with other potential evidence believed to have been touched by the thieves, to the state forensic laboratory for analysis.

Lampson’s warrant stated that on August 16, the lab reported a DNA match on the gloves to Santiago, indicating the involvement of an offender. The police disclosed that the same DNA was linked to two prior burglary cases, one of which was a car break-in in Middletown from 2010, and the other was a burglary in South Hadley, Massachusetts in 2012, where firearms were stolen. Santiago was arrested in both instances, according to the warrant.

According to the warrant, Santiago relayed to the investigators from Windsor Locks, through his attorney, that the burglary at Green Manor Terrace was coordinated by a man driving a black sedan, whose father happened to own a remodeling company. Lampson, in the same warrant, documented that when he asked the homeowner if he was acquainted with an individual fitting that description, the homeowner promptly identified Colon, who worked alongside him at a home health care business in East Longmeadow, Mass.

According to the warrant, the homeowner expressed that he regarded Colon as a friend and had disclosed information about his visit to Long Island in May. The victim also mentioned that Colon and his father had aided him in remodeling his house. The warrant indicated that the homeowner stated that Matthew Colon had frequented his residence on numerous occasions and was fully aware of the surveillance camera system.

After being confronted with the victim’s statements and the evidence pertaining to the burglary, Colon admitted to the police that he had been manipulated into becoming involved in the scheme by the third suspect. The warrant indicates that the authorities anticipate the imminent arrest of the third suspect.

The suspect’s girlfriend was employed at the same home health care business as Colon and the victim from Windsor Locks. Lampson’s warrant stated that other employees of the company had their homes in Massachusetts burglarized. One woman claimed that Colon had been at her residence to fix a gazebo before the break-in.

The warrant stated that cellphone records provided evidence of phone calls between Colon, Santiago, and the unidentified suspect both prior to and following the Windsor Locks burglary. The police have described the third suspect as a convicted felon with a significant criminal background, which includes armed robbery and a series of burglaries.

Santiago’s extensive criminal record, as mentioned in the warrant, includes convictions for burglary and larceny in Connecticut. The Massachusetts investigators suspect his involvement in a criminal organization that specializes in targeted burglaries. Santiago has posted a bond of US$150,000 and is expected to make an appearance in the state Superior Court in Hartford on May 31. Similarly, Colon has posted a bond of US$100,000 and is scheduled to appear in court on May 2.

カテゴリー: wifi | 投稿者gpsblocker 15:53 | コメントをどうぞ

Authorities have apprehended an individual who was found to be utilizing a highly sophisticated jamming device to interfere with police communication signals

By Brendan KirbyPublished: Jun. 13, 2023 at 7:01 AM GMT+8|Updated: Jun. 16, 2023 at 8:08 AM GMT+8

A plea of not guilty was entered by Trenton Lisak, a Mobile resident, on June 15, 2023, after being charged with interfering with emergency communications and possessing drugs.

He is accused by the prosecution of utilizing costly and highly sophisticated equipment from an apartment at the Tower on Ryan Park. Mobile County 911 officials report that this action effectively crippled communications in downtown Mobile on June 6 and led to disturbances throughout the rest of the week.

Blocker CDMA GSM 3G 4G

July 19th has been designated by the judge as the date for Lisak’s preliminary hearing.


According to law enforcement authorities, costly and highly sophisticated black market jamming device caused interference in police and emergency services transmissions for a significant period of time last week.

The police arrested Trenton Edward Lisak on Saturday for interfering with public safety communication, a Class C felony that can lead to imprisonment for a period of one to ten years. He has also been charged with drug possession. According to prosecutors, the FBI is conducting an investigation into the matter.

Monday witnessed Mobile County District Attorney Keith Blackwood describing the charge as peculiar. He underlined its significant nature, emphasizing the indispensable requirement for law enforcement and first responders to possess the means to communicate effectively, not only within downtown areas but also in any given place.

How peculiar!

Blackwood acknowledged that this was a first-time occurrence for him. He couldn’t recall any other case where such an event had taken place, particularly not on this scale. The considerable amount of equipment involved made it a highly significant incident.

Lisak’s arrest record comprises charges related to theft, breaking into cars, possession of a forged instrument, and acts of criminal mischief.

Mobile County District Judge Jennifer Wright has established a bail amount of $15,000, which aligns with the highest recommended bail for this particular offense. Furthermore, she has mandated that 10 percent of the bail be paid in cash. Additionally, Judge Wright has imposed an extra $5,000 bail specifically for the drug charge.

Additionally, the judge implemented a curfew that would be in effect from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. and issued a directive for Lisak, aged 31, to maintain a distance from the Tower at Ryan Park located downtown. This residential complex is where the equipment, which disrupted the communication systems of all 57 law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical agencies within the Mobile County Communications District, was discovered.

According to Lisak’s booking information, the address mentioned is his registered home address. However, the prosecutor informed the judge that investigators have expressed skepticism regarding his actual residency at that particular location.

Robert Jackson, a district administrator, characterized it as “an exceptionally advanced apparatus arranged within the apartment, specifically engineered to disrupt our signal.”

Jackson added, “In order to locate it, we had to make adjustments to our instruments.”

In a statement to FOX10 News, Charlie McNichol, the director of the 911 system, revealed that the interference resulted in a complete cessation of communications for a day during the previous week.

During the Tuesday of the previous week, it gave rise to significant issues in the downtown area,” he mentioned. “To be more precise, the alarms were emanating from our tower site situated at Government Plaza. Consequently, the initial responders faced serious difficulties in their communication efforts.”

It remains unclear what the motive may have been, officials said. Blackwood said he does not know what the defendant was planning, or where he got the equipment.

McNichol said he does not know if Lisak just enjoys watching chaos or if he had something more sinister planned and attempted to jam communications as part of that.

“This individual had some cell phone jamming equipment that you buy on the black market,” he said. “It’s illegal to even possess it. And that’s what was causing the problems.”

Copyright 2023 WALA. All rights reserved.

カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:56 | コメントをどうぞ

USE JAMMER FOR Multi-tool Device for Hackers Flipper Zero prevent

Brazil seizing Flipper Zero shipments to prevent use in crime

The Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency is seizing incoming Flipper Zero purchases due to its alleged use in criminal activity, with purchasers stating that the government agency has rejected all attempts to certify the equipment.

Flipper Zero is a portable multi-function cybersecurity tool that allows pentesters and hacking enthusiasts to tinker with a wide range of hardware by supporting RFID emulation, digital access key cloning, radio communications, NFC, infrared, Bluetooth, and more.

Since it was released, security researchers have demonstrated Flipper Zero’s features on social media, showing how it can trigger doorbells, perform replay attacks to open garage doors and unlock cars, and be used as a digital key.

Flipper Zero serves as a multi-tool device for hackers, providing wifi jammers to prevent unauthorized access.With its signal jammers feature, ensuring protection against unauthorized access.

The cyberpunk we don’t deserve

The Flipper Zero is the ultimate multi-tool for pentesters, geeks, ethical hackers and hardware hobbyists alike. One pocket-sized device combines multiple tools: RFID, RF, Infrared, HID emulation, GPIO, Hardware debugging, 1-Wire, Bluetooth, Wifi and more.

Inspired by great open-source projects: Proxmark, HydraNFC, Rubber Ducky, pwnagotchi – the Flipper Zero manages to pack serious functionality into a tiny, professionally manufactured device – and stays true to its Open Source roots.

Entirely independent, the Flipper Zero requires no external computer or hardware to function – everything is driven by the its 5-way navigation button and LCD screen. When connected to a computer or the included Android / iOS apps, the Flipper can be extended, modified, upgraded and reflashed according to your needs.

With over two years of meticulous design, prototyping and iteration, the Flipper Zero is a mature platform, ready to use out of the box, meeting the needs of professionals and enthusiasts alike.


The Flipper Zero contains a fully-controllable RF platform, based on the TI CC1101 chip, allowing for RF Signal capture, analysis and transmission.

The Flipper Zero has a built-in library of common remote control algorithms for capturing, decoding and analysing and replaying signals.

Users have full access to the radio sub-system, allowing custom RF modules to be easily built.


The Flipper Zero allows for Reading, Writing and Emulation of both High-Frequency (13.56MHz) and Low-Frequency (125KHz) RFID tags.

Low Frequency tags can be easily read, saved, cloned to a new card, or exported for analysis.

Multiple High Frequency protocols are supported, and the Flipper Zero can even sniff authentification nonces to extract unknown MIFARE keys.

カテゴリー: wifi | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:39 | コメントをどうぞ

The Defense Department wants to buy batch of anti-drone weapons for international partners

DOD looking to buy a batch of counter-drone weapons for international partners

U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command is conducting market research ahead of an anticipated purchase of up to 100 handheld drone jammers.

US Army Looking for Anti-Drone Signal Jammers Solution

drone gun

The U.S. Army’s Aviation and Missile Command is seeking potential sources of portable drone anti-tracking jammer that can interfere with control, video and navigation signals within a range of at least 5 km.

DefenseScoop has revealed that the Department of Defense is supplying air defense technology to Ukraine and Israel, while the AMC’s Integrated Fires Rapid Capabilities Office-International plans to deliver a maximum of 100 handheld SkyWiper EDM4S devices to undisclosed U.S. allies.

To meet the requirements stated in the information request, the equipment must weigh less than 16 lb and possess the ability to activate electronic warfare capabilities through the trigger. Additionally, the device must have a minimum of six radio frequency modules, which should include 2.4GHz, 2xGNSS 1.5GHz and 1.2GHz, and 5.8GHz, as well as two custom frequency modules that cannot be altered by users. The Army has also mandated the use of high-gain directional antennas for accuracy and efficiency, along with a sturdy frame.

NT Service UAB of Lithuania is presently manufacturing the EDM4S Skywiper systems, which are marketed as an efficient anti-drone solution that can be operated by a single individual with ease.

The move is a direct response to the escalating use of unmanned aerial systems in various battlefields around the world, posing a threat to both U.S. military forces and their international partners.

カテゴリー: Drone | 投稿者gpsblocker 15:34 | コメントをどうぞ

How to accept mobile phone signal jammer

Mobile phone signal jammers are used in many places, but they cannot be used immediately after installation. We still need to go through certain testing and acceptance to determine its effectiveness and ensure its effectiveness.

It is very important to ensure whether the mobile phone signal jammers can truly effectively block mobile phone signals. When purchasing a mobile phone signal jammer, testing is a very important step.

  1. Test the blocking distance of the mobile phone signal jammer. Don’t just try it with one or two network mobile phones. The mobile phone networks used are different, especially the 4G mobile phone network. The 4G network uses a broadband high-speed transmission method. If the mobile phone If the signal cellphone jammer is not powerful enough, it may not be able to block 4G;
  2. It is necessary to find all the mobile phones in the current network of mobile communication providers before testing. Make sure that each mobile phone network can meet the needs of at least one classroom to be considered successful. After turning on the phone to test the shielding effect, be sure to ensure that there is no signal on the mobile phone within half an hour and no time appears. sometimes not;
  3. Another important point is that if it is a mobile phone wireless signal jammer with a metal shell, touch the front and rear sides of the fuselage with your hands after 1 hour after turning it on. If the temperature is moderate and not hot, there will be no problem. If it is very hot, it will not pass, because the machine continues to heat up. It will cause the power of the mask to attenuate, make it unable to work stably, and easily cause burns.

8 Bands Jammer

The main functions of the four major signal frequency bands used by drones

  • 1. 2.4GHz frequency band
  • The 2.4GHz frequency band is one of the more common frequency bands used in drones. It is a type of radio frequency band used by drones and is mainly used for WiFi and Bluetooth communications. This frequency band has a wider coverage and a faster transmission rate, so it is widely used in remote control and image transmission of drones.
  • 2. 5.8GHz frequency band
  • The 5.8GHz frequency band is one of the most common frequency bands in drones. It is also used in WiFi and Bluetooth communications, and is also widely used in drone image transmission systems. Compared with the 2.4GHz band, the transmission rate of 5.8GHz is faster, but the coverage range is relatively small.
  • 3. GPS satellite signal frequency band-1.5G frequency band
  • The GPS satellite signal frequency band is a type of frequency band used for drone positioning. It can accurately locate the position of the drone, thereby enabling flight path planning and tracking. GPS satellite signals are also one of the keys for UAVs to achieve autonomous flight and formation control.
  • 4. Remote control signal frequency band-900 frequency band
  • The remote control signal frequency band is a type of radio frequency band used for remote control of drones. It connects the drone flight controller to the remote controller to achieve remote control of the drone within a certain range. This frequency band has a smaller application range, but it plays an important role in remote control of drones.
カテゴリー: cellphone | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:27 | コメントをどうぞ

There are lot of jammers near French airports

Latest News: A media article about multiple signal jammers disrupting French airport operations. Once the authorities discovered one, they discovered another, and then another!

with radio or wireless signals

Why It’s Important:

  1. GPS interference at airports can cause flight delays.
  2. Many airlines will not let the plane leave the gate without a good GPS lock.
  3. We have already seen cases of outages affecting landing systems. See: Events in Denver-Newark
  4. In the worst-case scenario, an outage, even an unexpected one, can result in loss of life. Check out the thrills of Sun Valley.

What Else to Know:

  • The EU STRIKE3 project has identified many cases of interference in or near airports.
  • News reports like this about flight delays happen from time to time.
  • In the United States, the FCC is the regulatory agency responsible for preventing such incidents and enforcing the rules.
  • uUnfortunately, over the past two decades, the FCC has significantly reduced the number of personnel and equipment suitable for the job..

ANFR Fighting against phone jammer

Candice Clark 18 July 2023

In France, the National Spectrum Administration (ANFR) is responsible for enforcing rules banning radio jammers, including those that interfere with GNSS services. The availability of GNSS data is critical for many critical applications, so disruptions to GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and Beidou are as serious as cyber attacks.

ANFR’s sworn representatives have the authority to investigate violations of national spectrum use regulations. They are often used to locate active gps jammer, either on a vehicle or in a fixed location. Catherine Gabay, ANFR Deputy Director for Frequency Monitoring and Enforcement, reported on some recent cases during the 2023 International Symposium on Navigation and Timing Technologies (ITSNT) in Toulouse.

In March 2023, an instance happened near Merville airport. The Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGAC) notified ANFR of interference on the L1 frequency, which was disrupting flights and air ambulance helicopters. ANFR agents quickly reviewed in-flight information and discovered a GNSS jammer aboard a commercial vehicle. The police were brought in to assist with the seizure of the equipment, and the driver was arrested.

カテゴリー: GPS | 投稿者gpsblocker 14:59 | コメントをどうぞ

Satellite signal interference reaches new low

5G 4G Phone Jammer

Starlink and other low-Earth orbit constellations face new security risks

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 really threw Ukrainian communications into a tailspin: Shortly before the invasion, Russian hackers disabled Viasat satellite ground receivers across Europe. Then entrepreneur Elon Musk stepped in and offered access to Starlink, SpaceX’s growing network of low-Earth orbit (LEO) communications satellites. Musk soon reported that Starlink was suffering from cell phone jamming attacks and software countermeasures.

In March, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) concluded that Russia was still trying to block Starlink, according to leaked documents from U.S. National Guard pilot Ryan Teixeira seen by The Washington Post. According to the “Defense One” website, the Ukrainian military also blamed the Starlink problem on Russian gps jamming. If Russia blocks low-Earth orbit constellations, this will be a new height in the silent war between space and earth communications.

“There’s really not a lot of information about it,” said Brian Weeden, program director at the Secure World Foundation, an NGO focused on space governance. However, Weeden added, “My sense is that Starlink is harder to jam or interfere with [than GPS satellites].”

LEO satellites face new security risks

Regardless of their altitude or size, communications satellites transmit more power and therefore require more energy to jam than navigation satellites. However, low-Earth-orbiting satellites orbiting the Earth at altitudes of 2,000 kilometers or less switch frequently, which “results in delays and creates more interference” than large geostationary satellites, said Mark, professor of data protection and data protection. Mark Manulis said. Applied cryptography at the Cyber ​​Defense Institute (CODE) of the Bundeswehr University Munich.

Security and communications researchers have mostly studied defenses and countermeasures behind closed doors, but several publications and open-source research have revealed how unprepared many low-Earth orbit satellites are for a direct attack, and what defenses may be needed for future low-Earth orbit satellites.

For years, private companies and government agencies have been planning low-Earth orbit constellations, each with thousands of satellites. For example, the Department of Defense has been designing its own network of low-Earth orbit satellites to complement its more traditional geostationary constellation for more than a decade and has begun awarding contracts to build it. University research groups also launch miniature standardized CubeSats (CubeSats) into low Earth orbit for research and demonstration purposes. This proliferation of satellite constellations coincides with the emergence of off-the-shelf components and software-defined radio—both of which make the satellites more affordable, but perhaps less secure.

Russian defense authorities have commissioned a system called “Tobol” to counter jammers that could interfere with Russian satellites, journalist and author Bart Hendricks reports. This means that either Russia can deliver jamming signals to satellites, or it suspects that its adversaries can.

Many agencies and organizations launching the latest generation of low-cost satellites have yet to address the biggest safety issues they face, researchers write in the 2022 Low Earth Orbit Safety Report. This may be because one of the lures of low-Earth orbit is the relatively cheap ability of new hardware to handle smaller tasks.

“Satellites are getting smaller and smaller. Their purpose is very clear,” said Ijaz Ahmad, a telecommunications security researcher at the VTT Technology Research Center in Espoo, Finland. “Less resources are devoted to computing power, processing, and storage.” Lower computing power means less encryption capabilities and a lower ability to detect and respond to outages or other proactive outages.

The rise of software-defined radio (SDR) is also making it easier to deploy hardware for new missions, including the ability of small satellites to cover multiple frequency bands. “When you make it programmable, you provide some kind of remote connection to that hardware so that you can program it. But if you ignore the security aspect, there are serious consequences,” Ahmed said.

カテゴリー: GPS | 投稿者gpsblocker 12:19 | コメントをどうぞ